Chapter 1180 Stop Talking, Linna
Seeing that Katerina suddenly became a little angry, Tan Jixia and the other women were somewhat surprised and surprised...

After Katerina looked at them again, she couldn't help but said: "Sister Huiqiao never said anything wrong with you. She has always thought about your good. She has never forgotten you. She I have always said that I am good sisters with you. But what about you?"

Suddenly being asked by Katerina again, Tan Jixia and the other women felt a bit shy...

Afterwards, Tan Jixia couldn't help but stare at the cute girl inexplicably...

The meaning seems to be to say, it's all because of you little girl!

Then, Katerina looked at them again, and asked, "Do you know why brother Li Chen loves sister Hui Qiao so much? Why can't you forget it all the time?"

This made Tan Jixia and the other women stunned...

However, they couldn't answer for a while.

Seeing that they couldn't answer, Katerina said again: "Well, let me tell you. Last year, after you were rescued, neither brother Li Chen nor sister Hye Kyo knew about it. So Li Brother Chen has been blaming himself for being negligent as the captain. In addition to being sad, sister Hui Qiao has to comfort brother Li Chen all the time. Because sister Hui Qiao said that she should give each other hope to live. Otherwise, , she was afraid that they would not be able to support each other anymore. And..."

Just as Katerina said this, Li Chen suddenly turned around and said, "Okay. Lina, stop talking."

Suddenly seeing the captain turn around and say these two words, Tan Jixia and the other women were stunned again...

At the same time, they also realized that the captain's heart was still heavy.

However, after Katerina looked at Li Chen and then at the women, she said: "No. I want to say. Otherwise, they will never know how much Sister Huiqiao loves you. And you, I I also know that it will never be possible to forget Sister Hye Kyo."

And Li Chen said: "Linna, it's all over. There's no need to say any more. Really, there's no need to say any more."

Fortunately, at this moment, actress Wu Qianqian also came out of the cabin...

Wu Qianqian, who didn't know why, was busy grinning and shouting: "Wow! So it's so lively! So you are all on the boat gallery!"

This was disturbed by Wu Qianqian, and the topic became even more unbearable.

Fortunately, the black actor Joe Hu, who was coming, hurriedly greeted: "Hey, Sissy!"

Seeing that Qiao Hu was also at the bow, Wu Qianqian couldn't help but greet Qiao Hu with a smile...

"Hi Johu!"

Obviously, it is not difficult to see that Wu Qianqian is still very willing to get together with Qiao Hu.

After all, they are both full-time actors and have many common topics.

And taking advantage of being disturbed, Li Chen said that after looking at the women inexplicably, he turned around and went back to the cabin...

Suddenly seeing the captain return to the cabin, they were all stunned again...

Afterwards, Qiong'er couldn't help asking in a low voice: "What's the matter with the captain?"


After returning to the cabin, Li Chen couldn't help but walked towards Director Jin's room.

He also wanted to discuss script matters with screenwriter Kim.

Although it was an adaptation of the original story, trying to restore the original story as much as possible, but Li Chen suddenly felt... In terms of the script, there are always some things that are not right and not in place.

Obviously, for Captain Li, he really wanted to make this movie well.

After all, for him, the only way to remember something is to do a good job in this movie with his heart.


As for the ships, they are still sailing at sea.

It is estimated that it will take tomorrow afternoon to reach Wanglang Island.

Although it is still on board, various preparations are already being made in advance for the crew.

At the same time, some members of the crew were also a little inexplicably excited...

Because after all, this is the first time for some people to go to sea, and the first time they want to go to an island.


On the following day, Li Chen and Director Ning stayed in the screenwriter Jin's room almost all day.

The three have been exchanging opinions, re-polishing the script, and adjusting the story structure, details, and other aspects.

Originally, they all thought that Captain Li did not understand the creation of film art, but what they did not expect was that Captain Li's suggestions and opinions in many aspects were constructive.


Until it was almost at dusk, Li Chen couldn't help but habitually came to the bow...

This time, screenwriter Jin couldn't help but come to the bow of the boat to breathe...

Waiting for each other to light a cigarette, screenwriter Jin couldn't help but smile inexplicably, and then said emotionally: "It's not enough to just bury your head in creating? It's better to feel the sea more. !"

Hearing what screenwriter Jin said, Li Chen turned his head to look at him, but couldn't help saying: "I still admire screenwriter Jin's control of the story!"

Screenwriter Jin couldn't help but inexplicably smiled again: "Isn't this... still a lack of experience. Does the script still have to be completed under Captain Li's guidance?"

As he said that, screenwriter Jin changed the subject: "However... I'm still looking forward to the effect of this movie after it comes out."


Originally, the second child, Su Qian'er, wanted to take the opportunity to come out and chat with the captain alone, but when she suddenly saw the captain chatting with screenwriter Jin at the bow, she could only stare thoughtfully...

After that, she didn't come close.

After a while, Tan Jixia couldn't help but walked out from the cabin again...

After taking a look, she had no choice but to stand next to the second child and put it on the boat corridor...

At this moment, for these two women, looking at the familiar ocean environment, they couldn't help being filled with emotion...

At the same time, the two women were thinking about what Katerina said.

After a while, Tan Jixia couldn't help but whisper in Su Qianer's ear: "I suddenly feel...we really don't know the captain as well as Russian girls do."

Suddenly hearing this, Su Qian'er couldn't help but whisper in Tan Jixia's ear: "We don't know Hui Qiao as well as Russian girls."

Hearing what the second child said, Tan Jixia waited to think about it, and then said: "I always feel... the captain may not be able to accommodate other women in his heart?"

Suddenly hearing such a sentence, Su Qian'er didn't know what to say for a while?

Just a little depressed...

In fact, she was thinking in her heart, maybe there are some things... Missed, really missed?
Because she knew very well in her heart and felt that at that time, in the ocean, the captain really loved her very much.

It's just that at that time... She said that she would consider marrying him after she returned alive.

However, she never expected that it was Hye Kyo who occupied the captain's heart now...

(End of this chapter)

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