Chapter 1188 I Understand

Afterwards, after the incident with the girl named Lan Lan subsided, Li Chen officially went to the island with Tan Jixia and other women...

Regarding this island, it seems that the development is quite good, but in fact, the space for activities is still limited.

Because after all, it is limited to the southeast.

Except for the southeast, the others are still undeveloped natural environment protection areas.

It is estimated that... tourists who come to this island just want to feel the feeling of being away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

To be honest, there really isn't much fun here.

Although there is a small theme park in the development, it is really a small park, not too big.

However, all kinds of vegetation can still be seen everywhere on this island...

For example: Joan Palm, Bayleaf Palm, Eucalyptus, Bottle Tree, Alsophila spinulosa, Dragon Fruit Tree, Fragrant Dracaena, Traveler Banana, etc.

There were also two desert roses and a dragon's blood tree that were transplanted.

All in all, although there are artificial traces, the whole scenery is still beautiful.

It's just that for them, they still feel...the natural green plants they saw on the uninhabited island are more beautiful...

The transplanted desert roses have too obvious pruning marks, which lacks the most original beauty.

As for the transplanted dragon blood tree... the same is true.

However, for women, looking at these familiar green plants, there is still some inexplicable excitement...

Watching the women go to watch the green plants, Captain Li couldn't help turning around and going to sit on the bench and smoke...

In fact, he was still thinking about something in his mind.

But when it comes to what he is thinking specifically, he can't say much.

Just think about it, think about it, occasionally recall...

It is true that he still has a special feeling for the scenery on the island.

Especially looking at this isolated island in the vast ocean, he felt... It would be more comfortable and free to live in such an environment.

He didn't know if it was because he had been surviving on a deserted island for a long time, but his character... seemed a little withdrawn?

In short, he feels that the more noisy the city is now, the more he feels that he has no sense of existence.

As if in that noisy city, alive like a walking dead?

In fact, subconsciously, he still understands that he still has no way to erase Hye Kyo's figure...

So he always felt that...isolating himself on a certain island would be a kind of relief?
But if you think about it, you can understand it.

Just like that girl named Lan Lan, if you break up, you will die or live.

What's more, he and Hye Kyo were so in love.

After a while, Katerina couldn't help turning around, sat down beside him, and asked, "Brother Li Chen, what are you thinking about?"

Suddenly hearing Lin Na's question, Li Chen smiled sullenly: "It's nothing. It's just smoking."

The reason why he said that was because...he was willing to mention some things again.

After all, the repeated mentions back and forth are only those things in the past.

Since you are alive, you must continue.

Once on the island, isn’t the belief that has been adhered to all the time just to survive?

Afterwards, Katerina turned her head to look at him inexplicably, but couldn't help but said: "Uh, Brother Li Chen, I must be thinking about Sister Qian'er, right?"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help but said, "Isn't she right there? What else is there to think about?"

Katerina said, "Because you have to figure out how to confess your love to her."

Hearing what this girl said again, Li Chen felt a little confused, so he said, "Is there anything else to confess?"

"Don't be so stubborn, Brother Li Chen."


While talking, suddenly, the cute girl came over with a bouquet of flowers, and knelt down in front of the captain on one knee...

"Marry me, captain!"

Seeing such a scene suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help being a little taken aback: "???"

But seeing that this cute girl was obviously playing around, he just smiled and said, "Don't marry. How can she be so casual?"

"Hmph! The surname is Li! Don't marry, right? Then I'll marry you!"

Fortunately, at this time, Qiong'er came over and said as if making trouble: "Captain, since you want to marry, then marry me too."

Immediately, Lina also came over: "Oh... and me, my dear Li!"

This is obvious, so Captain Li had no choice but to say: "The filming hasn't officially started yet, so you're just acting?"

Just at this moment, Director Ning suddenly called Li Chen...

Because it was already dusk, Director Ning called to ask where they were, and then told him that the hotel restaurant had already started serving meals.

In order to end this embarrassing and somewhat boring game, Captain Li got up all at once and said, "Okay. Go back to the hotel. Director Ning said, dinner is ready."


Seeing that after Captain Li finished speaking, he turned around and walked forward, which made the women stunned for a while...

Especially the cute girl, who was very puzzled: "Hmph, what does this dead surnamed Li mean?"

However, Tan Jixia seemed to understand a little bit, so she said to the cute girl: "What's the point? Let's start the meal."

But Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but turned her head and whispered in the ear of the second child Su Qianer: "Uh, Qianer, I think... the captain still has feelings for you. At least he is not so impatient with you. Look, he It seems a little annoying to Coco."

Suddenly hearing this, Su Qian'er, whose pretty face was a little red, whispered in Qin Xiaowan's ear, "Ke Ke is... a bit annoying at times, okay?"


After a while, the hotel restaurant.

It seems that there are not many people in the production team, but for this dinner, there are four tables opened in the restaurant of the hotel.

Regarding Li Chen and his desert island survival team, they naturally gathered around the table.

After a while, Director Ning couldn't help but come over and said: "Captain Li, what... this is a work meal. Eat whatever you want."

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen hurriedly said: "Very good, very good! It's already very good!"

In fact, for them, eating...don't really care that much.

Besides, compared to their previous survival on a deserted island, this life is already very rich.

As he said that, taking the opportunity, Director Ning suddenly whispered in Captain Li's ear: "Uh, Captain Li, there is one thing I don't understand, so... I still want to ask you, when I was on the deserted island, these little girls Are you all have an affair with you?"

Hearing this suddenly, Captain Li blushed for a moment...

Although they haven't really slept, he is quite clear about their respective bodies.

Afterwards, he whispered in Director Ning's ear: "Director Ning, this question... has no comment."

Suddenly hearing what he said, Director Ning laughed and said, "Understood. Understood. I understand."


(End of this chapter)

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