The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1182 Arriving at Wanglang Island

Chapter 1182 Arriving at Wanglang Island

The next afternoon.

In the boundless ocean...

When a green island in front finally appeared in sight, everyone on the ship couldn't help but get excited...

Especially for some members of the production team, it is even more exciting and joyful...

"Yeah—look—in front—" A girl in charge of makeup in the crew was very excited.

"That should be Wanglang Island—ha—it's so beautiful—" A girl in charge of live recording in the crew was also very excited.

"It's so beautiful—ha——this is the first time I've been to this kind of island——"


To be honest, Wanglang Island, which appeared in front of us, is really beautiful.

Especially the lush, green and green scenery on the island is simply beautiful.

The island, which is in a semi-developed state, still retains many original scenes.

Taking a general look, this island has a lot of area.

As far as the moment is concerned, for the desert island survival team, at this moment, there is also some special excitement...

At the same time, it created an illusion for them, as if they had really returned to an island in the ocean.

Therefore, in addition to a myriad of emotions, there are also some mixed flavors...

Even the cute girl couldn't help but said with emotion: "It's such a familiar scene!"

Qiong'er said: "Yes! It's really a bit like... the first island we experienced!"

As the two of them talked like this, scenes from the past reappeared...

Especially for Qin Xiaowan, when she mentioned the first island she experienced, she felt very uncomfortable.

After all... on the first island she experienced, she was plundered by pirates...

Even now thinking back to that brother Han at that time, as a woman, she still wanted to be rude...

Grass, Tama!

In fact, what made Qin Xiaowan even more heartbroken was that in the play, that scene had to be reproduced again...

However, Director Ning also talked to her alone, saying that if she really can't bear that scene again, she can change this scene.

However, Qin Xiaowan, who has a strong psychological quality, said that she could bear it.

In fact, she has long since divorced her husband, so she really doesn't care that the scene of being plundered by pirates reappears on the screen.

It's just that Qiong'er has noticed that Miss Wan'er's face is a bit ugly at the moment...

Therefore, Qiong'er couldn't help but whisper in her ear: "What's the matter with you, Sister Wan'er?"

Qin Xiaowan was not in a hurry to answer.

She just couldn't help but took a deep breath, and then let out a long and heavy breath...

After a while, she shook her head: "No. Nothing."

In fact, at this moment, she was thinking in her heart that after the captain returned, he had talked with her alone, so he still wanted to marry her.

And the captain knew that she had been plundered by pirates and was a divorced woman with a child, so she still wanted to marry her. Therefore, she never understood what kind of psychology the captain had.
Do you really love her?

Or pity her?

Or sympathize with her?
Of course, she still realized one thing in her heart, that is... the captain is definitely a man who is responsible for his feelings, there is no doubt about it!

Because no matter what the situation is, the captain still said that he wanted to marry her. To be honest, this has always moved her very much!
It's just that as a woman, she no longer has the courage to marry the captain again.


At this moment, looking at the approaching Wanglang Island, the second child, Su Qian'er, also felt a lot of emotion...

For her, what is still fresh in her memory is the scene when she and the captain were alone on the beach at first...

Because at that time, her vigilance was extremely high.

Also very vigilant.

At that time, she was afraid that the captain would have some schemes against her.

Of course, at that time, she also thought that she would be saved soon.

It's just that she didn't expect... Looking back now, she suddenly realized how childish she was back then.

Inadvertently, when she caught sight of the captain smoking at the side of the bow, she couldn't help being startled secretly...

Frankly speaking, she has always felt a little weird about the captain's modification of the ending of the film...

She even wondered, is the captain still angry with her?
Because at the beginning, her performance was really annoying to men.


At this moment, Tan Jixia and Miao Keke are recalling the scene when they first met the captain...

The captain at the time was taking a bath at the beach, wearing nothing.

Thinking back to that scene, the two stewardesses were still blushing...

Especially for the divorced girls in the north, what is unforgettable is that the captain's penis is really big.

It's just that what she had been expecting all along never happened.

And now, she claims to be his sister.

As for her true inner thoughts, naturally only she knows.


At this moment, for Li Chen, looking at the approaching Wanglang Island, his memory is full of good things...

Because he always wanted the memory to be the same as before.

Just like in the beginning, he only hoped to be a small team with the three women.

Admittedly, he has always felt that he is not that great.

Because he also knows that he actually still has selfishness and his own little thoughts...

It's just that later, as the team slowly expanded, there were some things...he just felt that he had to do that.

It's like... I can't help myself.

It was as if at the beginning, on the first island, I finally got the boat, and I couldn't leave without taking Sister Meng and others with me.

Because of this, Qin Xiaowan and Liu Caiqiong came later...

However, if possible, he really only wanted to be in a small team with the three women Tan Jixia, Su Qian'er, and Miao Keke.

When recalling this, he still couldn't help but glance at Su Qian'er calmly...

In fact, he still knew very well in his heart that when he first met, he seemed to have special feelings for this woman.

But now, he doesn't know what's wrong, it seems that the initial feeling is gone...

Maybe it's because of Nina who appeared later, and Hye Kyo?

Maybe life is like this sometimes, although the initial feeling is good, but some things...will change after all.

Especially as time and circumstances change, it seems that the things I love... will slowly change.

Maybe the current restraint is not because the second child is too good, but because... something... seems to have changed subtly?
It's like I still can't forget Hye Kyo and Nina...

Once in the ocean, the islands I experienced one after another seem to be the epitome of life.

Perhaps life is still very long, and everything that follows is still unknown...

Maybe one day looking back, there will still be regrets, right?
But what exactly is this regret, I still can't figure it out for the time being?
I hope that with the shooting of the film, recreating the previous scenes will allow me to regain some insights from it...

(End of this chapter)

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