The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1238 Sun Jiaying is going to Country Y

Chapter 1238 Sun Jiaying is going to Country Y
After almost two weeks of publicity activities, Hengmei Films gave Captain Hua Guo a symbolic red envelope of 200 million.

This is considered a reward.

In this regard, Li Chen, who is the captain of Huaguo, was still a little surprised, thinking to himself, it turns out that being a the money so easy to earn?
No wonder people nowadays are eager to squeeze their heads into the entertainment circle...

But in fact, for him, money is not money... He really didn't have much idea.

It's just that after working hard for the past two weeks, he suddenly felt...he felt a little more relaxed?

At least my heart is not so heavy.

But, in my mind... Occasionally, the figure of a cute girl will appear from time to time...


After returning to Yanjing, he still temporarily lived in the Jingming Hotel.

He didn't seem to have the time to think about the future.

If possible... He suddenly still wanted to go back to Qingchuan Province.

After all, his hometown is there.

Yanjing, the capital of China, this place...maybe a place that many people dream of, but for seems that he doesn't really want to stay?

These days, in fact, Tan Jixia, Su Qianer and other women have not been idle.

They have made various strategies, and at the same time contacted various foreign aircraft leasing companies...

The Dakong rental company in country G is good, and the old man named Jiao En is also good, but...Tan Jixia and the other women are thinking that they have never experienced the islands close to country G in the later stage.

So after thinking about it, they were wondering if they could go back to the first island they experienced...

That is the island where the wildlings lived.

In my impression, the savage communicated with their captain, saying that it was an island of Wangyou.

Therefore, they were most impressed with the first island.

After all, the time spent on that island is also the longest.

And each other had some exploration on that island.

It seems that there are quite a lot of stories on that island.

After checking, the island is close to country L.

But... country L is in a period of civil war again.

So thinking about this is also a bit of a headache...


Two days later, Sun Jiaying suddenly came to Yanjing from Shanghai again.

But, first of all, she didn't contact anyone.

She just went to see Miao Keke's tomb alone...

There was a sacrifice.

Offered flowers and such.

Looking at Ke Ke's grave, this woman from Shanghai also felt a lot...

At the same time, it made her think about something.

As for the captain, maybe in this life... she can only remember it in her heart.

So in the future, she will continue to pursue what she wants to pursue...

After all, the rest of your life is not long.

Of course, she also understood what the captain meant, so she didn't want to hang around the captain endlessly.

It wasn't until she left the cemetery that she couldn't help calling the captain...

"Hey, captain, I'm Sun Jiaying, I'm in Yanjing now, tonight...I want to treat everyone to dinner!"

Hearing Sun Jiaying's sudden call and saying this, Li Chen was stunned for a while...

After staying for a while, he finally said: "How do you hear your it a bit weird?"

Sun Jiaying hurriedly smiled: "What's so weird?"

Li Chen on the other end of the phone was stunned again, and after thinking about it, he didn't say anything else, but said straightforwardly: "What do you mean... want me to help you find out?"

"Yes." Sun Jiaying replied with a blunt smile.

So, Li Chen said: "That's fine. Then you say... time, place."

"Then tonight at 7 o'clock, Wangfu Hotel, how about it?"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen was taken aback: "Why go to such a good restaurant?"

Sun Jiaying also had no choice but to joke: "Why... are you afraid that I will spend money?"

Li Chen frowned: "It's a bit expensive."

And Sun Jiaying smiled again: "It's okay. Isn't it just a matter of money. Besides, money can be earned again. Don't you say it, as long as people are there."

Hearing what she said, Li Chen thought about it again, and then said: "That's fine. Let's go to Wangfu Hotel."


Afterwards, with the help of captain Li Chen, it was as scheduled at 7 p.m.

A group of people gathered again in a private room of the Wangfu Hotel...

I don't know if this is Sun Jiaying's last meeting with everyone?

Anyway... the staff is all here, including the captain, sister Jixia, sister Wan'er, sister Qian'er, sister Qiong'er, and Lina and Lina.

It's just... now I can't see Ke Ke anymore.

Katerina, who has a close relationship with Sun Jiaying, couldn't help asking: "Sister Jiaying, are you planning to come to Yanjing to participate in the premiere of "Self-Saving Action on a Deserted Island"?"

However, Sun Jiaying smiled and said, "No. My flight tomorrow morning is going to country Y."

Hearing what she said suddenly, everyone couldn't help but startled——

Although this Sun Jiaying was a desert island survival team member in the later stage, but suddenly... hearing the news that she was going to country Y, each of them was somewhat inexplicably disappointed...

After all, her leaving means... It seems that some things should end?

Katerina, who suddenly couldn't accept the news, couldn't help but look at Sun Jiaying...

"Sister Jiaying, are you kidding me? Are you not going to the premiere of "Self-Salvation on a Deserted Island"? Also... are you not going to be on our next trip to a deserted island?"

The more they were asked by Katerina, the more they felt inexplicably disappointed...

Especially their respective hearts... feel a little sad.

However, in each other's subconscious minds, it is very clear that there is no banquet in the world that never ends.

So... Maybe someone will go first, and someone will leave...

Thinking, thinking, and thinking of Coco, each one felt an inexplicable pain in their hearts...

At this moment, their captain, Li Chen, couldn't help but light a cigarette...

Next, they saw that the captain kept smoking a dull cigarette without speaking.

Suddenly, everyone's expression was not very good, and the atmosphere was very frozen, so Sun Jiaying forced a smile: "Everyone...don't be like this! Everyone...get up your chopsticks! Eat! Otherwise...the dishes will be cold no?"

On the contrary, the more this is the case, the more everyone's expressions freeze...

After a while, after their captain Li Chen had snuffed out the cigarette butts in his hand, he suddenly raised his chopsticks and said, "Come, come, eat, eat! The most important thing is to eat and drink! Everything else... It's not important!"

Seeing the captain like this suddenly, the second child, Su Qian'er, was stunned thoughtfully, then she couldn't help picking up her chopsticks and said, "Come on, let's eat. What a pity to waste such a big table of dishes! Besides, we can Think about when we were on a deserted island, we dreamed of eating such a big table of food!"


(End of this chapter)

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