The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 489 I'll Make a Cup with You

Chapter 489 I'll Make a Cup with You

At this moment, Huaguo Yanjing.

Su's downstairs.

"Mom, this is the ticket for you and dad to go to the North Island of New Zealand. I have already booked it with your two elders. You also said that my dad doesn't want to see me now, so I won't go upstairs. On the other side of the island... I have already found a private tour guide for your second elder, and he will take good care of your second. When your second elder arrives there, when you want to come back, just tell the private tour guide, and he will help you Your two elders have booked a flight back home."

Seeing the filial piety of her daughter's fiancé suddenly, Su Qian'er's mother was very moved...

"Xiaozhi, what..."

Before she finished speaking, Li Zhi hurriedly said: "Mom, you don't need to say anything, I understand. But I still believe that Qian'er will come back."

Then, Li Zhi said again: "By the way, Mom, I forgot to tell you. I will not go to the North Island of New Zealand. I have decided to start a company in China. I will not go again in the future. I We have to wait for Qian'er to come back."

Seeing Xiao Zhi like this again, Su Qian'er's mother was so moved that tears filled her eyes: "Silly child! My Qian'er...she may not be able to come back! You said that your conditions are so good, you...why are you doing?" Do you have to wait for her stupidly?"

Li Zhi said: "Mom, I'm not waiting stupidly. It's because Qian'er is my fiancée after all."

Then, Li Zhi said again: "Mom, whether Qian'er can come back or not, I am your son. So... If there is anything... just tell me."

"Look at silly boy! Why do you have to be so stubborn? Why don't you find another one? Besides, my Qian'er...she..."

Li Zhi hurriedly said again: "Okay, Mom. Let's not talk about it."


In fact, at this moment, Su Qianer's father was peeking down in front of the upstairs window.

Seeing Xiao Zhi's actions like this, her father was still inexplicably moved.

After a while, when her mother came upstairs, her father asked, "Xiao Zhi left?"

Her mother said: "Aren't you unwilling to see him?"

"???" Her father was stunned for a while.

After a while, her father said: "What's the use of seeing it? Qian'er may not be able to come back? We may not have that blessing, either?"

Then, her father said again: "Xiaozhi will come back next time, you should tell him, tell him not to wait foolishly. Qian'er... probably won't come back?"



At this moment, under the dark night, in the middle of the ocean, next to an isolated island, on a fishing boat.

In the cabin, under a dim light...

Su Qian'er, who seemed to be drinking a little too much, couldn't help raising a wine glass again: "Come on, sisters, this glass... let's respect Captain Li Chen together!"

When the spirit of wine came up, Qin Xiaowan also acted like a quarrelsome girl, and said, "Why are you together again? Now it's the second child's turn to have a cup of wine with Captain Li Chen, okay?"

As soon as these words came out, the girls in the north couldn't help but said: "Yes! Qian'er and the captain have a cup!"

Next, a group of drunken women started booing...

"Drink the cup! Drink the cup! Drink the cup..."

It's just that Xiao Cao looked at it, feeling superfluous, and at the same time very speechless, wondering if these women are crazy tonight?

As far as Heizi the wild dog was watching, he was dumbfounded for a while, as if he was saying: Oumaiga...

Suddenly, when everyone was not paying attention, the drunk and cute girl Miao Keke got up and approached the captain Li Chen crookedly...

Holding a glass of wine, this cute girl grabbed Captain Li Chen's hand, as if forcibly making a cup gesture...

"Come on, dead surnamed Li, if the second child won't make a cup with you, I will make a cup with you."

"???" This made Li Chen stunned for a moment, grasping the grass, and bringing such a thing?
The cute girl didn't care so much about him, and when she handed over the glasses, she raised the noodles and drank the wine in the glass with a grunt.

It looks like saying, whether you drink or not, I am your woman.

It can be seen that the captain Li Chen is still in a daze, the cute girl stretched out her hand, took the wine glass in his hand, and poured wine into his mouth as if forcibly...

After the grunt, the cup was already drunk, but Li Chen was stunned: "???"

Damn, do you still bring something like this when you drink a cup?

Then, there was a burst of applause...

"together together together……"

And the cute girl didn't care if they were arguing or not, she tilted her head in self-consciousness, and said, "Let me tell you... dam... the surname is Li, and now I have a glass of wine, and from now on... I will be your woman Ha!"

"???" Li Chen was stunned again.

Damn, is this Yanjing girl's character?
However, what I didn't expect was that Liu Caiqiong was in a hurry: "No way. It doesn't count. If this is the case, then I can have a cup with Captain Li Chen!"

It seems that under the influence of alcohol, these women began to reveal their true colors...

The foreign girl Lina seemed to be drinking too much, and immediately, the foreign girl Lina couldn't help but said: "Oh...Mr. Your woman?"

"???" This time it was a married young woman and a divorced young woman who were dumbfounded.

Su Qian'er, who was drunk and bright, suddenly felt a little dazed...

At this moment, she was still looking at Captain Li Chen inexplicably with an imperceptible look in her eyes...

She still can't forget the scene where Captain Li Chen suddenly kissed her pretty face...

It seemed that at that moment, Captain Li Chen was very domineering, as if he decided that she was his woman.

However, out of inner shyness, she was ashamed to express something clearly.

Next, the second child had no choice but to pretend to be drunk, holding a wine glass to disrupt the situation: "Okay! Girls and men, let's drink together! Let's have fun together! Let's fight pythons, tigers, and wolves together!" snatch the ship together, we save ourselves, sail across the ocean together...go home!"

Qin Xiaowan couldn't help being startled: "Qian'er, did you really drink too much?"

Su Qian'er waved her other hand: "Not much! I'm happy!"

Tan Jixia was also startled: "Second brother, I think you really drank too much?"

Seeing this, Xiao Cao suddenly raised a wine glass: "Come, come, finish this glass and stop drinking! I see... you ladies are almost done!"

After that, Li Chen, the captain, couldn't help but said: "Okay. It's done. This is the last drink. After drinking... let's go to bed early. We have to continue sailing tomorrow. Don't delay things because of alcohol!"

And the cute girl suddenly said drunkenly: "No. Please help me prove it first. Am I Captain Li Chen's woman?"

Unexpectedly, Lina said: "Aren't you a girl?"

Then, Lina said again: "Didn't you tell me that we are all Captain Li Chen's girls?"


(End of this chapter)

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