The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1178 I Dreamed About Her Last Night

Chapter 1178 I Dreamed About Her Last Night

The next morning.

When the second child, Su Qian'er, came to the bow, she saw that the captain was already standing on the bow...

At this moment, looking at the back, smoking a cigarette, looking at the sunrise, Su Qian'er couldn't help but startled secretly thoughtfully...

But, at this moment, she didn't know what the captain was thinking?
All I know is that the captain got up early enough.

However, thinking about that Miss Dong from Zhuhai, Su Qian'er was thinking, this guy is really thinking about Dong Qianxue, right?

Obviously, the second child still has some inexplicable jealousy in his heart...

Just looking at the boundless ocean and the sunrise, suddenly, unknowingly... the scenes in the ocean and on the island also began to emerge in the second child's mind...

In fact, Li Chen, the captain at the moment, was not thinking about Miss Dong from Zhuhai, but thinking about the dream last night...

Because Hui Qiao in the dream said that she was not dead, that she was rescued by a fisherman, and now she lives on an island near T country...

As a result, Li Chen, the captain at the moment, was secretly wondering if Hye Kyo really didn't die?

Because everything in the dream is still too real...

Suddenly, he was also in a trance.

Although subconsciously he still understood that it was just a dream, but he kind of believed... that dream might be real?

He even had a sense of luck, thinking that Hye Kyo might not be dead?

To be honest, although it has been so long, it is obviously not that easy for him to completely walk out of Hye Kyo's world.

After all, they were truly in love.

Hye Kyo has also really appeared in his life.

There are so many points of memory that cannot be erased...

Especially everything about Hye Kyo, he is already so familiar.

This familiarity naturally includes her body.

Only his wife knows each other so well...

The kind of lingering love he once had, recalled it, was what worried him the most...

When the second child, Su Qian'er, quietly came to the captain's side, she turned her head to watch him light another cigarette, and she was startled in a thoughtful way...

Afterwards, Su Qian'er could only have a half-smile, and said something out of words: "Are you thinking about Miss Dong again?"

Hearing such a sentence suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help being taken aback...

I was thinking in my heart, when did this little girl come to the bow of the boat?

Frankly speaking, he doesn't know what's wrong, he just feels that being alone with this second child is still a little inexplicable...

After taking another puff of cigarette, he turned his head to look at Su Qian'er beside him...

Seeing Su Qian'er looking at him with a half-smile, he didn't know what to say for a moment.
After thinking about it, he said, "Why...why do you guys always like that Miss Dong from Tizhuhai?"

Su Qian'er said, "Because we think it's a good thing."

Then, Su Qian'er said again: "Didn't it be said... that if you survive a catastrophe, you will have a future blessing? Has Miss Dong also appeared now? So we all feel... the captain's future blessing has come!"

Li Chen also had no choice but to smile inexplicably and helplessly: "What's the mess?"

So, Su Qian'er looked at him sincerely, and then she said: "Dare you not miss Miss Dong?"

There was nothing left to do, so Li Chen simply said, "I want to say that I am thinking of Hye Kyo, do you believe me?"

Suddenly hearing such a sentence, Su Qian'er was indeed stunned for a moment...

At the same time, there was some inexplicable jealousy in her heart...

Because she is jealous of Hye Kyo making Captain love so deeply!
In fact, regarding H country actress Quan Hye Kyo, she did not leave a bad impression on her.

After looking at the captain again, suddenly, Su Qian'er couldn't help asking curiously: "Did you fall in love with Quan Huiqiao from the moment she appeared?"

Li Chen froze for a moment, then shook his head honestly: "No."

"That is to fell in love with Hye Kyo...after we women were rescued?"

Li Chen was stunned again, and then, he didn't answer directly, but couldn't help but said: "At that time... on that island, there were only me, Hui Qiao, and Nina left. And Hye Kyo woke up after being in a coma for more than ten days. The situation at that time... was very sad, very sad. Especially... At that time, I always felt... that you were all buried in the ocean. At that time ... After Hui Qiao woke up, she was also very sad, but she ... has been trying to make me happy. In fact ... when I knew that she was an actress from country H, I kept a distance from her on purpose. Because I People, you know... have self-knowledge. But later... after I really fell in love, I found that I couldn't extricate myself. To be honest, it has nothing to do with being a celebrity or not, but that Hye Kyo is really a good woman. A very kind and good woman. "

Then, he couldn't help but said: "You don't know what happened later, so there are many things... I can't express them one by one. At that time, Hye Kyo always thought that you were all buried in the ocean. Yes. Said...until the moment she died, she didn't know that you were not dead. So in her heart, she always misses you. Sometimes...she can't help but say your names. In fact, in that paragraph During the time... she and I... are dependent on each other. Anyway, you all know the difficult conditions... in the ocean, so I don't need to say more."

After hearing so much from the captain suddenly, Su Qian'er didn't know what was wrong, but felt that the inexplicable jealousy in her heart was completely gone...

Her heart was getting heavier and heavier, and she suddenly couldn't help crying...

Crying and crying, Su Qian'er couldn't help but said: "Then when we went to Country H...why didn't you ask us to pay homage to Hui Qiao together?"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen was not in a hurry to say anything, but couldn't help but lit a cigarette again...

After taking several puffs of cigarettes, he turned his head to look at Su Qian'er again, and then asked, "Is Hui Qiao considered your good sister?"

"Of course! It's always been!" Su Qian'er said with tears.

Li Chen paused thoughtfully again, and then revealed: "I dreamed about her last night. In the dream, she said she was not dead. She said she was rescued by a fisherman. She said she is now Living on an island near country T."

Suddenly hearing this, Su Qian'er hurriedly said: "Then when the filming is over, we'll go find her right away!"

However, Li Chen said: "It's a last night's dream, I didn't see the island clearly, so...even if we look for it, we don't know where to look for it?"

Su Qian'er hurriedly said: "There will always be a way! As long as she is alive, she will always find it!"


(End of this chapter)

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