The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 1248 The confrontation between the old 2 and You Jing!

Chapter 1248 Conversation between the second child and You Jing!

On this day, later in the day, You Jing suddenly called Su Qian'er, the second child in the desert island survival team.

In fact, regarding You Jing and Su Qian'er, Mr. Su, they can be regarded as half-baked acquaintances.

How to say it specifically... Because two years ago, You Jing was the image spokesperson for a product under President Su.

In short... it can be said that there have been so many acquaintances for a long time.

At that time, You Jing also joked that Mr. Su didn't follow Chen Ou's example and endorse his own products.

Because from You Jing's point of view, this President Su is really a beautiful woman.

If she wants to endorse her own products, she will definitely be popular.

It's just that for Su Qian'er who doesn't like to show her face very much, she just smiled at that time and didn't explain too much.

Of course, these are off topic.

Let's get to the point now.

After the call was connected, You Jing said: "Hello, Mr. Su, may I ask... how is your plan for a trip to the deserted island... how is it going?"

Hearing this suddenly, Su Qian'er became somewhat inexplicably angry...

However, out of personal qualities, this President Su just replied: "Don't Miss You know that our trip to the deserted island has gone wrong?"

You Jing on the other end of the phone couldn't help being a little dazed and strangely startled...

Because she seemed to have sensed the strangeness and distance in President Su's tone... the tone.

After thinking about it, there was no way, You Jing asked with an awkward smile: "How could it be yellow?"

However, Su Qian'er couldn't answer this question for a while.

It's just that she felt that the captain was suddenly recalled by the army, vaguely...related to this Miss You.

Because after all, she had already learned before that, You Jing... This glamorous star in the entertainment industry, behind the scenes, has some background in the military.

It is also because of this that You Jing has always been clean in the entertainment industry, without any scandals.

And no big director who had the guts of a leopard dared to rule her unspokenly.

In short, You Jing's own strength is also there, she is an artist with absolute strength, so she has always been respected in the show business circle.

Perhaps because of this, Su Qian'er vaguely felt that... the captain's sudden recall by the army was somehow related to this Miss You?
Of course, but for now, it's just a personal guess.

Therefore, Su Qian'er couldn't speak too much.

Out of personal qualities, in the end, she still said calmly: "I'm sorry, Miss You, regarding our trip plan to the deserted island, due to a sudden situation with our captain, we had to cancel it."

You Jing was startled: "Huh? So... is that so?"

It happened to be mentioned here, so, immediately, You Jing took the opportunity to say: "Oh, by the way, Mr. Su, why have I...never been able to contact your captain for the past two days?"

Suddenly hearing this, Su Qian'er also suddenly became puzzled: "Miss You can't contact our captain, too?"

You Jing was startled again: "I'm sorry, Mr. Su! Why...why didn't I understand what Mr. Su meant?"

Hearing You Jing's words, Su Qian'er was somewhat embarrassed...

Afterwards, she said with an awkward smile, "I'm sorry, Miss You. We all thought...our captain...should be in contact with Miss You?"

Speaking of this, You Jing was also puzzled, and said, "Uh, by the way, President Su, your this person a little weird?"

Su Qian'er immediately said, "I don't understand Miss You's meaning?"

So, You Jing said: "That's it, President Su, I have contacted him twice, but every time I asked to have a meal together, he immediately refused."

Hearing this suddenly, Su Qian'er felt a little inexplicably refreshed...

How should I put it specifically... Because everyone understands that a celebrity like You Jing is also a natural beauty, if she wants to invite a man to dinner, he will run over and still come over. It's too late.

But it turns out that their captain is not that kind of man.

The captain is still the original captain.

A man who always followed his heart.

This is consistent with Su Qianer's view of the captain.

Therefore, Su Qian'er naturally secretly felt that...she was the woman who knew the captain best in this world.

She is also willing to give everything for this man.

Even if he doesn't know, she is willing to pay silently.

In fact, in her subconscious mind, when it comes to dealing with feelings, she has never regarded herself as a beautiful president.

Because she has always believed that what she needs to find is the right man.

It doesn't matter whether he is poor or rich, she always thinks he is a stalwart man.

Before this, to be precise, before she experienced survival on a deserted island, such a stalwart man had never appeared in her life.

After experiencing survival on a deserted island, she became even more convinced that that stalwart man had appeared...

If it were any other man, You Jing would have been so proactive, she might have been hanging out with this famous actress long ago.

However, their captain did not.

So, this is... why Su Qian'er felt a little dark in her heart.

Afterwards, she also said: "I'm sorry, Miss You, our just that one person. Actually...he's not weird. Because it's not weird at all."

Immediately, Su Qian'er said again: "I don't know why Miss You wants to invite our captain to dinner? But, if it is related to feelings... I can only tell Miss You that there are some things that cannot be forced. Because our captain... only follows his own heart. He won't care about the vanity of this era. He is not a man who cares about face. He just thinks... no matter what, we still need more value thinking."

Just hearing these words suddenly, You Jing's beautiful eyes are wrinkling...

"President Su, why do I feel that what you calling me an actor in disguise?"

Suddenly hearing this, Su Qian'er hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, that's just Miss You thinking too much. I just told Miss You the truth about the captain I know. That's all."

Therefore, You Jing could only smile: "Then...thank you, Mr. Su!"

"You're welcome!"

However, You Jing couldn't help but said: "Oh, by the way, President Su, do you know where your captain is going?"

Su Qian'er also frowned on this question: "I'm sorry, Miss You, our captain only told us that next... he will have his own affairs. So since then, we can't get in touch Fuck him. Maybe he hopes... that our team members can return to normal as soon as possible, right?"


(End of this chapter)

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