The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1174 Prepare to go to Wanglang Island

Chapter 1174 Prepare to go to Wanglang Island

The next morning, Li Chen's hometown, Wushan Town.

The Agricultural Bank of the town...

In front of the counter in the bank lobby, I saw Li Chen and his father unpacking a bag from the third floor to the outside, and took out a bank card from it, and then handed it to the bank teller carefully with trembling hands...

"Then what... sister, check for me and see if I have a sum of money in the account?"

"Okay, old man!"

The girl from the bank responded, and after taking the bank card, she checked it for the old man...

After suddenly seeing a set of numbers displayed on the work computer, the bank girl was also surprised, and her eyes lit up in a panic...

Turning to look at the old man again, the girl from the bank couldn't help asking: "Old man, do you have a son?"

"What?" Li Chen's father was a little stunned.

The girl from the bank said, "I said, do you have a son? I want to be your daughter-in-law."

After Li Chen's father understood it, he couldn't help but let out a naive laugh: "You girl, you really know how to joke. So what... has my money arrived?"

"Old man, it's here. One million."

Li Chen's father was stunned for a while: "What? Say it again?"

"I said... your 100 million has been credited to the account. Your current card balance is 113 million."

After Li Chen's father continued to be stunned for a while, he couldn't help but laugh...

Hey, boy, did you really transfer 100 million?

Then it's done, my old house can finally be rebuilt, hey!


Afterwards, Li Chen's father went straight to the town government...

Because he wanted to go to the town government to find a leader, he meant to donate 13 yuan in the name of his son Li Chen to build a road from the town to Jizhuo Village.

After all, now my son is the well-known captain of Huaguo, so he can't be too loud, can't he?

Therefore, it is necessary to give face to the son, or to give face to the son.

Of course, the old man also has his own considerations.

Because if the road from the town to Jizhu Village is not repaired, then the house cannot be built.

Because the roads are blocked, building materials cannot be pulled in.

When the old man handles affairs, he does everything.


Zhuhai this morning.

The crew of "Desert Island Self-Rescue Action" has officially issued a notice. After lunch, they leave the hotel, go to the port, and officially board the ship, preparing to go to Wanglang Island where the drama was filmed.

Regarding the first scene, the scene of the air crash was filmed at the end.

Because after the scenes on the island are over, I will come back and go to Zhuhai Airport to shoot the first scene, and it will be OK.

However, this filming is expected to take place on Wanglang Island... about two months?
As for Shangwanglang Island, there is no need to worry too much.

After all, it is already a developed island, and there is a small hotel on the island, so living and traveling... don't worry about it.

Moreover, the small hotel on the island has been booked by the crew.


For the main actors such as Li Chen, they have played in Zhuhai for two days, and now they will officially start working.

It's just that, thinking about going to the island, Captain Li Chen's inexplicably depressed...

After all, the island has too many memories for him.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, after boarding the ship at the port pier, Captain Li Chen couldn't help but walked to the bow and lit a cigarette...

Looking at the familiar scenes of the seascape again, what lingers in his mind is the scene where Hye Kyo was shot and fell down at the end...

Perhaps now, the only thing I can do is to devote myself wholeheartedly to this movie, to interpret the past...scenes...sincerely, and put them on the silver screen, so that everyone will know...

Maybe the last memory of Hye Kyo?
Of course, there is also Chuanxiang...

And Nina, and Nina's siblings.

And wild dog Heizi.

And... Xiao Cao!

Suddenly, Katerina couldn't help but also came to the bow of the boat, and then put it on the side of the boat corridor, stood beside Li Chen, and turned her head to look at him...

"Brother Li's the matter?"

Li Chen didn't rush to answer anything, but couldn't help but took another puff of cigarette...

Then, he shook his head expressing distress: "No. It's nothing. Just looking at the sea view suddenly... so kind!"

Suddenly hearing this, Katerina was stunned for a moment, and then she couldn't help saying: "Yes. So kind!"

Afterwards, Katerina smiled inexplicably: "But this time... finally we don't have to sail the boat by ourselves."


And after a while, when the cute girl and the others came out of the cabin, they were still bluffing...

"Hey—the sea—here we go again—"

Qiong'er couldn't help but said: "Haha! This time we finally don't need to sail the boat by ourselves! We can finally enjoy it to our heart's content!"

However, the foreign girl Lina said: "Oh...God bless! I hope we won't be shipwrecked again!"

Qin Xiaowan panicked and rolled her eyes angrily: "Crow's mouth!"


After a while, when Director Ning also came to the bow, looking at them one by one, he couldn't help asking: "Everyone, how are you? Is this a familiar scene?"

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Sun Jiaying hurriedly asked: "Director Ning, I heard...we need two days and two nights to reach Wanglang Island?"

Director Ning smiled: "Almost."

Then, Director Ning said again: "What? Are you hurt by the scene?"

As he said that, Director Ning couldn't help smiling again, and then said: "That's good too. You can just find out the emotions at that time, and then give full play to them in the film."


It's just that the ship had just set off for more than an hour, and the staff on board suddenly received an urgent weather forecast...

It is said that it has just been monitored that there is a sudden change in the weather, and the ship is required to drive carefully.


At this moment, Captain Li Chen, who is extremely sensitive to the weather, suddenly looked up at the sky, and couldn't help frowning...

"Hey, Director Ning, the time we chose to land on the island... isn't it good?"

Hearing this suddenly, Director Ning at the side couldn't help but startled——

Immediately, he first looked up at the sky, and then hurriedly turned his head to look at Captain Li Chen beside him...

"What's the matter, Captain Li? Tell me about it?"

Li Chen frowned again: "Should there be a thunderstorm?"

Hearing what he said suddenly, Director Ning was taken aback again: "Really? The weather forecast said...the weather is very good these days, very suitable for going to the island."

Immediately, Katerina on the side hurriedly said: "You should trust my brother Li Chen. Because he is in the ocean, he has never missed the weather. His predictions for every step are accurate."

In fact, Director Ning also noticed that when Captain Li Chen boarded the ship, he seemed to be alive again...

That mental state was something he had never expected.

Of course, Director Ning is also secretly rejoicing that it is right for this film to cast their original cast...

This something that professional actors don't have.

(End of this chapter)

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