The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1173 Has the captain drifted away?

Chapter 1173 Has the captain drifted away?
Afterwards, under the help of Miss Dong, they boarded the car again.

Next, as for where the convoy is going, Li Chen and the others don't know yet?

Anyway, when I first arrived in Zhuhai, everything was still ignorant, blurred...

However, on this journey, feeling the city scenery of Zhuhai, is still a little pleasant...

Worthy of being a famous tourist city, planning, construction and other aspects are still very particular.

For Captain Li, his mood has improved a lot now.

But then, the heart is still confused.

Haven't figured out what to do and how to live?

Of course, it is impossible to completely fade away the past.

It's just that after this meal of play, the adjustment is almost done.


Tan Jixia, who was on the way, suddenly couldn't help but whispered in the ear of the second child Su Qian'er: "Uh, second child, how do I feel... this Miss Dong has changed her strategy of pursuing the captain?"

In fact, without Tan Jixia saying that, Su Qian'er has also faintly noticed that Dong Qianxue is indeed changing her strategy...

But thinking about it, the second child suddenly said in Tan Jixia's ear: "Let's not worry about that much. Anyway... I think... since this Dong Qianxue appeared, the captain's mood is indeed much better."

Hearing this suddenly, Tan Jixia couldn't help but secretly startled...

It's like she just realized the problem.

After turning her head to look at the second child, Tan Jixia realized...the second child really cares about the captain!

It seems that every detail is in the eyes of the second child!


As for the cute girl who was in the same car with Qiong'er, she couldn't help but whispered in Qiong'er's ear: "Uh, Qiong'er, you said... this Miss Dong... really just became friends with the captain ?”

Qiong'er whispered in the cute girl's ear: "Are you stupid, Keke? Miss Dong said that, it must be the captain who rejected her, so she must be taking... the route of retreating and seeking progress, understand? ?”

The cute girl was inexplicably depressed when she heard this: "Hmph... this dead surnamed Li! I didn't think of it on the island before... I didn't expect... he is so popular now! A trip to Zhuhai, unexpectedly It shocked people like Ms. Dong! I really regret that I didn't push him back on the island, hmph!"

Suddenly hearing this, Qiong'er came up with an idea: "There is still a chance. Didn't you say it all? After the movie is over, let's go back to one of the islands to see it. At that time... we must be on the island again Stayed for a few nights, know what I mean?"

The cute girl couldn't help being stunned: "Howl! Good job you little rascal! It turns've been thinking about it for a long time?"

Qiong'er said: "Hmph! The captain won't take the initiative, and we still don't take the initiative, what should we do? The game will always be broken!"


After a while, Li Chen and the others didn't know where they were, they only knew that they had arrived at a remote seaside village...

From afar... just a smell of seafood permeated the air.

However, Li Chen and the others still noticed that Ms. Dong really took great pains. This place...seems to be quite quiet?
Shouldn't I meet those crazy Chinese fans or Qian fans again?
Afterwards, after slowly stopping the car in front of a farmer's seafood restaurant, the women couldn't help feeling a little inexplicably excited...

The cute girl who was the first to get out of the car was bursting with joy again: "Wow--this place--it's not bad--"

Immediately, Qiong'er couldn't help bursting into joy: "Wow—so Zhuhai is so beautiful——"

Katerina ran happily: "Brother Li's so beautiful here! I like it so much!"


Seeing that everyone was in a good mood suddenly, Dong Qianxue seemed to be enlightened, so Dong Qianxue said, "How is it? I am a local tour guide, am I still competent?"

Seeing this, Qin Xiaowan was the first to express her gratitude: "This time... I am so grateful, Ms. Dong!"

Dong Qianxue said: "Sister Wan'er, what are you talking about? I'm not... I haven't even fulfilled my friendship as a landlord!"

But at this moment, the second child, Su Qian'er, couldn't help but whisper in Tan Jixia's ear: "Sister Jixia, actually... If this Dong Qianxue is serious about the captain, I think it's pretty good."

Hearing these words suddenly, Tan Jixia was puzzled and startled: "Second brother, what do you mean? Are you... wanting to be fulfilled?"

Su Qian'er whispered in Tan Jixia's ear: "Actually, I have figured it out. We...don't we all hope for the captain? Don't we all hope for a woman who really loves the captain? So...actually...I think... ...If this Dong Qianxue is serious, we should still congratulate her!"

Tan Jixia was stunned again: "Second brother, you are can!"

Su Qian'er said: "Don't you think this Dong Qianxue is actually okay?"

Ever since, Tan Jixia said that she inspected Dong Qianxue calmly...

But then, Tan Jixia whispered in the second child's ear: "Qian'er, I still think... this Dong Qianxue is not as good as you."


However, at this moment, Captain Li is really in a good mood.

After all, during a trip to Macau, I won 2000 million in the casino.

Now, we can be considered rich!

As soon as he entered the farm seafood restaurant, Captain Li hurriedly said: "Everyone, order whatever you want! You can order whatever you want! Awesome! Made!"

Seeing it suddenly, the cute girl couldn't help but whispered in Tan Jixia's ear: "Uh! Sister Jixia! Did the captain drift away? Haven't had a drink yet!"

Tan Jixia whispered in her ear: "Damn girl! What do you know? The captain is happy! It's 2000 million, can you not be happy?"


It just so happened that it was evening at this moment, and when the lights came on, Captain Li was so excited that he couldn't help it for a while, so he suddenly ran to the bathroom to make a phone call...

"Hey, Dad, our house...or are we going to rebuild it?"

On the other end of the phone, his father listened and asked, "Do you have any money?"

Captain Li laughed happily: "Don't worry, Dad! It's up to you! If you want to live in the county town, let's go to the county town to buy it! Is the villa ready?"

As he said that, Captain Li simply said: "Let's do this, Dad, I'll take some time tomorrow... I'll transfer 1000 million to you first, and you can figure it out!"

It's just that on the other end of the phone, his father's legs couldn't help shaking, and he almost peed...

"Wait a minute! You much? 1, 1000 million? Is it my servant, or are you dreaming?"

"Oh, Pa! Look at you! I'm telling you the truth!"

So, his father said: "Seriously, don't need 1000 million, you just transfer 100 million to me, and the house in my hometown will be beautiful for you!"

"Dad, that's what you said! You think your son and I are talking big! Well... let's do it tomorrow, 100 million, no problem!"


(End of this chapter)

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