The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1172 Financial Freedom Like Miss Dong

Chapter 1172 Financial Freedom Like Miss Dong
After waiting for a while, I finally cleared the customs. After returning to Zhuhai, I turned my head and looked at Ms. Dong Qianxue who was driving beside me. Captain Li couldn't help but said, "Thank you for today's trip to Macau, Ms. Dong!"

It's just that when he heard his words suddenly, it felt like they were still very different from each other. Dong Qianxue turned to look at him somewhat dissatisfied...

"Are we... still so strange?"

Hearing this suddenly, to be honest, Li Chen didn't know how to reply?
Regarding this Miss Dong's fiery heart, he did feel it, but this still very abrupt.

What's more, in just one day, he couldn't make any decisions.

Of course, subconsciously, he felt... There was still a sense of distance.

What's more... At present, he doesn't really know this Miss Dong.

The so-called understanding does not mean that information is enough.

It's about each other's personalities, temperaments, etc., too many.

The more important point is that this Captain Li Chen felt that...their own pond is not that big and cannot raise such a big fish.

But she refused too bluntly, and was afraid of hurting Miss Dong's self-esteem.

Therefore, after that, he could only smile as much as he could and said, "Actually, we two... It's not a matter of whether we're strangers or not. It's just... we just know each other, and we don't know each other very well. And there's... Maybe Ms. Dong imagined me too good. In fact, I am not that good. To put it bluntly, I was just lucky. I experienced survival on a deserted island, and then I was hyped by the media. But... it can’t change My essence. I am actually a self-aware person. I know that I am actually a poor dick. And at present, I am still in a state of floating. I still have no fixed place. So like me, it may not be Not the ideal man in Miss Dong's heart. Of course, I am very happy to know a friend like Miss Dong. At least I will brag about it in the future... In other words, I know Miss Dong, don't I?"

Hearing Captain Hua's words suddenly, to be honest, Dong Qianxue was really sad...

A woman with a high IQ like her also understands what these words mean.

But what Captain Hua Guo didn't expect was that the more he said that, the more points he would get for Dong Qianxue.

Especially when she turned her head to look at him again, Dong Qianxue couldn't help showing a smile...

Because she felt that the man she liked was indeed right!
This kind of character, this kind of neither humble nor overbearing, is indeed a rare quality nowadays.

She was even thinking, no wonder the group of women in the desert island survival team kept holding on to the captain.

It turned out that I was really reluctant to let go.

Later, in order to maneuver, Dong Qianxue couldn't help asking: "By the way, can I ask you a question?"

Li Chen couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, then looked at her, and said in a daze: "Then... you can ask."

"What do you think... is real wealth?"

"Like Miss Dong, wealth is free."

"No. That's just your yearning."

Captain Li smiled: "That's right. Yearning."

However, Dong Qianxue said: "It's not really yearning."

"Why do you say that?"

Dong Qianxue smiled: "If you really yearn for it, then you won't reject me. Because you know very well that if you marry me, you will have everything."

Taking the opportunity, Li Chen couldn't help jokingly said: "Then you will treat me as a faux pas. Playing hard to get. This is to win your favor."

This made Dong Qianxue couldn't help but smile: "So... you also have such a humorous side?"

So Captain Li said: "People, when you are in a good mood, you will naturally understand humor. As long as you don't pretend to be much, you will naturally be happy in a simple way."

And Dong Qianxue said: "But is there really so many simple happiness in life?"

This made Captain Li couldn't help turning his head to look at her again...

"Uh, Miss Dong, I found that... you actually seem to be quite thoughtful."

Dong Qianxue couldn't help smiling again: "Am I that superficial in your eyes?"

"That's not it."


Afterwards, just chatting all the way, suddenly, Li Chen had a feeling that... the gorgeousness might just be Ms. Dong's appearance, but in fact... this Ms. Dong is also quite gorgeous on the inside.

She deserves to be a woman with high education and high IQ.

However, this still cannot change the natural sense of distance between each other.

Suddenly thinking about it carefully, it seems... I don't have such a sense of distance from my second child?

In fact, regarding the second child, Su Qian'er, she can be said to be a woman of the same level as this Miss Dong.

Thinking, thinking, suddenly, Captain Li couldn't help but said: "By the way, Miss Dong, can I ask you a question too?"

"Of course. You haven't said it all, at least we are friends now, aren't we?"

Therefore, this Captain Li couldn't help but asked: "You said... in our country of Hua, if this marriage... is really wrong, can it last long? Can it be really happy?"

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Dong Qianxue said, "Then how about...the two of us try first?"

Captain Li replied, "No. This is just your expectation."

Dong Qianxue couldn't help but smirk: "Then don't try, you'll never know?"

Captain Li hurriedly said: "No. You are just a game."

Dong Qianxue said: "Games can also make people happy, right? Isn't Macau's gaming industry just a kind of game?"


They chatted all the way, and then, without knowing it, they returned to the hotel.

It wasn't until getting out of the car that Captain Li quickly remembered it, and said, "By the way, there is something we forgot! That is... a big meal! It's about a big meal! I invite you! I must invite you!"

If he didn't mention it himself, they would really have forgotten about the 2000 million.

So...Dong Qianxue said: "Then... the place to eat, is it just me who chooses?"

Captain Li said: "Must! You choose! You can eat whatever you want!"

Then, Dong Qianxue hurriedly got out of the car, Zhang Luo said: "Then, sisters, let me take you to another place to eat seafood! Anyway, Captain Li will pay for it!"

It's just that Tan Jixia, Su Qian'er and other women still looked at her with inexplicable hostility...

This shows that they are all still the same, and there is nothing wrong with them, so Dong Qianxue can only say: "Okay, let me tell you the truth, just now... on the way back, I have already talked with you Captain Li, we still have to wait for the time being." Just be friends, are you satisfied now?"

Hearing this suddenly, the women couldn't help being startled for a moment... just be friends?Not a fiance anymore?
Changed so quickly?

Immediately, Captain Li yelled again: "Ugh! You guys...don't just be dumb! Just say...I'll treat you to a big meal, will you go?"

Unexpectedly, suddenly, the cute girl was the first to rush and said, "Nonsense! Of course I'm going!"


(End of this chapter)

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