The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 199 Another Lost Opportunity to Leave the Island

Chapter 199 Another Lost Opportunity to Leave the Island

Especially next, when Captain Li Chen, who was watching them with a bamboo bow and arrow, dared to chase them along the small ancient road, the three women's eyes were full of worry and stunned...

Even the wild dog Heizi suddenly opened his two bright black eyes, as if full of surprise——

Immediately, Miao Keke panicked and asked worriedly, "What should I do, Miss Jixia?"

Tan Jixia's heart sank suddenly, her eyes shot out fiercely, and she immediately got up and ran out of the jungle...

Seeing this, Su Qian'er immediately followed up with a lot of vigor, as if she was saying, death is a big deal.

It seemed that the eldest and the second child were going to attack one after another, so Miao Keke was so excited that he didn't care about so much, so he got up and followed out.

In the end, only the wild dog Heizi was left blankly in the jungle, thinking that all of you are... what are you doing! ?
Suddenly, the three women seemed to be in command of Mu Guiying, and ran to the green area, each picked up an unfinished tree branch, and hurriedly chased along the small ancient road.

This momentum, this battle, seems to say, whoever dares to kill our men, we will kill him.


When Li Chen chased all the way to the Qingshiban Road section of the small ancient road with a bamboo bow and arrow in hand, he suddenly saw that three foreign golden-haired men seemed to have had their eyes pecked out by eagles.

At this moment, the three were covering their bloody eyes tightly with their hands, feeling dizzy and screaming again and again...

Li Chen didn't care about that much anymore, so he simply gave them a happy, 'teng' sound, and a bamboo arrow shot away...

One of the golden retrievers then fell down.

Then, he immediately pulled out another bamboo arrow from the bamboo quiver at his waist, and there was another 'teng' sound, and another one fell down.

In the end, the three golden-haired men whose eyes had been pecked out by the eagle fell under his bamboo arrows.

Immediately, Li Chen directly threw away the bamboo bow in hand, went forward to pick up a rifle, checked it roughly, there were still a few bullets, and immediately carried it on his back.

Then he picked up another rifle and saw that there were still a few bullets left, so he held it in his hand and immediately chased it out of the cottage...

Because in his opinion, this time should be the best chance to snatch the ship!
If they succeed, they will be able to leave the island immediately!

After a while, after Tan Jixia and the three women chased to the Qingshiban Road, they suddenly saw the tragic situation on the road, and immediately understood what was going on.

Seeing that there was a rifle beside her, Tan Jixia immediately dropped the branch and picked up the rifle in a panic.

Taking a rough look, seeing that there were still a few rounds of bullets, she held the gun and went out to give chase...

Miao Keke and Su Qian'er, who could only copy the branches, followed closely all the way.


After a while, Li Chen, who was chasing all the way to the entrance of the Shanzhai, saw four foreign golden-haired men with rifles about to board the boat by the beach, so he shot them directly...


One of the golden-haired men was shot in the back and immediately threw himself into the sea.

The other three golden-haired men panicked and yelled when they saw it, and they didn't care to fight back. All of them rushed towards the boat in panic...

Meanwhile, ships have been gradually leaving the shore.

Li Chen was so unwilling, he shot him again...


Another of the three who had just jumped onto the boat was shot in the back.

The other two panicked in a prone position, so they fell down directly...

"Grass!" Li Chen was so depressed!

Unwilling, he held the gun and rushed down to the beach below...

At this time, there was also a "嘡" gunshot on the boat.

Seeing what happened, Li Chen dodged sideways in a panic, dodging the bullet.

Immediately, the gun in his hand rang again...

The two foreign golden-haired men on the boat were completely panic-stricken, and felt that the boy who came after him savagely looked like a prehistoric beast.

A guy in the cockpit of the ship was already furious, worried that the ship would be holed by the bullets, and meant to stop shooting.

At the same time, the ship was already moving away quickly, heading towards the center of the sea.

After chasing all the way to the offshore position of the ship, Li Chen was unwilling and depressed, and even a little inexplicably angry...

In desperation, he suddenly became furious like that big wild boar, and fired another '嘡' shot at the ship that was far away at sea.

Hearing the gunshot, the scalps of the people on board went numb.

Because if the ship is holed by bullets, they will all be finished.

In order to prevent the hull from being shot, the ship immediately changed its course.

After another '嘡' shot, when he was reloading, he suddenly heard a strange sound, and there was no more bullets. In desperation, Li Chen had no choice but to throw away the rifle in frustration.

When he hugged the rifle on his back to his hands again, he wanted to fire a few more shots in a rage, but suddenly thinking about it, he felt that it was better to keep the bullets.

He had no choice but to give up until the ship at sea was almost far away.

"Fuck! Damn! Another opportunity lost! What a fucking idiot! Shit!"

At this moment, the inexplicable pain and loss in my heart is really indescribable.

Think about it, a person who wants to leave the island, but sees that he has the opportunity to leave the island, but fails in the end, what kind of pain and loss is that?

After a while, until he saw that the ship had completely disappeared in the eastward sea area, he had no choice but to turn around...

Turning around, he was surprised to see that the three women were already standing behind him. He was taken aback for a moment: "Hold the grass, you...I didn't can hide there if you want!?"

Tan Jixia, who was also holding a rifle, said, "Do you think we don't worry about you!?"

Immediately, Su Qian'er, who was holding the branch in her hand, said, "Now your life is also our life! Without you, what's the point of us?"

The cute girl Miao Keke said: "Anyway, as long as you die, we won't be able to leave this island, so why don't we just come here!"

"..." Li Chen was suddenly so moved that he was speechless, and almost burst into tears, but he was thinking in his heart, these three girls... are they stupid?

Then, in desperation, he had no choice but to say: "Okay, okay, okay, let's go back. Continue to work."

At this time, Tan Jixia couldn't help but said: "We didn't lose money this time, at least we got two more rifles. If we continue to explore the secrets tomorrow, they will come in handy again, right?"

Suddenly hearing this, the cute girl Miao Keke was overjoyed: "That's right, we have guns again this time! Don't we have confidence again? What tigers and wild boars, if they dare to come again, we will shoot them!"


(End of this chapter)

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