The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1186 You must be broken in love

Chapter 1186 You must be broken in love
Suddenly, Captain Hua Guo was asking, why am I crazy, and the girl named Lan Lan looked down at him inexplicably...

"Hmph! I'm with you for no reason. Why are you so kind? Why do you want to dance with me? And you say you're not crazy?"

Hearing what she said, Li Chen smiled again: "I'm not crazy, okay? Didn't I just say that? Because I also think that jumping from there should be cool, so I just want to try it. What does this have to do with neurosis?"

However, Lan Lan said: "How cool are you? Don't you fear choking your fart?"

And Li Chen smiled again: "It's okay. If you choke your fart, you will choke your fart. Anyway... this is an adventurous game, isn't it?"

Hearing what Captain Hua Guo said again, the girl named Lan Lan's eyes were inexplicably moved...

But then, she said: "Don't be stupid. You are the captain of Hua Guo, and your life is worth more than mine."

Li Chen replied: "Who's life is more valuable than whose life? I think... as long as it is life, it is priceless. So our lives are the same."

Hearing what Captain Hua Guo said again, the girl named Lan Lan was inexplicably moved again...

After a while, she thought about it, and finally suddenly said: "Alright then. Then you come up. But, you are only allowed to come up alone."

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen finally couldn't help feeling elated, and then hurriedly said: "Don't worry. I'll tell them, I'm sure I'll be the only one coming up."


The big guy watched Captain Hua finally gain Lan Lan's trust and allowed him to go up alone. From this, the big guy finally took a long breath of relief...

At least there is hope.

Moreover, after the conversation between Captain Hua Guo and Lan Lan, Lan Lan's mood was not so excited.

Sometimes, maybe it's celebrity effect?

It's just that at this moment, the staff members of the film crew saw that Captain Hua Guo really went up, one by one... But they started to worry again.

Because what will happen next is still unknown?
Therefore, screenwriter Jin whispered in Director Ning's ear worriedly: "Li Chen won't... really jump down with that girl, right?"

Immediately, screenwriter Jin said again: "He is the number one male in this film!"

Hearing what screenwriter Jin said, Director Ning frowned inexplicably worried...

This thing... Just looking at the height of the bungee jumping platform, I feel a little inexplicably terrified.

However, some women in the play couldn't help whispering...

"Wow! Captain Hua Guo is really handsome! So cool!"

"Damn it! Just that bungee jumping legs go weak just walking on it!"

"Captain Hua Guo is indeed a true hero!"


But at this moment, all of them can only stare blankly...

Afterwards, the second child, Su Qian'er, couldn't help feeling inexplicably worried: "The girl named Lan Lan...won't she really drag our captain to jump down together?"

Hearing this, Tan Jixia frowned: "Who knows? Who knows what's wrong with that girl named Lan Lan?"

The cute girl said: "Huh! If you want to die, you will die! Why do you have to pull a back?"

This made Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but glance at the cute girl inexplicably: "Coco! What are you talking about?"


To be honest, if it is the first time to board this kind of bungee jumping platform, you will feel a little weak in your legs when you look down.

But for Li Chen, this is obviously commonplace.Too pediatric.

At this moment, Lan Lan, who was still standing on the edge of the bungee jumping platform, turned her head to see Captain Hua Guo walking towards her with a real smile, but she couldn't help staring at her inexplicably...

Maybe it's the celebrity effect, so at this moment, Lan Lan was somewhat inexplicably moved.

Anyway, the captain of Huaguo cared so much about her, and she was somehow touched...

And Li Chenxiao looked at her slightly, and was not in a hurry to say anything, but when he came to the edge of the bungee jumping platform, he didn't forget to sit on the edge of the bungee jumping platform...

This made the people below look at it, and couldn't help but let out a 'hiss', and gasped.

The girl named Lan Lan also suddenly felt frightened...

I thought, is he sick?Almost scared people to death!

But Li Chen was still not in a hurry, he didn't forget to take out his cigarette, and then lighted a cigarette without haste...

"Wow! Here... the scenery is really nice!"

Suddenly hearing what he said, Lan Lan was taken aback again: "???"

Only then did Li Chen turn his head and look up at Lan Lan who was standing beside him...

"What? Scared?"

Hearing what he said, Lan Lan was inexplicably trembling again...

Obviously, at this moment, she was a little embarrassed, even a little bit stuck.

In desperation, she had no choice but to give him an inexplicably embarrassed and shy look, and then whispered: "Are you really sick?"

Seeing her like this suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help but smile again: "Why are you sick again?"

Lan Lan hurriedly said, "Hey! You...keep your voice down!"

Seeing her like this again, Li Chen also realized that she was actually afraid of being embarrassed.

In this case, it seems that she doesn't really want to dance.

In fact, some girls who want to commit suicide do not really want to commit suicide.

It's just that suddenly a group of people yelling and caring blindly will stimulate her emotions.

So for this aspect, Li Chen is still very experienced.

After looking at the girl named Lan Lan again, Li Chen said with a half-smile: "If I'm not wrong, you must be broken-hearted, right?"

Lan Lan was startled: "How do you know?"

Li Chen smiled again: "Girls... they are going to die or live, it's just these few situations, isn't it?"

This made Lan Lan a little curious: "What kinds of situations?"

So, Li Chen smiled again, and then said: "The usual situations are... either you are broken in love, or you are defiled, or you are defrauded, or you owe usury, of course, it may also be People who suddenly lost their loved ones suddenly felt emotionally overwhelmed."

Hearing what Captain Hua Guo said, Lan Lan was inexplicably embarrassed again...

After that, she curled her lips inexplicably shyly: "Then why do you care about me so much?"

Li Chen smiled: "I don't care about you. I just want to chat with you, that's all."

"Hmph! You said you didn't care about others?"

Li Chen said: "Then don't you think everyone cares about you?"

Lan Lan said: "How can I take care of so many people's feelings?"


(End of this chapter)

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