Chapter 1247

In a few days...

A small island in the South China Sea.

Unexpectedly, the well-known captain of Huaguo was actually sent to this isolated island in the vast ocean by a helicopter...

After he got off the helicopter with a simple luggage bag, he saw the helicopter take off and return immediately...

At this moment, looking at this isolated island, and then looking back at the helicopter that has taken off and returned, for Captain Hua... there is still a somewhat inexplicable sense of loss.

However, he knew very well that the next thing was this isolated island.

At this moment, I saw a silly buddy in a camouflage uniform coming to greet him...

That stupid buddy... I don't know if he was stupid on this island, or was he just a little stupid in the first place?

In short, it looks a bit like Xu Sanduo in the soldier's assault...

The silly buddies stepped forward, looked at Li Chen inexplicably, and then smiled: "Brother, are you here?"

Li Chen was a little dazed at first, and then he had no choice but to nod: "Yeah. Here we come."

That stupid buddy looked at him inexplicably stupid again...

"Uh, bro, why do I feel... you look familiar?"

Immediately, he said again: "Don't worry, bro, I'll think about it... Oops, Mom, I suddenly can't remember it again!"

And Li Chen looked at him, and couldn't help but say: "I think you look familiar too."

That buddy just laughed: "Brother, I know who you want to say I look like. You want to say I look like Xu Sanduo, right? Ha! They all say that!"

Immediately, he laughed at himself again: "Brother, what a coincidence, there is only one character difference between me and Xu Sanduo. Brother, you are fine, my name is Wen Sanduo."


Li Chen almost vomited blood.

Hold the grass, this buddy...Wen Sanduo?

Is it true?

Why not call it a bra?
Suddenly seeing Li Chen like that, Wen Sanduo said: "Brother, my name is really Wen Sanduo!"

As he said that, he still didn't forget to take out his non-commissioned officer's card: "Brother, look, this is my non-commissioned officer's card. My real name is Wen Sanduo."

Seeing it suddenly, Li Chen had no choice but to wave his hand: "It's fine. Don't read it. I believe it."

Afterwards, he changed the subject: "By the way, I heard that this always just you?"

Wen Sanduo smiled hurriedly: "Brother, aren't you coming now? Aren't we the only ones on this island in the future?"

Immediately, Wen Sanduo hurriedly said again: "By the way, brother, are you thirsty? There are watermelons on this island! I grew them! Brother, let me tell you... this watermelon is so sweet!"

So, Li Chen asked: "Then what else?"

"Brother, let me tell you, there are too many. I also grew pumpkins on this island, ha!"

Immediately, Wen Sanduo said again: "Let's go, brother, I'll take you to rest first."


Although it is an isolated island, due to the presence of soldiers, some simple facilities have been built on the island.

At least there is a simple camp.

Of course, the so-called camp is just two small houses.

Later, walking along with Wen Sanduo, Li Chen was suddenly shocked...

Because this Wen Sanduo is really busy.

There are a lot of vegetables and fruits grown on the island...

As a result, Wen Sanduo said somewhat proudly, "Brother, are you rich?"

Li Chen nodded: "Rich! You are awesome!"

Wen Sanduo smiled foolishly: "What are you, brother? I just... I have nothing to do on this island anyway, and I'm idle when I'm idle, so I just... hehe..."

Speaking of this, looking at Wen Sanduo again, Li Chen couldn't help saying curiously: "By the way, don't you plan to apply for discharge from the army and change jobs? Don't you plan to go back and marry a wife?"

Wen Sanduo smiled foolishly again: "Brother, look at what you said... How vulgar! Besides... I am like this, even if I change jobs, I won't be able to marry a wife, so it's better to stay on this island. In this case... don't have to be urged to marry by your parents every day, haha!"

Then, Wen Sanduo said again: "Besides, brother, don't you think this island is very comfortable? Is it very free?"


At this moment, Yanjing, the Su family.

"Dad, can I ask you something?"

Hearing his daughter Su Qianer's words suddenly, Su Jingnian frowned...

"Did you inquire about Li Chen?"

Su Qian'er smiled hurriedly: "It seems that Dad understands me?"

However, Su Jingnian said: "Qian'er, this matter, based on my intuition, I don't think it's that simple."

Su Qian'er was puzzled and startled: "Dad, what do you mean..."

Su Jingnian frowned again: "Anyway, I think... Li Chen should have something... is he hiding it from you?"

Su Qian'er said: "Dad, isn't that normal? After all... isn't it about the army? Besides, he and I... have nothing to do. We are... nothing at the moment... isn't it?"

Seeing his daughter like this, Su Jingnian said: " are still like your mother, so understanding!"

Immediately, he changed the subject: "Okay. I'll help you find out later. But, I don't know if I can help you with anything?"

Su Qian'er said, "There's no need to help, Dad. I just want to know where he went."


Right now, in a cafe in a downtown area of ​​Yanjing.

"It's so annoying! Now... suddenly it's like this! It's so embarrassing!"

Hearing what the Russian girl said, Tan Jixia looked at her with an inexplicable smile...

Then, Tan Jixia asked: "By the way, Linna, sister would like to ask a question, can I?"

Katerina said: "Sister Jixia can ask if she wants to, really!"

"Are still like Brother Li Chen?"

Katerina was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I like it for sure. He is my brother. How can a younger sister not like a brother?"

Tan Jixia said: "I like it...not this kind of liking. It's that kind of liking."

However, Katerina said: "That's not it! I don't have that kind of liking! I used to have it, but then... after I talked with brother Li Chen, there is no more!"

Then, Katerina said again: "Actually, I also hope that Brother Li Chen and Sister Qian'er will get along well!"

Hearing what Katerina said, Tan Jixia roughly understood her psychology.

Then, looking at her again, Tan Jixia asked, "Then what are you going to do next?"

Unexpectedly, Katerina said: "Sister Jixia, please help me find a job in Yanjing?"

Tan Jixia couldn't help being startled: "Are you... still planning to stay in Yanjing?"

Katerina said: "Of course! I have to wait for Brother Li Chen to leave the army!"

Then, she said again: "Since I said that I am Hua Guo's younger sister, then I should naturally be this Hua Guo's younger sister, right?"

Seeing this girl like this, Tan Jixia said: "The captain is so lucky to have a sister like you!"


(End of this chapter)

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