Chapter 1166 We Should Have No Chance

At this moment, the cute girl who was riding in the same car as Qiong'er has been expressing all kinds of dissatisfaction...

"Hmph! The dead surnamed Li! There really is him! So it's still hidden!"

Hearing the cute girl talking in her ear again, Qiong'er was also so depressed that she didn't know what to say for a while?
It's just that she was thinking, maybe all their illusions are now shattered?

The captain and that Miss Dong... must be the kind that heats up quickly.

Thinking, thinking, Qiong'er also pessimistically said in the cute girl's ear: "We should have no chance? Suddenly... I feel... my heart seems to be empty? It seems like some kind of expectation Are they all gone?"

Suddenly hearing this, the cute girl said: "Huh! I'm not that stupid! I won't let that dead Li get his way so easily!"

Qiong'er said: "The problem is... the captain and Miss Dong are your own wishes, so what can we interfere with?"

The cute girl said, "Then I'll be exhausted too!"

Suddenly hearing what she said, Qiong'er couldn't help saying: "Then you really won't marry for the rest of your life?"

Suddenly hearing this sentence, the cute girl's heart skipped a beat, as if something had been completely shattered, suddenly she felt empty...

It's just that she refused to admit it.

In fact, I have already felt suddenly empty in my heart, I have long felt that this life... seems to have nothing to love?

In fact, subconsciously, she has long been used to the days of having a captain.

If the captain really suddenly married a certain woman, she really didn't know what to do?

It's not that there are no men in this world who are better than the captain, but... this is due to a habit.

Just getting used to every minute and every second with the captain.

Even if the captain really doesn't marry anyone, she still thinks it is meaningful to spend this life on each other.

To put it bluntly, she only had the captain in her eyes.

Wanting her to adapt to other men, maybe she would rather be single in this life?

In fact, Qiong'er is also in this state of mind.

It's just that I can't express this feeling.

After a while, it was all gone, and the cute girl had no choice but to say angrily: "Huh! You said...we were on the island at that time, why did we want to go to the shore every day? Actually, we didn't go to the shore, we were always on the island , isn’t it pretty good too?”

Then, the cute girl said again: "Uh, Qiong'er, tell me the truth, do you feel... happy now?"

Qiong'er expressed her anger and wrinkled beautiful eyes, and after thinking about it thoughtfully, she said: "I feel... I'm still not as happy as when I was on the island."


And at this moment, Lina, who was in the same car with Qin Xiaowan, was also a little angry...

Suddenly, Lina couldn't help but whispered in Qin Xiaowan's ear: "Oh...Sister Wan'er, why did I suddenly have a strange feeling? That's what I feel... After we came back, it didn't seem like we were together at that time. The happiness of the island?"

Hearing this suddenly, Qin Xiaowan's eyes froze thoughtfully...

After thinking for a while, Qin Xiaowan asked, "Is it because of Miss Dong who suddenly appeared?"

Lina wrinkled her beautiful eyes slightly: "Oh... this... I can't tell? I just think... We don't seem to be as happy as we were on the island at that time?"


And Katerina, who was in the same car with Sun Jiaying, couldn't help asking: "Sister Jiaying, is this Miss Dong... well-known?"

Sun Jiaying whispered in her ear with some low self-esteem: "Of course. We are the daughter of a wealthy businessman in China. She is also an only daughter."

After hearing this, Katerina said, "Then I'm relieved."

Suddenly hearing this, Sun Jiaying was puzzled and startled: "What do you mean?"

Katerina said: "Because in this case...Brother Li Chen will be happy in this life."

"You really think so?" Sun Jiaying was taken aback again, expressing her incomprehension.

Katerina said: "Of course. As long as brother Li Chen can be happy in this life. After all... he is my brother."

Hearing these words again, Sun Jiaying looked at her inexplicably, and then became a little speechless.


After a while, under the leadership of Dong Qianxue, the group drove to Hengqin Port...

Because it will be faster to pass the level there.

Obviously, as a native of Zhuhai, Dong Qianxue is of course familiar with every link.

This Miss Dong...isn't completely out of this world.

After all, she usually goes to Macau to play, or do business, and so on.

At this moment, Li Chen, who was sitting in the passenger seat, couldn't help turning his head to look at Miss Dong...

To be honest, this girl is really beautiful.

If this girl is in the entertainment industry, those popular actresses in the entertainment industry... will be eclipsed.

But compared with the second child, Su Qian'er, this girl still lacks something.

Of course, in terms of image, temperament, etc., this girl is definitely not inferior to the second child Su Qian'er.

It's just that...the kind of gentleness and virtuousness of the second child is not possessed by this girl.

However, suddenly, Captain Li also thought, this seems to be an opportunity?
Because in this way...should be able to make those women completely give up?
Suddenly, Dong Qianxue, who was driving the car, couldn't help turning her head to look at the Hua Guo captain beside her...

As the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

So in this Ms. Dong's opinion, this Hua Guo captain is super handsome, so handsome that every time she looks at her, she will have a feeling of heartbeat...

However, even though this Ms. Dong is also considered a talented woman in the business world, she still didn't understand why she fell in love with this Huaguo Captain?

In fact, she doesn't have any hobby of chasing stars.

But this time, ever since the media exposed a Hua Guo captain, she has been obsessed with it.

It can be said that she has been doing all kinds of homework for a long time, trying to take down the Hua Guo captain in one fell swoop, take it as her own, and become her husband.

Seeing that Captain Hua Guo was sitting next to her, he seemed unhappy, so she couldn't help but ask, "What's the matter? What are you thinking?"

Suddenly hearing what she said, Li Chen couldn't help turning his head to look at her...

Afterwards, he couldn't help but half-jokingly said: "Miss Dong, I would like to ask, those popular male stars... how much have you dated?"

After understanding what he meant, Dong Qianxue couldn't help but smile: "You want to know?"

Li Chen smiled, and then said: "No. I just asked casually."

Seeing him like this, Dong Qianxue looked at him thoughtfully, and then she said, "Am I like the kind of rotten girl who only loves to get popular male stars?"

Li Chen smiled again: "I don't know either? I just think..."

Before he finished speaking, Dong Qianxue said for him: "Is it... you just think my offensive is very fierce?"

(End of this chapter)

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