Chapter 1176 A Discussion on Life
Unknowingly, near twilight, at sea.

On the ship rented by the crew...

After the thunderstorm, the sky became clearer again...

As the wind stopped and the rain stopped, suddenly, the air on the sea was particularly clear...

At this moment, Captain Li Chen couldn't help but come to the bow of the ship again...

Looking at the sky, he couldn't help but lit another cigarette.

As for the women, after getting drunk on the boat, they all went to sleep in their respective rooms.

Taking advantage of this time, the former international captain happened to be able to spend a while alone at the bow of the ship...

As the ship was already in the depths of the ocean, the previous scenes appeared in the mind of the international captain like a movie replay...

Although the situation is different this time, the scene in front of me... is almost the same.

The same ship, the same vast sea...

The same twilight hour...

It's just that there seems to be something missing around me.

Maybe it's Hye Kyo, maybe it's Chuanxiang, or maybe it's Heizi...

If you want to forget, naturally you can't forget.

During the period of returning to the city, all kinds of so-called busy work may just want to numb myself.

In fact, deep down in my heart, how can I forget...

After another cigarette was lit, Li Chen was also thinking at this moment, what would happen if he hadn't decided to dock in country T all of a sudden?
To be honest, at the moment, he felt that he was enjoying everything on the ocean.

So I suddenly felt... Maybe it was a mistake to decide to dock in country T at that time?
Floating on the ocean like this all the time, maybe it's also a good, unfettered way of life?

At this moment, without knowing it, Director Ning also came to the bow...

After standing next to this Captain Li Chen and looking at the sky like Captain Li Chen, Director Ning suddenly turned his head to look at this Captain Li Chen curiously...

But seeing his deep eyes, he didn't know what he was looking at, or what he was thinking, so Director Ning just smiled and said out of words: "Why... I really started thinking about Zhu Hai. Miss Dong?"

Hearing this sentence suddenly, Li Chen continued to be stunned for a while, then turned his head to look at Director Ning...

Then, he was not in a hurry to say anything, but couldn't help but passed a cigarette to Director Ning.

Director Ning smiled knowingly, and reached out to take the cigarette...

It wasn't until Director Ning lit the cigarette that Li Chen said: "I said, Ms. Dong from just a small episode."

Then, Captain Li Fu said with some deep meaning: "Maybe there will always be some small episodes in a person's life? Or maybe it is because of some small episodes... that will make people more determined to understand what they want. ?”

Hearing these words suddenly, Director Ning suddenly felt something interesting...

At least for a person who pursues artistic creation, he is naturally willing to conduct more discussions or explorations of human nature at these conveniences.

After thinking about it, and looking at Captain Li, Director Ning couldn't help but said, "You your don't want to counterattack Bai Fumei at all?"

As for Director Ning's mention of the term counterattack Bai Fumei, this seems to be a phenomenon in today's society.

After all, people are under a lot of pressure in all kinds of work and life nowadays.

For example, such as housing loans, car loans, mobile phone loans, and so on.

Therefore, many people are shouting that I don't want to fight anymore.

Besides, given Director Ning's understanding of Captain Li, Director Ning even felt... This is the best time for Captain Li...

Inferred according to common sense, this captain Li should follow the trend, and then there are all kinds of high spirits, all kinds of comparisons, and all kinds of hilarity.

Frankly speaking, Director Ning has made many people popular and witnessed many.

After some guys become popular in a drama, the tide rises, and then their lives become less and less like the people they used to be.

In this regard, Director Ning can only express his understanding.

But the current Captain Li really made him very curious...

In fact, Director Ning is very clear that as long as Captain Li nods, then his affairs with Ms. Zhuhai Dong will definitely be settled.

In fact, Director Ning also intended to test Captain Li.

Of course, even if the matter between Captain Li and Ms. Zhuhai Dong is settled, it will be nothing to him, Director Ning.

However, after taking another deep breath, Captain Li suddenly said: "Actually, I have been thinking that if a person can put everything aside, he can always be floating on this ocean with his beloved one." , is a good life. How nice it is. Unrestricted."

Then, Captain Li said again: "To be honest, I have always wanted to escape from the big city. Because I hate those rules and regulations, and I hate those mortgages, car loans and so on. I seem to be very depressed. I have always been like It's like being a slave."

Hearing what he said suddenly, Director Ning said: "But you are rich now. You are also famous. In fact, you should be very clear. Now as long as you are on a TV show casually, you can come to a hundred and ten Ten thousand rewards."

Hearing Director Ning's words, Li Chen smiled inexplicably depressed: "But I know how I survived in the end. I also know who gave me the freedom I have now. So I really want to earn too much money." If I have too much money, I feel more guilty. Of course, I don’t reject money, after all, I still have my parents. Even if I don’t want to make my life better for the rest of my life, then I have to consider making my parents less hardworking for the rest of their lives. Bar?"

Then, Captain Li said again: "Actually, there are some things... no amount of money can exchange them for. It is impossible to exchange them again."

Director Ning couldn't help laughing, and then joked: "Can I think you're pretending to be a senior?"

And Captain Li said: "Whatever you think. Anyway... Next, I will fully cooperate with you to make such a movie. Although I am not a professional actor, I will try my best [-]%. Because I still think...the story should be restored. I think more people should know about it."

So Director Ning asked, "And then?"

"And then... I haven't thought about it yet." Li Chen replied honestly.

Director Ning said: "I don't dare to say anything else, but I can guarantee that after this drama, you will definitely be so popular. You can even officially enter the show business circle."

Unexpectedly, Captain Li said: "I don't want to be a celebrity. I don't want to be a star either. Because I know that I will lose myself. If one day... I really develop into that, I think I will eventually disappear , and then must have gone to some island where I survived. Lived undisturbed there.”


(End of this chapter)

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