Chapter 1177 Dreaming of Hye Kyo

After another chat with Captain Li Chen, Director Ning didn't know what happened, but suddenly felt some inexplicable sympathy for him...

Therefore, after turning his head to look at Captain Li, Director Ning couldn't help but reach out and pat him on the shoulder...

"I think your... your heart is still in the ocean, and you still haven't really come out!"

Hearing what Director Ning said suddenly, Li Chen didn't deny it, but he didn't admit it either, but couldn't help but lit a cigarette again.

In fact, he still knew very well in his heart that it wasn't that he couldn't get out, but that he couldn't forget it at all.

Even in this life...he couldn't forget the scene when Hye Kyo blocked the bullet for him, got shot, and fell down...

Although subconsciously, he understood that Hye Kyo just wanted him to live a good life, but in this life...can he really live so peacefully?

After a while, Director Ning couldn't help but took out a pack of cigarettes and said, "Come on, let me smoke this. I like to smoke this brand."

Seeing Director Ning handing over a cigarette while talking, Li Chen was not polite, and took the cigarette with his hand...

After each other lit another cigarette, and then took a look at Captain Li, Director Ning couldn't help but say, " can't live so stubbornly!"

But Li Chen said: "This is not stubbornness. It's a debt. An eternal debt."

Director Ning also had no choice but to smile helplessly: "It is right for me to let you star in this movie directly. Because no matter how amazing a professional actor is, it will be impossible to be in the movie all the time. And you... are Always in play."

"Everything that used to's not a play!" Li Chen hurriedly said.

Director Ning said: "I know this. It is an experience that ordinary people cannot experience."

As he said that, he looked at the sky and saw that it was already dark. Director Ning suddenly couldn't help asking: "By the way, at night... we won't encounter any danger at sea, right?"

Hearing this suddenly, Captain Li was stunned...

Then, he also looked up at the sky, and then said: "There should be no danger. After all, Wanglang Island is a developed island, so this voyage... has been explored a long time ago, and it is absolutely safe."

Director Ning said: "It's not fully developed. It's in a semi-developed state. But... the submarine cable has been laid, and the island has been powered on. And the base station on the island has also been built, and there will be mobile phone signals on the island. .”

As he said that, Director Ning couldn't help but said worriedly: "By the way, at night...the weather shouldn't be a problem, right? There shouldn't be any strong winds and waves at sea, right?"

Suddenly, Director Ning asked again, and Li Chen said, "Don't worry. You are worrying a little too much."

Director Ning smiled, and said: "The main reason is that after hearing your stories, I always have some inexplicable worries. Look... this night, the sea is pitch black, and it's really scary."

Li Chen said: "What we experience in the ocean is completely different from the original ocean and islands."

Director Ning smiled inexplicably as he listened, and then said: "Frankly speaking, I really want to go to the islands that you have experienced to shoot on the spot. However, the cost is too high and the distance is too far. It can't be realized. So... the filming of the entire film can only be done on Wanglang Island and a few nearby islands."


After the two continued to chat, Director Ning was taken aback suddenly: "Uh, that's right! Why am I suddenly on this boat, and I feel... this state is really good?"

Hearing Director Ning's words suddenly, Li Chen asked, "Do you feel that you don't have so many troubles?"

"Yes, yes, yes." Director Ning nodded hurriedly.

Immediately, Director Ning said again: "It seems that the whole person is completely in a relaxed state. It doesn't matter to me if I become famous or not. I just need to live and feel and enjoy this state."


In fact, being on a boat and floating in the ocean has limited room for movement, so it is useless to think about it.

Therefore, it is easy to be in a relaxed state.

But then, Li Chen couldn't help but said: "However, when you suddenly fell from the plane and found that you were not dead, but actually on a certain island, the mood is different."

Suddenly hearing this, Director Ning said: "I understand this. That's why it's called Survival on a Deserted Island. Because of that state of mind... definitely want to get out of the predicament. I think about it all the time."

Immediately afterwards, Director Ning suddenly asked curiously: "By the way, the story you confessed, is there really a tiger on the island?"

"Really." Li Chen nodded.

This made Director Ning frowned, and then said: "Actually, I have been thinking about the difficulty of this shooting technology. Because we can't really have tigers. We can only rely on computers and other technologies to deal with it in the later stage. Pythons are no problem. There are pythons Yes, we've been in touch and they'll provide it while we're filming."

Then, Director Ning frowned again: "Also, the shooting of the wolves is also a difficult point. But don't worry, we will produce real effects in the later stage."

Then, after taking a look at Captain Li, Director Ning said: "However, there is something I still have to tell you. The effect of the movie screen cannot really kill the tiger. The plot can only arrange you How to fight wits and bravery with the big tiger, and cleverly avoid danger. And..."

Before Director Ning could finish speaking, Li Chen said: "I understand this. Last time, screenwriter Jin also told us that we can't reflect real eating of wolf and tiger meat in the film."

Hearing what Captain Li said, Director Ning said, "That's good. That's good."

Immediately, Director Ning said again: "However, don't worry, the effect of the movie will not be bad. The main thing is to restore the plot of the original story. Of course, some changes and re-creations will be made. After all, if the movie is presented, if a complete story."

Li Chen nodded again: "I understand this too. Screenwriter Jin also communicated with us last time."


Just like that, the two chatted at the bow until late at night, and finally returned to the cabin when they were really sleepy.

Then they went back to their respective rooms to wash and sleep.

That night, Li Chen later had a dream...

In the dream, there was Xiao Cao, the wild dog Heizi, Nina, and Nina's brothers and sisters...

More importantly, there are also Hye Kyo and Chuanxiang in the dream...

Although it was just a dream, everything in the dream was so real.

In the end, Hye Kyo in the dream told him that she was not dead, she was still alive.

In the dream, Hye Kyo meant that she was finally rescued by a fisherman at sea, and now she lives on an island near country T...

As for the island, in the dream, it seemed unreal again.

Anyway, in the dream, Li Chen never saw the island clearly...

(End of this chapter)

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