Chapter 198 Sudden Gunshots!
Next, after some psychological construction and counseling for the cute girl, when the cute girl realized that she couldn't hold back, she said, "Okay, I'm fine, listen to Captain Li Chen , continue to work, continue to prepare for war, and continue to explore the secrets at the center of the island tomorrow."

Then, she did not forget to add: "What if we really found a treasure on this island!"

Li Chen couldn't help but smile: "That's right. This is what makes you look like a cute girl. This is what makes you look like a cute girl."

Hearing what Captain Li Chen said, Tan Jixia and Su Qian'er couldn't help but smile...

However, what I didn't expect was that the cute girl suddenly rolled her eyes: "Hmph! Don't call me cute girl again! I don't want to be cute anymore! I want to be a tough bitch like Sister Jixia!"


Li Chen almost burst out laughing.

After Tan Jixia smiled, the pair of cute girls said: "If you want to become a tough bitch, then you have to let Captain Li Chen turn you into a bitch first!"

"Heh!" Su Qian'er couldn't help laughing again.

And their Captain Li Chen seemed a little inexplicably embarrassed, and said: "Come on. Let's share the coconuts first. Then work."

Tan Jixia said, "Why did you change the subject?"

Li Chen said: "Damn, don't work anymore, girls?"


In fact, the cute girl Miao Keke also noticed Captain Li Chen's inexplicable shyness at this moment, the more so, the more she couldn't help but look at him with an imperceptible shyness...

It seems that in her heart, she likes Captain Li Chen more and more.

Even now, every time she looks at him, she feels an inexplicable sense of happiness in her heart.


However, when it came to the relationship between men and women, Li Chen didn't want to deliberately maintain the captain's style, but he knew in his heart that they were just getting together temporarily to survive on a deserted island.

After leaving this island, no one will know what is going on?
Furthermore, who knows if they can all leave the island alive?


Afterwards, after each of them ate two coconuts, they were ready to work.

Because there is still a lot of preparatory work to do to explore the secrets.

Of course, in addition to this, life cannot be delayed.

After all, on this deserted island, the ultimate goal is to live and survive!

Next, Mengmeizi and her second child, Su Qian'er, went to Dongxiangshuiyuan to wash the clothes and the seat covers.

These things that were just scavenged from the crashed plane did not dare to be used directly without washing and processing.

As for their Captain Li Chen, they should first roughly handle the tiger meat in the small suitcase they got back, and roughly marinate it with sea salt, wild peppercorns, and cumin.

Now the small all-plastic suitcase, with the lid cut off, can be used as two basins, which seems to add some convenience to their life on the desert island.

Tan Jixia squatted aside, watching him handle the tiger meat, while she frowned...

"Is this really edible?"

Li Chen smiled: "Didn't I say it all, you dare not eat it, I will eat it."

When it was almost time to deal with it, he suddenly got up and said, "Okay, let's go. Let's go to work first."


Next, he led the eldest Tan Jixia and the wild dog Heizi, and went to the jungle behind the rock to find suitable branches.

This time, he directly searched for four branches and prepared for the rhythm of one branch.

It's just that Tan Jixia recalled, and couldn't help but feel a little panicked and asked: "Uh, captain, where the plane crashed today... our tree branch and Luoyang shovel were taken by wild people?"

And their Captain Li Chen could only reply: "It should be?"

So, Tan Jixia said: "Why do I always feel that those savages have no good intentions? If they attack us by surprise, wouldn't it be that the ship capsized in the gutter?"

Then, Tan Jixia said again: "Just seeing the furry back, we feel that they are so tall and mighty. The fighting power of that kind of guy must not be underestimated!"

Suddenly hearing this, their Captain Li Chen also frowned...

Frankly speaking, he really doesn't know much about the savage's temperament at the moment?

At this moment, the cute girl and the second child Su Qian'er are already making clothes rails beside the canopy.

It feels like a family of islanders living happily.



It was almost mid-afternoon, and they were all busy in the green area. Unexpectedly, they suddenly heard such a gunshot from the entrance of the cottage that shook the entire cottage.

Suddenly, the four people in the green space were startled timidly and vigilantly——

"What's going on!?" The cute girl asked tremblingly first, her face turned pale with fear.

And their Captain Li Chen frowned suddenly depressed: "Hold the grass! What the hell! What's going on today? What day is it?"

At this time, the wild dog Heizi ran towards him in a panic...

Immediately, in desperation, Li Chen had no choice but to temporarily stop what he was doing, turned around and took the bamboo bow and arrow, and hurriedly said: "Let's go! Quick!"

So, under his leadership, the four of them and one dog rushed towards the jungle behind the rock...

After a while, after hiding in the jungle, Tan Jixia said in a low voice: "It seems to be the sound of a rifle?"

Li Chen, who was ready to shoot at any time, replied, "It's the sound of a rifle."

So, the second child, Su Qian'er, said, "Could it be that group from last time again?"

"Very likely?" Their Captain Li Chen replied.

After all, the last time they were at the beach, they killed three of them and overturned the motorboat.

The cute girl was worried: "Then what should we do now?"

Li Chen said: "Just don't make any noise."

Then, he said again: "You three remember, no matter what happens in a while, the three of you are not allowed to come out. Did you hear clearly?"


Just when they were all inexplicably frightened, suddenly, the sky above the cottage became dark again...

Eagles are coming!

After suddenly looking at the flock of eagles above, Li Chen felt a little happy in his heart.

Because it is estimated that without them attacking, the eagles will drive away those aliens?


Suddenly there was another gunshot, which scared the four of them and a dog to shrink their heads.

But seeing that the shot was aimed at the sky, Li Chen was thinking, maybe the eagles have already joined them?

Sure enough, such screams of horror and anger came soon.

'嘡, 嘡, 嘡...'

Soon, a series of gunshots sounded, all shooting into the sky.

Hearing the gunshots, many people came.

Because the rifle is not as dense as the ak47.

It's just that the denser the gunfire, the more tenacious the hawks circling in the sky...

Suddenly, Li Chen ran out of the jungle with a bamboo bow and arrow in hand.

The three women watched, and when they came to their senses, they exclaimed in panic and worry: "Hey—Captain Li Chen—"

(End of this chapter)

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