Chapter 1189 What sound?
Wait a while, after dinner, taking advantage of the fact that all the staff are temporarily gathered in the restaurant, Director Ning still puts the focus on the next shooting plan, and tells everyone about the next shooting plan.

Then, I briefly talked about the key points of work with the heads of various departments.

After all, coming to this island is not for vacation, but for filming.

Regarding tomorrow, the staff of the crew will act first.

Because you have to prepare everything in advance.

For example, the advance preparation of the shooting location for each scene, as well as the advance setting work, and so on.

And then there's...going into undeveloped areas, laying out cables ahead of time, and so on.

If the cables can't be arranged, the generator has to be prepared in advance, etc.

In short, these tasks... are still very cumbersome.

As for the cast, there's nothing wrong with it for the time being.

Of course, they are willing to help the production team, and they can also help out. If they don't want to, they can't force it.


Wait for a while, after Director Ning has arranged all the tasks, they will return to their hotel rooms temporarily.

Anyway, on this island, at night, there is nowhere to go shopping, and I can only cat in the room.

As for Li Chen, he still couldn't help but walked out of the hotel and walked to the seaside of the scenic spot...

Obviously, after a while, the group of women also followed, and followed the captain to the seaside of the scenic spot.

After arriving at the seaside, after lighting a cigarette, and looking at the vast sea area under the moonlit night, Li Chen felt that... the scene was still somewhat similar to the feeling of a deserted island.

The women following him were chattering and even boasting that the moonlight tonight is beautiful...

It's just that for their captain, looking at the bright moon rising high, he couldn't help but think back to that night...

That night on the mountain, Hye Kyo suddenly had a whim and announced the wedding of the two of them.

In fact, the memory is not all sad, there are still many good memories...

Suddenly, the cute girl started to fuss again...

"Hey, dead Li, let's get married!"

Hearing such a sentence suddenly made Li Chen think about that night again.

But then, Qiong'er said in a troublesome way: "That's our collective wedding!"

Sun Jiaying said: "I'm dizzy! Is there only one official groom?"

The cute girl hurriedly said: "You are stupid! Of course we will marry the captain collectively!"

Seeing them making such a fuss, Li Chen was quite speechless...

But this feeling... It's really a bit like returning to a deserted island.

Just when the women were making a fuss, suddenly, a strange sound came from the island...

This can't help but frighten them to panic: "???"

Immediately, the cute girl hurriedly asked, "Just now... what was that sound?"

Qiong'er said: "Isn't it haunted?"

Lina hurriedly said, "Oh... I think... we should go back to the hotel?"

However, Tan Jixia said: "Look, you are scared! Isn't the captain still here?"

Immediately, Qin Xiaowan hurried over and asked, "Uh, captain, what was that sound just now?"

Actually just now... Li Chen didn't hear too clearly.

After all, the women were making noise, so they really didn't pay attention to it.

After frowning, he had no choice but to say honestly: "I didn't listen carefully just now."

Qin Xiaowan said: "Just now... Wasn't there a sudden... 'Oh' sound?"

Li Chen frowned again...

Afterwards, he said: "Wait a minute, listen again."

However, then, when they all fell silent, waiting for the voice to appear again, there was no more.

So, Li Chen frowned and said, "It's okay. It's nothing."

But immediately, he couldn't help but said: "If you are afraid, go back to the hotel first."

Suddenly hearing this, the cute girl glanced over quickly: "Nonsense! If you don't go back to the hotel, how can we go back to the hotel?"

Li Chen said: "I'll just go out for a walk and blow the sea breeze."

The cute girl said: "Then let's go out for a walk and enjoy the sea breeze!"

However, while they were talking, there was another 'oh' sound suddenly...


Suddenly, they couldn't help being taken aback.

After a while, Li Chen frowned and stared blankly, grasping the grass, what the hell...the there any guy who likes to play pranks?
Because he has almost recognized that the sound just now seemed to come from that small park...

And, it's not haunted, but it seems like someone is playing a prank?

Suddenly, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Uh, captain, did you hear me clearly?"

Li Chen said again: "Listen again."

As soon as the words fell, there was another "oh" sound...

Suddenly annoyed, Li Chen turned around and walked straight to the small park...

When the women saw this, they were stunned for a moment, and then the girls from the north hurriedly said: "Quick! Follow up!"


At this moment, in the small park.

The cat is behind the dragon's blood tree. A guy in white uniform suddenly sees Captain Hua Guo and other people approaching the small park in annoyance, and he can't help but feel a little guilty...

In fact, this guy is a chef in the hotel restaurant.

This guy is a little mean, and a little black-bellied.

On this island, he used the same method to scare female tourists into unconsciousness...

But when he saw Captain Hua Guo and his group, they didn't accept this at all, and he panicked a little...

As for the reason why Li Chen was annoyed, it was because on this island, at night, people would scare people to death.

So he wanted to find out that prankster...

After rushing into the park, he saw a white shadow cat behind the dragon's blood tree, so Captain Li shouted angrily: "Come out——"

This time, the cook trembled with fear...

Hold the grass, damn it, this Huaguo captain... is really domineering!

At this moment, those women followed the captain's gaze, and also caught sight of that white figure...

When the cute girl gets annoyed, she picks up a stone and throws it at it...

"Hmph! Damn it! You bastard! It's a big night! It's not good to pretend to be a person, you have to pretend to be a ghost!"

This made the cute girl annoyed, so Katerina and other women followed suit...

Seeing that the cook couldn't hide anymore, there was nothing he could do, so he could only show up with an embarrassing smile...

"That... yes, I'm sorry!"

Seeing that it was indeed a cook in the restaurant of the hotel on the island, Captain Li rushed over angrily...

"Did you fucking eat enough to support yourself?"

Hearing this, he suddenly saw that Captain Hua was very annoyed, and the cook was also a little inexplicably upset.

At least he was thinking in his heart, paralyzed, aren't you just some kind of captain who breaks Huaguo?
Thinking about it, this guy unexpectedly pulled out a small knife out of nowhere...

(End of this chapter)

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