The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1181 Su Qian'er struggles with editing the ending of the play!

Chapter 1181 Su Qian'er struggles with editing the ending of the play!

The reason why it is Hye Kyo who occupies the captain's heart now is because of the captain's modification of the ending of the movie.

Regarding the modification of the script, especially the modification of the ending of the script, to be honest, not only Su Qianer, the second child, was a little confused, but Tan Jixia and the other women were also a little confused.

Because the finalized script now, at the end, was modified according to their captain's opinion.

After the modification, at the end of the play, the captain was not with any of their women.

Although the second child, Su Qian'er, is the heroine, the revised script ends with... the captain finally returned to one of the islands, and various images of being with Hye Kyo kept flashing in his mind... …

The last scene is, in memory, the scene where Hye Kyo was shot and died...

Thinking about the captain's modification of the script, Su Qian'er was naturally very confused.

Originally, according to the story structure of screenwriter Jin, it was the final embrace of the beauty.

In other words, the captain and the second child were together in the end.

The wedding of the two was held on one of the former islands.

But for this ending, Captain Li Chen has always been dissatisfied.

So, in the end, it was modified according to his request.

Thinking about this, Su Qian'er at the moment doesn't know what to say?
After turning her head to look at Tan Jixia, at the end, Su Qian'er couldn't help but said, "Uh, sister Jixia, tell me... in reality, the captain doesn't want to be the same as in the drama, does he?"

Hearing this sentence suddenly, Tan Jixia was not in a hurry to say anything, but her eyes were blanked thoughtfully...

Regarding this matter, it seems that she doesn't know what to say?
After thinking about it, she turned her head to look at her second child, and Tan Jixia said, "Don't think too much about it. This is just an artistic creation."

Then, Tan Jixia said again: "However, I also thought about it. As a movie, it is finally presented to the audience. It is the captain's modification of the ending, which is more meaningful."

Afterwards, Tan Jixia said again: "After all... If there is a perfect ending in the end, then it will not achieve the effect of remembering Hui Qiao."

Hearing what Tan Jixia said, Su Qian'er didn't know what to say?

It's just that she knew in her heart that sister Jixia was comforting her.


As for Director Ning finally agreeing to adopt Captain Li's suggestion of modifying the ending of the script, it is natural that Director Ning also considered it. Such an ending is conducive to the filming of the second part.

If it ends with a happy ending, then it's really the end of the show.

After all, it is estimated that this movie will be popular.

The box office is guaranteed to explode.

So, who wouldn't want a second installment?

Whether it is for Director Ning or Hengmei Films, they are doing commercial things after all.

A good story can make more money, so it is natural to make more money.

Furthermore, from the artistic point of view of film creation, the ending Captain Li finally gave is more consistent...

Although Su Qianer is the heroine, such an ending seems to tell everyone that if you miss love, you really miss it.

At the same time, such an ending also expresses Captain Li Chen's loyalty to love.

Because after all, Captain Li Chen loved Quan Hye Kyo in the end.

Maybe it's really enough to love only one person for a lifetime.


Since Liu Caiqiong is currently playing the role of Jeon Hye Kyo in the play, Liu Caiqiong is somewhat happy about the ending of this.

Because Liu Caiqiong was thinking, maybe in reality... I can't get the captain's love?

But in the play, she finally got all the love of the captain.

Miao Keke, who was alone with Liu Caiqiong at the moment, couldn't help being inexplicably jealous and said: "Hmph! Dead Qiong'er! Look at how beautiful you are!"

Hearing what Miao Keke said, Liu Caiqiong was even more overjoyed...

But then, she couldn't help but said: "Actually... I still don't know how to control the psychology of the character of Jeon Hye Kyo?"

Suddenly hearing this, Miao Keke said: "If you want to lose control, then I will play Quan Huiqiao."

However, Liu Caiqiong said: "I think so too. But now... isn't the character determined by the crew?"

Then, Liu Caiqiong said again: "How nice you are. Just play yourself. Act with your true colors. I still want to figure out all kinds of psychology of Jeon Hye Kyo."

Miao Keke was so angry that he said, "Hmph, dammit, we are all women, and we all have that stuff, so you still pretend, is that interesting?"


After a while, outside the cabin.

After screenwriter Jin took the lead to turn around and return to the cabin, in the end, the second child Su Qian'er couldn't help but approached the captain...

Seeing this, Tan Jixia wisely turned around and went back to the cabin.

Obviously, this northern girl wanted to leave more space for the second child and the captain.

Li Chen, who was waiting to light a cigarette, turned his head to look at the second child who suddenly stood beside him, but he couldn't help but stare blankly...

Seeing him like that, Su Qian'er expressed some dissatisfaction and said, "Why do you want to modify the ending?"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen looked at her thoughtfully...

Then, he said: "No reason. I just might be more meaningful to shoot like this."

However, Su Qian'er couldn't help asking inexplicably: "Have you ever hated me?"

Suddenly hearing this sentence, Li Chen was a little dazed: "I don't understand what you mean?"

Su Qian'er said: "Hmph! Don't pretend! It was a good ending, but...after your revision, what you want to express...isn't...even in the play, you don't want to be with me again Yet?"

It's just that Li Chen frowned inexplicably when he heard the second child say this...

Because he was thinking, have I... been with her before?
Thinking, thinking, finally, he said: "It have always been my team member?"

Suddenly hearing what he said, Su Qian'er was even more stunned——

Then she looked at him in a daze, then she said: "Could it be... In your mind, I have always been just your team member?"

However, Li Chen said: "Isn't everything we used to be about to be reflected in the play?"

Suddenly hearing what he said, Su Qian'er was stunned again...

Next, she didn't seem to know what to say?

It's just that at this moment, looking at the second child again, Li Chen, the captain, didn't want to express anything.

In fact, he still understood in his heart that at first, his favorite was indeed this second child...

It's just that some things have passed, and he doesn't want to mention them again.

As for hate, obviously not.

Besides, he couldn't understand why he hated her?

There is absolutely no need for this.

After thinking about it again, in the end, he couldn't help but whisper in the ear of the second child: "Okay. Don't think too much. It's getting late, let's go back to the cabin. Wash up and sleep."


(End of this chapter)

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