The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1187 You guys are all good-looking

Chapter 1187 You guys are all good-looking
Chatting, chatting, after Li Chen successfully broke the vigilance of the girl called Lan Lan, she couldn't help it... and started talking by herself.

Anyway, that means... She is indeed broken in love.

She and her boyfriend both graduated from the Institute of Tourism. After graduation, she came to work on this island, and her boyfriend worked in Zhuhai City. The two rarely met.

She works on this island on a continuous leave system, that is, the monthly holidays are stacked together, and then she can go out of the island once and go to Zhuhai City for a few days.

In other words, she and her boyfriend meet once a month.

It may be that her boyfriend thinks that there is too little time to see each other, and then her boyfriend also moved on.

Before that, her boyfriend had just finished talking with her on the phone and formally proposed to break up.

Anyway, that's probably the case.

After listening to her story, Li Chen smiled inexplicably, and then said: "It's just a breakup, there is no need... Is it just a matter of life or death?"

Lan Lan said: "Hmph! That's because you don't know how much I love him!"

Then, she said again: "Losing him means that I have nothing. I have paid for nothing in the past few years, hmph!"

Li Chen said: "I understand. I understand your pain. But maybe he doesn't love you the most, so...he will be like this. But think about it, since he doesn't love you the most, then Are you... worth it? Does it make sense?"

Then, Li Chen said again: "Besides, it's just a split, the big deal... Just find another one later. Maybe the best one is waiting for you later."

However, Lan Lan said: "Hmph, that's easy to say, but how can it be so easy to do?"

Then, she said again: "Do you want me?"

Li Chen said: "It's a pity that I have a girlfriend, otherwise... I think it's okay. Besides, you are so beautiful, I really think it's pretty good."

"Hmph! You guys are all about looks, right?"

Li Chen just joked: "Don't you women have no way to walk when you see a handsome guy?"


Just chatting and chatting like this, the girl named Lan Lan finally felt much more comfortable.

She didn't seem to expect that the Hua Guo captain was so approachable, without any affectation.

Chatting and chatting gave her an illusion, as if the Hua Guo captain had suddenly become her boyfriend.

Therefore, after looking at him again, this girl named Lan Lan couldn't help but asked curiously: "Uh, can you tell me about your experience of surviving on a deserted island?"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen expressed a distressed smile: "Those experiences of ours... are much more painful than yours. We once watched our teammates die. If we are all desperate like you, then we I can't come back."

Then, he said again: "You haven't experienced that kind of pain, so it's hard to understand. So...Thinking about it now, it's good to be alive! At least I can see more of this world!"

Suddenly hearing Captain Hua's words, the girl named Lan Lan was stunned thoughtfully, then suddenly said: "Then I will listen to you and stop dancing."

Li Chen couldn't help being overjoyed: "You really don't want to dance anymore?"

Lan Lan said: "Hmph! I'm not that stupid! I still have my parents! I still have my younger brother!"

So, Li Chen said: "In this case, let's... all go down?"

However, Lan Lan stared blankly with some embarrassment: "Hmph, get up. Why don't you drag him down? Otherwise...they will think that I have no courage if I go on like this Let's jump, hum!"

Hearing these words suddenly, Li Chen really couldn't laugh or cry...

It seems that she didn't expect her to be so cute.

Are all girls like this?
Do you want to save face and suffer?


After a while, those people watched Captain Hua Guo finally lead Lan Lan down, and for a while, they finally couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief...

Immediately, everyone began to be overjoyed and excited...

"Wow! Captain Hua Guo is really awesome! Hee!"

"It's so handsome and cool!"

"Hey... I really want to pretend to jump into the sea, and let Captain Hua Guo chat with me too!"


At this moment, screenwriter Jin couldn't help but whisper in Director Ning's ear: "This Captain Li really has a way!"

Director Ning smiled happily: "Nonsense! If you really don't have any skills, can you come back from the desert island?"

Then, Director Ning said again: "The key is... not only did he come back alone, but he also brought the whole team with him!"

Speaking of this, screenwriter Jin suddenly became a little curious: "Then you said... just those little girls... on the island... have they all been slept by him? Otherwise... how could they all... Are you so clingy to him?"

Suddenly hearing such a question, Director Ning smiled inexplicably: "Sometimes... I really envy Captain Hua!"

Screenwriter Jin was stunned: "What do you mean? You mean... the little girls really slept with him?"

Director Ning said: "I didn't say that. You can't talk nonsense."

"He didn't tell you in private?"


So, screenwriter Jin said: "Then I'll ask later."


It can be seen that Captain Huaguo finally led Lan Lan down, Manager Lu of the hotel rushed to meet him excitedly...

"Thank you, Captain Li!"

Before Li Chen could say anything, Manager Lu glared at Lan Lan with inexplicable annoyance...

"You say you... Lan Lan, what do I say is good about you?"

Facing Manager Lu like this, Lan Lan couldn't help but blushed again...

Seeing the situation, Li Chen hurriedly said: "Okay, Manager Lu. It's over as soon as the matter is over."

But Manager Lu said: "No...that's...Captain Li, the problem is...that something happened to her just now, and I can't explain it!"

No way, Li Chen had no choice but to say to Lan Lan: "See, Manager Lu cares about you."


Suddenly, Director Ning couldn't help laughing and leaned over, saying: "Captain Li, you are the best!"

Seeing the situation, Li Chen had no choice but to say: "It's nothing. It's just human nature."

Just as I was talking, Tan Jixia, Su Qianer and other women suddenly came up, and after glancing at the second child Su Qianer, Captain Li was thinking to himself, as if... persuading others is easy, but persuading himself... seems like Or are there always some psychological barriers?

In fact, he himself didn't know what this psychological barrier was.
It's just that... I seem to... still like the second child a little bit?

Anyway, to her... That feeling is still different from other women.

It's just that he doesn't know what he is hesitating about?
(End of this chapter)

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