The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1167 I Treat Everyone To A Big Dinner

Chapter 1167 I Treat Everyone To A Big Dinner

It was heard that Ms. Dong herself was saying that the offensive was very fierce, so Li Chen smiled again, and then said: "Anyway... it's a bit abrupt."

Dong Qianxue couldn't help turning her head to look at him after listening, and said, "Is it still awkward now?"

After thinking about it again, Li Chen answered honestly: "That's not a good idea?"

So Dong Qianxue said, "It's fine. As long as you don't hate me."

That's right... Li Chen doesn't even know how to answer?
Since I hate that word, I probably won't use it here.

It's just that... being with such a rich lady, there is still an invisible sense of pressure.

As if he really became that kind of little boy.

Afterwards, Dong Qianxue turned her head to look at him again, and said, "Okay. Don't think about it. Let's think about how to play in Macau for a while."

Suddenly hearing what Miss Dong said, Li Chen didn't say anything more.


After a while, when they arrived at the Hengqin Port, Dong Qianxue got out of the car and made a fuss, collected the IDs of all the personnel, and then handed them over to her bodyguards to go through customs clearance...

Miss Dong went out in person, and everything seemed to be going well.

After a while, it officially passed the customs.

In fact, Macau is not big, and its main industry is gaming.

Others... nothing more.

If you really want to mention it, there is another bright spot, that is... This is a man's paradise.

Of course, for Captain Hua, it is estimated that there is no need for those special services.

After passing the customs, under the arrangement of Miss Dong, the group went straight to the casino...

After entering the casino, Li Chen and the others were eye-opening...

There is really anything to do here, besides gambling, there are all kinds of entertainment, and so on.

The women are having fun...

With a word from Miss Dong, she called the manager of the casino, and said to the manager, "These are my friends, it's their first time here to play, just let them have fun. As for the expenses, I will pay for it."

When the casino manager heard this, he nodded and bowed hurriedly: "Don't worry, Ms. Dong! I will definitely arrange it!"


Next, a group of people, that is, all kinds of fun and all kinds of hi.

Due to Miss Dong's special arrangement, they took all kinds of chips, game coins, etc. at the casino, all at random.

It's just that Miss Dong is so arrogant, but Li Chen is a little at a loss?
Playing and playing, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but whispered in Tan Jixia's ear: "Uh, Xia'er, if we play to our heart's content and play lavishly, will it put pressure on the captain? After all, this is that Miss Dong Did you cover all the expenses?"

This northern girl has never had such a good time, so she said: "Oh, what about it. Anyway, Miss Dong doesn't care about this little money. Only our girls are allowed to go fishing, and our captain is not allowed to Want to catch a girl?"

Then, the northern bitch added: "Okay. Let's play."


As for Mengmeizi and Qiong'er, they were very busy at the doll machine...

"Hey, Coco, that bear doll is so cute, hold that!"

"Oh... I still think this Adi is cute! I want to clip this!"


Even Su Qian'er, the second child who has always been relatively stable, is having fun now.

As for the foreign girl Lina and Katerina, it goes without saying.

It was also the first time for Sun Jiaying to have fun like this...

Look at this group of girls... all of them are having fun, but Li Chen can't help but frown. Damn, it turns out... this little girl's gambling... is quite big!

Dong Qianxue couldn't help but whisper in his ear: "Look... your team members are having a good time, right?"

Suddenly hearing what Miss Dong said, Li Chen turned his head to look at her, but he didn't know what to say?
And Dong Qianxue handed him a handful of chips...

"Here. If you win, it's yours. If you lose, it's mine."

It's just that Li Chen frowned again, shit, why do I feel more and more like a jerk?

Could it be... that I have finally lived a life that I hate?

Seeing him like this, Dong Qianxue said: "You don't have to think you're a fair face. fact, your face is not pale at all."

Hearing these words suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help but startled: "Then I am..."

"big hero!"

But Li Chen frowned again: "Then I am... a fallen hero?"

And Dong Qianxue whispered next to his ear: "Fall in love."

Seeing Miss Dong like this again, Li Chen had no choice but to say: "Could it be a little too fast?"

Dong Qianxue said: "I don't think so. Because... falling in love also needs time cost. Since love, why waste so much time cost?"

After speaking, this Miss Dong couldn't help but whisper in his ear: "If you still want to hurry up, how about... we can go directly to the guest room upstairs?"

Just hearing this, Li Chen grabbed Dong Qianxue's chips and said, "Then I'll gamble."

Suddenly seeing him grabbing the chips, turning around and flashing away, Dong Qianxue couldn't help but smile playfully...

It seems that she finds this man more and more cute.

Next, Captain Li didn't care so much, he just went to play baccarat to his heart's content...

It can be said that this is the first time he feels that he has lived a little bit of glory.


As for Tan Jixia, Su Qian'er and the other women, they were even more crazy at the moment.

For them, it seems to be a release of pressure in life.

Therefore, one by one played that crazy...


However, Captain Li was having a good time. Unexpectedly, the casino manager suddenly came over and couldn't help but whisper in his ear: "Captain Li, it's almost there. You can enjoy yourself now."

Hearing these words suddenly, Li Chen was taken aback, then quickly turned his head to look at the casino manager, and couldn't help asking: "What do you mean?"

The casino manager whispered in his ear: "You have already won 2000 million."

Captain Li, who didn't realize it at first, was startled suddenly: "I...have won so much already?"

The casino manager said directly: "You can cash out the chips."

Captain Li just now took a look at the stack of chips in front of him. This not cash after all, so I really don't think much of it.

Just looking at it now, it seems that there are indeed many.

Of course, Captain Li is by no means a fool, so he understands what the casino manager means.

Moreover, he has always understood that there are some things... Enough is enough.

It's just that he didn't expect that his luck today is so good, it's overwhelmed!
Dong Qianxue suddenly saw that the casino manager was talking to Li Chen, so she rushed forward and asked, "What's wrong?"

However, without waiting for the casino manager to explain anything, Captain Li immediately said: "Next - I will treat everyone to a big meal - Oye -"

(End of this chapter)

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