The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1184 There Are Still Unknown Dangers

Chapter 1184 There Are Still Unknown Dangers

As far as this moment is concerned, just landed on the island and just checked into the hotel on the island, they are exhausted. Therefore, each of them prepares to take a shower, change clothes, and then rest for a while in their respective rooms.

However, the cute girl is still depressed in her own room...

Because I just got left out.

The waiters and waitresses in the island hotel either followed the captain or Su Qian'er.

As a result, she, the flight attendant, was left out in the cold.

As for Qiong'er and others, they didn't care whether they were left out or not.

What they care about is that as long as they can hang out with the captain every day, they will be happy...

Maybe a group of people on the island are used to hanging out with the captain, so they are a little absent-minded about their usual work.

So this time, they were extremely happy and happy to be able to hang out with the captain and come to this island to film together.


As for the crew and other staff, they are still busy for the time being, still moving those equipments and so on.

Director Ning chatted with Manager Lu in the hotel lobby...

"Manager Lu, there should be no danger in the undeveloped area on this island, right?"

Suddenly hearing such a question, Manager Lu smiled and said, " hard to say? I can't guarantee anything. But don't worry, we have full-time staff and full-time environmental protection personnel on the island. At that time... Anyway, I will always be with your crew and assist your crew in various shootings."

As soon as he finished speaking, Manager Lu seemed to suddenly think of something, so he hurriedly said: "Oh, yes, there must be pythons on this island. As for tigers and wolves, there should be no such things. Usually, tourists go to the island only when they are already there. Activities in the development area. Undeveloped areas are forbidden to enter. Of course, you need it for filming, so...don't worry, you can shoot as you like on this island. Our security staff will accompany you all the way."

But Director Ning frowned: "You just said... there are pythons?"

"Yes. Yes." Manager Lu nodded sincerely.

"Then... is the python big?"

Manager Lu couldn't help but smile: "Pytha constrictors are generally relatively large. But... Director Ning, don't worry, we will have special staff who understand the habits of pythons, so don't worry too much."

Director Ning said: "Then...if we really encounter a boa constrictor that comes out to make trouble during the filming, if we panic too much and are in a hurry, if we accidentally kill the boa constrictor...will it be all right?"

However, Manager Lu said: " not allowed in principle. Because...we must protect the nature and the original ecology. This developed area was also decided by the expert group, saying that the southeast direction can be fully developed."

Then, Manager Lu said again: "Because it faces southeast, looking at the terrain, Director Ning must have noticed that this orientation is equivalent to a big bay, which is full of sandy beaches and rocks, and there is no vegetation, so the development is allowed. .”

After hearing what Manager Lu said, Director Ning could only nod his head: "Okay. Then I understand."


In fact, Manager Lu didn't fully understand the unknown dangers of the undeveloped area on this island.

Anyway, usually, he doesn't wander around in that undeveloped area.

But what is certain is that there are definitely pythons.

In fact, Manager Lu did not dare to reveal the truth about some things.

For example, last year, there was a waitress in the hotel. After getting into trouble with her boyfriend, she broke into the undeveloped area by herself. As a result... no one has been found yet.

Anyway, according to common sense, that girl... must be gone.

As for how he died, don't you know?
The staff working on this island have been speculating that it might have been eaten alive by a python?

It is also possible to fall into a cliff valley?
In fact, apart from this, other strange things happened on this island.

For example, the year before last, there was a cook and a married young woman in the restaurant who were secretly engaged in broken shoes. Later, probably in pursuit of excitement, the two also sneaked into the undeveloped area. Later...the two were not found, but the two I found my clothes.

Because of this, the husband of the married young woman even reported to the police.

At that time, helicopters were dispatched, and more than [-] police officers landed on the island, but in the end, the cook and the married young woman were still not found.

Anyway, there have been several bizarre incidents on the island.


Later, in the hotel.

After recovering, those women couldn't help knocking on the door of the captain's room again...

As soon as he heard the knock on the door and the chattering outside the door, Li Chen knew that it was the group of women who had come to knock on the door.

For this reason, he frowned helplessly...

Originally lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling in a daze, he was thinking about something, but he was disturbed, so he had no choice but to get up and get out of bed.

After he came to open the door, Katerina was the first to say with a smile: "Brother Li Chen, this island is so beautiful! Let's go around together!"

Hearing what Katerina said, and looking at the women, Li Chen had no choice but to reply: "Okay. Wait a minute. I'll get a cigarette."

This time, in order to concentrate on filming on the island, Captain Li brought five cigarettes to the island.

When he took the cigarette and turned around to come out, the second child, Su Qian'er, couldn't help but look at him inexplicably...

"Hmph! I know how to smoke!"

Seeing that the second child had such strong opinions, Tan Jixia and Qin Xiaowan immediately understood that the second child... still cared about the captain very much.

After a while, when a group of them came downstairs, Manager Lu, who was chatting with Director Ning in the lobby, nodded and smiled...

Director Ning watched, then hurriedly asked: "Are you guys... planning to go to the island in advance to find out the character's status?"

Suddenly hearing this, Manager Lu hurriedly said: "Oh, yes, Captain Li, the undeveloped area... It's best not to go there!"

Seeing that Manager Lu was busy prompting, Li Chen hurriedly said: "Okay, Manager Lu. Thank you!"

It's just that the cute girl is secretly saying... Huh, no matter how primitive the island is, we have all experienced it, so what can we do with this broken island?

This is true.

Besides, their captain is here, so there is no need to be afraid.

Anyway... no matter what, their captains can handle it, and they can save the day.

However, regarding this matter, Li Chen himself did not think so in his heart.

After all, it is an unknown field, it is better to be careful.

After leaving the hotel for a while, the cute girl was the first to express her dissatisfaction: "Huh! We are going to the undeveloped area! We are not going to the undeveloped area, huh!"

Hearing this suddenly, and seeing it, Tan Jixia gave the cute girl an inexplicable look, thinking, what is wrong with this little girl?

(End of this chapter)

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