Chapter 1239
Suddenly seeing the captain get up, the second child also responded, which made them all stunned for a while...

It seems that you don't understand the rhythm of these two?
After thinking about it again, the older Tan Jixia couldn't help picking up her chopsticks...

"Okay, let's all eat. Don't be dumb."

Seeing its appearance, Qin Xiaowan hurriedly picked up her chopsticks and said, "Come, come, eat, eat!"

After being caught by such a picture, everyone finally started to pick up their chopsticks...

Especially seeing their captain Li Chen's sudden eating appearance, a Sixi meatball, two mouthfuls would kill them, and the few of them were stunned again...

However, everyone can see that the captain is... a little bit of turning grief and anger into appetite...

As a result, after a while, they all began to follow suit...

One by one... they all started to go to war, and they all ate hard, desperately.

Here comes a big drama where collective grief and indignation become food...

Afterwards, their captain wiped his mouth and couldn't help raising his glass again: "Come on, drink! I wish Jiaying a safe journey tomorrow!"

Seeing the captain like this, the women were stunned for a moment, and then they all hurriedly picked up the wine glasses in front of their respective tables...

"Come on, cheers!"

With this cup, the girls in the north immediately became full of energy.

I'm not good at anything else, but drinking... the girls in the north are really good.

This one, when the wine glasses in each other's hands touched each other, the girl from the fighting ethnic group first raised her neck and came to do it first as a respect.

This makes the girls in the north a little dazed...

I thought to myself that this Linna... is indeed a girl from the fighting nation!
As for the second child, Su Qian'er, after drinking a glass of wine, she seemed to be a bit over the top, so she held up the remaining empty glass and gestured to Sun Jiaying...

"Jiaying, I won't say much, anyway...after you arrive in country Y, going smoothly!"

Sun Jiaying quickly expressed her gratitude with a smile: "Thank you, Sister Qian'er!"

However, Qin Xiaowan suddenly said: "Jiaying, why didn't I understand...why did you suddenly...go to Country Y?"

Hearing these words suddenly, Sun Jiaying couldn't help but glance at the captain with an imperceptible look...

In fact, at this moment, her heart is secretly bleeding.

But, she couldn't express it.

It's just that I understand in my heart, let's go to a strange place.

Because if it goes on like this...she herself feels uncomfortable.

But next, she didn't reveal any feelings, but just smiled faintly: "I just think... I should go to country Y too."

Then, she did not forget to add: "Didn't I tell you all? I have been studying in country Y. Of course, I also have a part-time job."

After expressing, she was afraid that they would continue to ask questions, so she smiled slightly and said, "From now take care of the captain!"

However, upon hearing this, Li Chen hurriedly said: "I don't need any care. I'm not a child, nor an old man, what kind of care do I need?"

Taking the opportunity, he said again: "I think...Jiaying's behavior is very good. You should all learn from Jiaying. From now on, you whatever you want to do. If you remember, make a phone call from time to time Just fine."

Suddenly hearing what the captain said, they couldn't help but stare at the captain inexplicably...

In fact, they all understood what the captain meant.

It's just... If the banquet can last, they will try their best not to leave.

After all, each other's true blood dissolves in water...

Don't talk about anything else, let's just talk about Sun Jiaying, she is going to country Y tomorrow, they are all uncomfortable, if the captain suddenly announces where she is going, think about it, how uncomfortable it will be for them?

In fact, neither of them had forgotten about Coco, they just deliberately didn't mention it.

In fact, this sudden feeling is not very good.

What a happy desert island survival team!

It's just that now, it seems a little hard to say.

Then, probably to ease the atmosphere, Katerina suddenly said, "Oh... I think... let's talk about our plan for a trip to the deserted island."

Hearing this suddenly, all of a sudden, one by one... it really seems to be resurrected with full blood...

Liu Caiqiong couldn't help but be the first to say, "Isn't Sister Qian'er in charge of the aircraft leasing plan?"

Lina said: "Oh... I still want to go back to the island I have been to. I still miss the natural hot spring there."

Katerina said: "I can do anything. As long as I can go back to any island."

The second child, Su Qian'er, suddenly wrinkled her beautiful eyes...

"Sister Jixia, Sister Wan'er, and I still want to go back to the first island we experienced."

Tan Jixia joked suddenly: "Why don't you... second child, why don't you just invest and buy the first island we experienced?"

Qin Xiaowan couldn't help but said: "I think this is good. And the first island has a good meaning, Wangyou Island."


Seeing that the desert island plot of these girls is so profound, Captain Li Chen couldn't help frowning...

I thought, it seems that these girls are crazy?

Anyway, when it comes to other things, I feel boring, but when it comes to desert islands, these girls one by one... are really full of blood.

So, next, Sun Jiaying said: "Then I wish your next trip to the deserted island... a complete success!"

While talking, she couldn't help picking up the wine glass...

"It's a pity, I'm going back to country Y to study and work, so... I can't be with you!"

Hearing what this woman from Shanghai said, Li Chen still had a vague understanding of her thoughts...

But this matter, maybe it's just between the two of them... they know each other well?
Ever since, he also helped Zhang Luo and said, "Come on, then continue drinking!"

Katerina suddenly picked up the wine glass in a state of being: "Come on, cheers! Continue! Tonight...we won't go home until we're drunk!"

Lina said: "Oh... I think Lina's proposal is very good!"


It's just that after the wine was spilled, the more the wine was drunk, the happier it became, but the people became more and more sad...

Especially the second child, Su Qian'er, who drank and drank, suddenly burst into inexplicable tears...

Seeing the second child crying suddenly, both Tan Jixia and Qin Xiaowan couldn't help being startled: "Second child... what's wrong with you?"

However, Su Qian'er waved her hands and shook her head: "I'm... fine!"

In fact, she just didn't want to say it.

Because she suddenly thought of the cute girl again...

I feel like the atmosphere tonight... without cute girls, I always feel that something is missing.

In fact, if you want to talk about bluffing and creating atmosphere, cute girls are good at it.

This has always been the specialty of cute girls.

It's a pity...

(End of this chapter)

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