Chapter 1171 Gongdou upgrade
When I suddenly saw a group of women swarming up, and when they really wanted to get rough on the future uncle of the Dong family, I couldn't help but suddenly saw eight big bodyguards rushing up in a flash, and immediately formed a human wall, engulfing the future Dong family. My uncle was standing behind me...

This sudden scene made Tan Jixia, Su Qian'er and a group of women a little silly: "???"

And Li Chen, who was blocked by the eight bodyguards, suddenly became a little stupid: "???"

Immediately, in desperation, Li Chen had no choice but to turn his head and look at Dong Qianxue at the side...

I mean to ask, what do your bodyguards mean?

And at this moment, Dong Qianxue was watching from the sidelines, also in a daze...

Suddenly, a girl from a fighting nation is domineering...

Seeing the bodyguards forming a wall of people, Katerina said: "When is it your turn to intervene in our affairs with Brother Li Chen? You are just the bodyguards of the Dong family, get out! "

At this moment, Tan Jixia, Su Qian'er and other women could not help but turn their heads to look at Katerina in a panic...

They were all thinking, why is this girl from a fighting nation so kind?

No wonder the captain likes her so much!
However, Dong Qianxue's bodyguards are relatively civilized...

One of the bodyguards said to Katerina: "Sorry, Miss! Captain Hua Guo is Miss Dong's fiancé, so we have an obligation to protect everyone in the Dong family!"

Seeing how powerful her bodyguards are, Dong Qianxue couldn't help showing a smile...

Because it at least gave her a face.

But suddenly, the cute girl lost her temper again, and she yelled at the bodyguards angrily: "Damn! Which onion or garlic are you? Captain Hua is our Captain Hua, when will he become Dong Dong?" Is the future son-in-law of the family? Just this matter... Damn... We haven't agreed yet!"

Immediately, Tan Jixia, a girl from the north, also lost her temper, and said to the bodyguards, "You... get out! Get lost!"

Seeing that all this happened suddenly, in desperation, there was no way out, Li Chen said to the bodyguards standing in front of him: "All right, all right. Get out of the way. It's none of your business here."

Suddenly Li Chen spoke, so...Dong Qianxue stared thoughtfully for a moment, then said to the bodyguards: "Okay. It's none of your business. Go and stay aside."

In the end, it is the master who speaks well.

After the eight bodyguards turned their heads and glanced at Miss Dong, one by one... they had no choice but to back away embarrassingly...

In fact, in Captain Hua's eyes, those eight bodyguards were nothing more than eight rotten birds' eggs and rotten sweet potatoes.

It's just that he was embarrassed to say this in front of Miss Dong.

Seeing that the eight people got out of the way, so... Captain Li said: "Okay. Don't make trouble. It's getting late. Let's go back to Zhuhai earlier."

Just hearing this suddenly, the cute girl hurriedly said: "Are you going back now? You... the dead surnamed Li, haven't you treated us to a big meal yet?"

At this moment, taking the opportunity, the second child Su Qian'er hurriedly said: "Ke Ke! Don't make trouble! Let's go back to Zhuhai and have another big meal!"

At this moment, Dong Qianxue, who suddenly felt that the scene was a little awkward, could only smile awkwardly and said, "You guys... don't you want to spend more time in Macau?"

At this moment, Qin Xiaowan smiled and said, "No, Miss Dong! Thank you, Miss Dong!"

Qionger muttered, "That's right! There's nothing fun in Macau! It's just gambling! What's the point?"

To be honest, if you don’t want to gamble, then there really isn’t much fun in Macau.

Because it's just a big fart, so what's so fun about it?

At most, it's just going to the duty-free shop to find something, that's all.

Later, in desperation, Dong Qianxue had no choice but to say something on the scene: "I'm sorry, sisters, I didn't greet well!"

However, Sun Jiaying suddenly said: "We... are not sisters now, are we?"

Immediately, the cute girl muttered: "That's right! Who is sister with you Miss Dong?"

Seeing these little girls like this, Captain Li is also very speechless...

But thinking about it, he still couldn't help but said to them: "I said... can you all be more mature?"

Then, he said again: "Didn't I tell you guys a long time ago? The life on the desert island is over. We have already returned. So... Next, each of us should have our own lives. These words... Why haven't you understood?"

However, what I didn't expect was that Tan Jixia, a girl from the north, suddenly said: "Is it really over?"

Captain Li couldn't help being embarrassed for a while: "???"

Damn, this northern girl...what's the matter?

However, Tan Jixia still looked at him like that, and said: "Didn't you also say that when the movie is over, we will go back to one of the islands we have experienced?"

Then, she added: "So... everything we've been through, can it really end?"

After listening to understand the meaning of this northern girl, Captain Li simply made it clear: "You... just object to my falling in love with Miss Dong?"

Suddenly, Katerina said: "Brother Li Chen, I have no objection. But, brother Li Chen, you have to consider our group of women first, right?"

Captain Li was suddenly puzzled: "Linna, you... are making trouble again, aren't you?"

Looking at them one by one, he said, "I told you before, you are all my team members."

The cute girl hurriedly asked: "Can't some of the team members develop into lovers with you?"

Captain Li: "...???"

It seems that this question... is indeed a bit difficult to answer?
Fortunately, Dong Qianxue said with a smile at this time: "Actually... I and your captain... are also new contacts, just met. I don't even know if your captain really likes me? If your captain doesn't like me , My unilateral... is useless, you say... right?"

These words finally made Tan Jixia, Su Qian'er and other women felt a bit pleasing to their ears.

They even thought... Isn't it a bit too much for today's troubles?
In fact, Ms. Dong still has some qualities and self-cultivation, and she is not the kind of nympho girl who begs for nothing.

Everyone is unhappy, and she doesn't think it's necessary.

Of course, she also had a bit of a plan to delay the attack.

That is not tit for tat.

Afterwards, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but said: "Okay, okay. It's okay. Didn't the captain just say that? Let's go back to Zhuhai first."


(End of this chapter)

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