The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1158 Su Qianer's Resentment

Chapter 1158 Su Qianer's Resentment
After discussing life on the island with Captain Li Chen, Director Ning seems to have a new understanding and height. He feels that the tone of the whole film still lacks some core things before, but now it seems The kind of kernel thing has been found.

After a while, Director Ning turned around and went back to temporarily discuss with the screenwriter Jin Yiwei...

Knowing Director Ning's meaning, he is still not very satisfied with the script. Therefore, Jin Yiwei is so depressed...

Because of the whole story, in terms of the script, this gold medal screenwriter has already revised more than a dozen drafts.

But in Director Ning's opinion, the whole script still contains too much of the screenwriter's own perception.

Although the whole story, including details, etc., is provided by the desert island survival team, the whole film must have a completed story frame, so this needs to be handled and processed by the screenwriter.

After listening to director Ning, he has new insights and heights, and he will inject new blood into the whole film. Therefore, Jin Yiwei is emphasizing the issue of passing the review.

Director Ning said: "It's okay. I know how to make a film to pass the review. But the core thing is still very important. Since we made this thing, although it is commercial in nature, we must still pass some Something for the audience. Otherwise, it will be meaningless and joyless for us to make this thing. We cannot do business for pure business. We still have to have our thoughts and attitudes, so that we can feel happy from it. Just now, Li Chen The captain taught me... even taught us a lesson. The kind of simple happiness and pure happiness he mentioned is what we have been looking for, but we can't find it. But his simple happiness, simple happiness , It also includes the infinite reverence for life and the infinite reverence for nature. So we are making this film now, we can’t just tell the audience how to survive, that’s what’s missing at the core.”

Hearing Director Ning's pause, Jin Yiwei had no choice but to say: "All right, all right. Change, change, change. When I get to Zhuhai, the first thing I will do is to revise the script. Is this okay?"


At this moment, Qin Xiaowan, who was sitting with her second child, Su Qian'er, couldn't help turning her head to look at her second child again...

It can be seen that the second child and the captain are a bit the same, they both turned their heads and looked out the car window thoughtfully, so Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but whisper in her ear: "Uh, Qian'er, you and the captain... You just plan to stay frozen like this, don't you plan to make any progress?"

Suddenly hearing this, hearing this, Su Qian'er felt a little depressed...

I saw her like a little girl with a lot of resentment, she couldn't help wrinkling her beautiful eyes and curling her lips: "Humph! You have to ask him about this! What's the use of just asking me? People... It's not that I don't know what to do." I took the initiative, hum! I hinted at what I should have hinted at, he...has no reaction at all, what can I do? Now I find out...he is actually a lump of elm wood, but... a piece of iron Pimples, hum!"

Suddenly hearing what the second child said, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but want to laugh...

Because the second child at this moment, Qin Xiaowan also thinks it is very cute.

Although she is a beautiful CEO, but emotionally... she still looks like an immature little girl.

However, her thoughts were completely revealed.

Just looking at the captain again, Qin Xiaowan couldn't laugh anymore.

Because suddenly, she couldn't understand what the captain was thinking about?
Ordinarily, the second child is such a good woman, such an excellent woman, shouldn't the captain be indifferent?

After thinking about it, in desperation, Qin Xiaowan had no choice but to whisper in the ear of the second child: "It's okay. Take your time. Anyway... the film will start shooting in Zhuhai soon, and you are the heroine, so during the filming , you and the captain...should be able to spark some sparks."

However, Su Qian'er said: "Hmph! If the movie wasn't about to start shooting, I wouldn't even bother with him!"

Then, the second child expressed depression and said something in Qin Xiaowan's ear: "Hmph, he has experienced so many women, why is he pretending to be pure with me?"

Suddenly hearing such a sentence, Qin Xiaowan wanted to laugh again...

But, at the same time, she expressed that she could understand the mood of the second child.

Think about it too, from Nina to Jeon Hye Kyo, to the female police officer in country T...

The captain should also be rich in emotion.

However, thinking about it, Qin Xiaowan secretly felt a little embarrassed...

After all, she and the captain also have secrets.

But... As a mature woman, Qin Xiaowan quite understands the captain's current mood.

After thinking about it, she couldn't help but whispered in Su Qian'er's ear: "You can't be... Mind how many women the captain has had?"

However, Su Qian'er said: "Hmph, who minds him?"

"That is……"

So, Su Qian'er said, "Is it because he doesn't react at all to others?"

After understanding what she meant, Qin Xiaowan also whispered in her ear: "Then you still need to be patient. Because at this time, the captain probably doesn't have the heart to talk about emotional matters? Think about it... this time Didn't we just come back from country T? So I think... the captain still can't forget the female police officer from country T?"

Su Qian'er said: "Hmph, how long has he known that female police officer? How long have you known him? Can he have feelings for that female police officer, but not me?"

This made the second child look like a little bitch, but Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but want to laugh...

So... she also whispered in the ear of the second child: "Then you can have a fake show with the captain during the shooting of the film, and see if he has feelings for you?"


At this moment, Sun Jiaying looked at the captain who still seemed to be depressed, so she whispered in Katerina's ear: "Uh, Linna, talk to the captain again, and enlighten the captain."

However, Katerina said: "It's useless. In his situation, he has to come out slowly."

Then, Katerina looked at Sun Jiaying inexplicably...

"Uh, sister Jiaying, don't you... like the captain too?"

Suddenly hearing this, Sun Jiaying immediately blushed inexplicably...

But specifically... She couldn't say anything.

It's just that she knew in her heart that the captain might really have no feelings for her?

If there is any feeling...the captain should have had a story with her last time in country T.

However, it was like that back then, and the captain didn't have that incident with her, which still hurt her self-esteem inexplicably.

But you must know that no matter what kind of women, they will not easily use their bodies to test them.

(End of this chapter)

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