Chapter 1170 Yang Huizi

He said he wanted to go around by himself, but in fact... Captain Li went to confirm it secretly, did he really win the 2000 million?

But don't forget, Captain Li used to be a special soldier. It is obviously easy for him to find out the truth about such a pediatric matter.

Afterwards, after finding out, he was indeed lucky enough to win, so he felt at ease.

But it was still too exciting for him.

Especially this trip to Macau... He feels that this kind of place still can't come often.

Because what can be won is what can be lost, so it is best to let it go when it is good.

As far as this kind of place is concerned, it can be said to be drunk and dreamed.


Next, Captain Li went to a quiet place alone and smoked a cigarette...

At the same time, I was thinking in my heart, now that I have money, what should I do?

The house that looks like my it time to rebuild?
And...that's the parents...

Thinking, thinking, involuntarily, I couldn't help but think of that Miss Dong...

To be honest, he still thinks that this kind of good to look at, if she really marries, and if she really lives in the future...what will happen?
Just as he was thinking wildly, suddenly, an inexplicable voice came...

"Hi, Captain Huaguo! Is that you?"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen turned around to take a look in a panic, and was stunned for a moment...

"Yang Huizi!?"

"That's right, it's me!" Yang Huizi smiled happily.

In fact, this Yang Huizi is not an old friend of Captain Hua, but a well-known, current top-ranked actress.

Moreover, so far, Yang Huizi has not had any scandals.

As an artist, she has always been conscientious and has a good reputation in the entertainment industry.

It's just that Li Chen didn't expect that the first time he met such a top-notch actress, it seemed like he had been friends with each other for a long time...

However, he still couldn't help being a little excited: "Why are you here?"

Yang Huizi just smiled: "I started filming here in Macau. I just finished work and have nothing to do in the afternoon, so I just wandered around."

Immediately, Yang Huizi was suddenly surprised: "Oh, by the way, isn't your movie started shooting in Zhuhai? Why did you come to Macau?"

Seeing that Yang Huizi greeted so casually, Li Chen suddenly had the illusion that he was really an insider...

He couldn't help but wonder, is it really so good to be a star?

The goddess in the minds of thousands of nerds is actually being approached by us so easily?

Thinking about it, he was somewhat curious, but couldn't help but take a real look at Yang Huizi...

He just wanted to see, is there any difference between this actress and the one on the screen?
After looking at it carefully, I am still shocked. Yang Huizi herself and the screen... don't seem to have much difference.

She is indeed a top beauty.

But Yang Huizi couldn't help stretching out his hand in front of his eyes: "Uh, Captain Hua, what's the matter with you? Are you distracted? I was... just asking you something!"

After being taken aback, Li Chen panicked and gave an awkward smile: "Ah... that... I'm sorry. We just arrived in Zhuhai, and the filming hasn't started yet. So I took the opportunity to come to Macau to have fun. Maybe in a while Back to Zhuhai?"

"Go back so soon?"

"That's right. Because Director Ning said...maybe you'll go to the island tomorrow?"

So, Yang Huizi said: "Then...when I am free, maybe I will go to visit the class?"

Li Chen smiled again: "Okay. But... I'm not a professional either, acting like a fool."

"I believe in you, no problem. Come on!"


After just meeting each other like this, after chatting a few words, Li Chen suddenly felt that... this Yang Huizi has a pretty good personality.

It seems that there is no celebrity airs.

Chatting with him is also so casual and easy-going...

Moreover, she is really beautiful, fair and beautiful.

The personality is also quite lively, very cute.


Right now, inside the casino.

I saw Tan Jixia, Su Qian'er and several other women hostile to Dong Qianxue...

Especially the cute girl, she looked at Dong Qianxue very unfriendly, and said, "Uh, Miss Dong, where is our captain? Where did he go?"

This looks like a cute girl, Dong Qianxue doesn't smile, doesn't she?

After thinking about it, she had no choice but to reply: "He said he wanted to go around by himself, but I don't know where he went?"

So, Qiong'er came up with a sentence: "You two... have conflicts so soon?"

Hearing these words again, Dong Qianxue didn't laugh or didn't laugh?

After thinking about it, Dong Qianxue said, "This is called respecting each other's personal freedom."

Although Ms. Dong explained in this way, Qin Xiaowan thought to herself after observing her words, probably...the captain and this Ms. Dong...should not be so optimistic?

Married and divorced women like Qin Xiaowan are quite experienced in this aspect.

However, it may be because she regards Dong Qianxue as her rival in love, so Su Qianer's tone suddenly became a little stiff: "Uh, Qianxue, shouldn't I... call your fiancé... We went back to Zhuhai together? "

Dong Qianxue said, "Why are you in a hurry? Didn't he say...he wants to treat us to a big meal?"

Su Qian'er said, "Isn't everything expensive here in Macau? It's better to go back to Zhuhai to eat."

So, Dong Qianxue said, "Would the dignified President Su save money like this?"

Su Qian'er said: "If you have money, you can make fools, can't you?"

Hearing that there was something in her words, Dong Qianxue just smiled and said: "But I think... money is for enjoyment. Otherwise... why are we working so hard to earn so much money?"

Su Qian'er said: "Of course. The money is yours, you can use it as you like."


The women were fighting inexplicably. Unexpectedly, when Captain Li suddenly ran back, he couldn't help shouting happily: "Hey, guess who I just met in Macau?"

Without waiting for them to answer or react, he couldn't help shouting again: "Yang Huizi! The Yang Huizi who became famous in Gongdouju! Now the Yang Huizi who is the top traffic star of film and television songs! "

The women are fighting in the palace, but he stays out of it, yelling like a child who doesn't know the world. From this, the eyes... stared at him resentfully and resentfully...

Seeing their eyes all of a sudden, Captain Li was taken aback in bewilderment: "Uh, what's wrong with you guys? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Unexpectedly, taking the opportunity, the cute girl who finally couldn't help but want to vent, suddenly yelled: "Sisters, come on, beat him!"

(End of this chapter)

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