Chapter 1183 Landing on the Island
After a while, when the ship docked at the southeast pier of Wanglang Island, and took a general look, Li Chen, the captain of Huaguo, couldn't help but frown inexplicably...

Although the entire southeast direction has been developed, looking at this tourist attraction, there is always a feeling that it is hard to say.

Maybe it feels like the original ecology has been destroyed?
So it always feels like something is almost there.

However, the northeast, northwest, and southwest directions of the island have not yet been developed.

Probably because of the support of the Zhuhai government for the shooting of this film, the island looks a little deserted and there are no tourists.

Some are just some staff on this island walking around or busy...

Suddenly, the crew's ship arrived, and some staff members on the island watched, grinning with joy...

It seems that they have been looking forward to the arrival of the crew.

Obviously, to a certain extent, the success of the film is also an invisible publicity for Wanglang Island...

Perhaps the crew had already communicated with the hotel on the island, so I saw that the hotel manager had led a group of service staff to welcome...

When Li Chen and others disembarked and boarded the pier, the hotel manager and the service staff were all overjoyed...

"Ah! Look! Captain Huaguo! It's really here!" A girl was pleasantly surprised in a low voice.

And the hotel manager was staring at Su Qianer with inexplicable joy...

It seems that the legendary second child really lived up to his reputation, he was indeed gentle, charming and beautiful.

Immediately, a girl couldn't help but excitedly said, "Captain Hua! Can we take a photo with you?"

Seeing this, Li Chen hurriedly smiled: "Of course! No problem!"

Suddenly seeing Captain Hua like this, those girls were even more delighted and nympho...

"Wow! Captain Hua Guo is so gentle! So handsome! Hee hee!"

"Hmph! Captain Hua Guo is a nice person, isn't he?"

"That's right! If the captain of Huaguo had a bad character, would he save so many people on the island?"


As far as this moment is concerned, the crew is extremely busy...

Because the shooting equipment, etc., have to be unloaded and moved ashore.

There's also a backup generator, gasoline, and more.

There are also many lighting equipment, field recording equipment, and so on.

In short, a lot of stuff.


After a while, seeing Director Ning coming off the boat, the hotel manager hurriedly greeted him warmly: "Hello, Director Ning!"

Director Ning was taken aback for a moment, then quickly smiled: "You are... Manager Lu?"

"That's right! It's me! I'm Manager Lu!"

It can be seen that Director Ning and Manager Lu have never met before.

Regarding Manager Lu, he is a middle-aged man in his forties.

It seems... the whole person is quite enthusiastic.

Probably because he is in the service industry, so he always smiles slightly, and seems to have a good personality.

Afterwards, Director Ning half-jokingly said: "Okay, Manager Lu, you'd better go and greet Captain Li. I don't need to say hello. Anyway, on this island, I have to disturb you for a while. "

Manager Lu smiled hurriedly: "Director Ning is being polite, isn't he? Besides, it is definitely our honor that Director Ning can come to our Wanglang Island to shoot this film!"

After finishing speaking, Manager Lu quickly turned around and said, "By the way, Captain Li, leave the luggage to me."

Seeing this, Li Chen said, "No need, no need. Thank you! Then's not heavy!"

The more this is the case, the happier those girls in the hotel are...

They all felt that Captain Hua had no airs at all, he was very gentle and approachable.


Afterwards, under the leadership of Manager Lu and the hotel service staff, a group of people went to the hotel on the island...

As for the girls in the hotel, along the way, happy nympho surrounded Captain Hua...

Some seemingly bold girls are shyly asking Captain Hua some questions...

"Uh, Captain Hua, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Hee hee! Captain Hua Guo, who do you think... among us girls is the prettiest?"

"Captain Hua Guo, guess where I am from?"


This shows that all these girls are lively and lovely, Li Chen can only smile and say nothing.

Because of this series of questions, he didn't know whose question to answer?

Of course, he still knew in his heart that in the eyes of these girls, he was already a big celebrity.

In fact, I don't really like the identity of a big celebrity.

Afterwards, when they were almost chattering, Li Chen took the opportunity and couldn't help asking: "By the way, why are there no tourists on this island?"

One of the girls hurriedly said: "Isn't that because you are going to come here to make a movie?"

Another girl said again: "Exactly! Now the whole island is taken over by your crew!"


Some of the male waiters kept following Su Qian'er around...

"Hey, Sister Qian'er, I are still a big entrepreneur?"

"What did you hear? Sister Qian'er is a big businessman, isn't she?"

"By the way, Sister Qian'er, I and Captain Li have the best relationship, is it true?"


As far as this moment is concerned, the cute girl is the most depressed, feeling like she has been left out in the cold.

The cute girl was even thinking, hum, doesn't Ben Gege look like a star?

Looking at the cute girl like that, Qiong'er couldn't help thinking about it...


After arriving at the hotel for a while, the girls in the hotel followed Captain Hua to the door of the guest room...

"Uh, Captain Hua, do you want us to go in and turn on the air conditioner in your room?"

"Uh, Captain Hua, do you want us to go in and boil water for you?"

"Uh, Captain Hua, do you want us to go in and rub your back?"


Seeing this group of girls like this, Li Chen could only smile helplessly, and then said: "Thank you! Thank you! Then what... no need! Go do your work!"


Finally, watching Captain Hua enter the room and close the door, a group of girls still couldn't help but smile coquettishly at the door...

"Hehe! Captain Hua seems to be shy?"

"Nonsense! You little girl is so enthusiastic, you must have scared Captain Hua!"

"Who made him so handsome? It makes everyone's heart itch!"

"Hmph! Damn girl! I don't think it's just your heart itching? Are you itching everywhere?"


But at this moment, Li Chen, who was already in the room, was going to take a shower, change his clothes, rest for a while, and then go to the island.

Generally speaking... this island is not bad, at least it is clean and comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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