Chapter 490 Drink too much
This night, the ship stopped beside the isolated island, and they on board should have had the most fun night ever.

It also seems to be the first time I have experienced this feeling of having enough food and clothing, drunk and full.

Eight people drank six bottles of whiskey.

It can be said to be... If you have wine today, you will be drunk today!

However, the final result was that the six women really drank too much.

The married young woman and the divorced young woman just lay down and slept in the cabin, as if they didn't care whether tomorrow would be different or not.

The foreign girl Lina was even more outrageous. She wanted to go to sleep in the lower cabin, but she fell asleep on the aisle halfway.

In the end, Li Chen, the team leader, who watched this scene was also very headache and speechless.

Xiao Cao seemed to be quite sober, standing aside with a wry smile...

Liu Caiqiong ran to the bathroom to vomit for a while, and then went directly to the cockpit to sleep.

It seemed that only the second child, Su Qian'er, was able to barely get down to the bottom cabin, and finally found a bunk to sleep in.

As for the cute girl Miao Keke, she is still vomiting in the bathroom...

I just vomited for a while, and felt uncomfortable against my chest, but I couldn't vomit again, that was uncomfortable, and then I had to pick my throat with my fingers...

In the end, Xiao Cao was helpless, so he had no choice but to go down to the cabin to find thin sheets, blankets, etc., and cover them for Yang Niu and Qionger respectively, and then ran to the cabin to give them to the two. The deputy captain covers it.

After returning to the door of the bathroom, Captain Li Chen was still guarding the door waiting for Ke Ke to come out, so Xiao Cao had no choice but to ask, "Ke Ke...are you okay?"

Li Chen frowned: "I don't know?"

Then he looked at Xiao Cao, and asked, "Have you covered them?"

"It's finished." Xiao Cao hurriedly replied.

So, Li Chen said: "That's fine. It's okay. You can go to rest too. Leave Keke to me."

However, Xiao Cao smiled a little embarrassedly, and said: "Captain, can you give me a cigarette? I... can't sleep right now, I want to smoke a cigarette on the deck outside."

Hearing Xiao Cao's words, Li Chen said: "The cigarettes are in the cabin. You can get them yourself. The lighter is also there."

"Hmm. That's...okay."

After Xiao Cao turned around and left, he heard the cute girl vomit again in the bathroom...

Li Chen stood guard at the door, whether to go in or not to go in?
Then he heard the sound of flushing water, which made him feel relieved.

After a while, there was another squeak, as if the cute girl was urinating.

After waiting for a while, finally there was a sudden 'click', and the door opened...

The cute girl stepped out in a daze, and when she saw Captain Li Chen guarding the door, she leaned towards him straight away, as if she was already paralyzed and unable to stand still...

"???" Li Chen was taken aback, his brows furrowed.

But you must know that as a cute girl who is a stewardess, she also has a great figure.

Ruan Xiangruyu's delicate body leaned into his arms, could she not respond at all?
Besides, he still smelled of alcohol all over his body. Under the influence of alcohol, he was also a little dizzy, and he felt warm all over.

As a result, he glanced at the long legs of this cute girl in a somewhat cranky way...

But you must know that the sexiest thing about cute girls is their long legs.

And the cute girl whispered in his ear: "My surname is Li, I drank too much. Please help me to the bilge."

"???" Li Chen frowned again.

But in the end, he had no choice but to help this soft girl, who was full of fragrance but smelled of alcohol, get down to the bilge.

Feeling the limp body of this soft girl, it is certain that this girl really drank too much tonight.

He just went down to the bottom cabin, and just helped the soft girl to lie down on the bunk, but unexpectedly, one of her hands hooked on the back of his neck...

"???" Li Chen was stunned again, frowning.

To be honest, he was really afraid that he would not be able to control this cute girl like this.

What's terrible is that this cute girl is drunk when she is drunk, but she just lies there and looks at him with ambiguous and longing eyes...

Although I kind of understand what she means, but... On the opposite bunk, the second child Su Qian'er is lying there.

But you must know that on this ship, the two bunks are very close to each other.

However, just when Li Chen was in a daze of concern, the Cocoa girl actually hooked his whole head off in a daze, then she raised her face and kissed him...

"Buzz... Hey... You..." Li Chen almost couldn't breathe, his heart was so nervous again, he kept looking worriedly at Su Qian'er who was on the opposite bunk.

But it was the first time that I really experienced that kind of tongue kiss, and the whole person seemed to be inexplicably addicted.

Although the cute girl took the initiative, in fact, this was her real first kiss.

As for the initiative, it is naturally still under the influence of alcohol.

Just when both of them tried to find some ways, suddenly, the second child Su Qianer let out a 'buzz' and turned sideways towards them...

Surprised, Li Chen panicked and pushed Coco girl away reservedly.

Just when Sister Ke Ke wanted to give up and wanted to drag Captain Li Chen down, unexpectedly, Su Qian'er suddenly said: "Water..."

Suddenly, Coco was also stunned.

"I... thirsty..." Su Qian'er murmured again, but she never opened her eyes.

After being stunned for a while, Li Chen finally turned around and left resolutely, and ran to the cabin to get water for his second child, Su Qian'er.

It's just that Coco girl suddenly lay down on the bunk, feeling a little depressed.

In fact, Li Chen was somewhat depressed.

But when he woke up from the dream, he realized that he almost made an impulsive mistake just now.

Because... No one knows when the days of surviving on a deserted island will end?
If you really got it just now, then if you are pregnant... what should you do?
But you must know that in this environment, if you become pregnant, it will kill you.

Fortunately, when he took a bottle of water and went down to the hold, he found that the cute girl had fallen asleep and was still.

At this moment, Li Chen was also thinking, maybe the cute girl really drank too much tonight? shouldn't be like that just now?
After the second child Su Qian'er took the water in a daze, Li Chen turned around and left quickly.

Going back to the upper floor and looking at the way the four women were sleeping, Li Chen, the captain, could only frown again...

Damn, these girls... are they all like this when they are too high?
If this was in a bar, wouldn't someone take the opportunity to pick up the corpse?

I really worry about the rest of these women's lives!

Thinking that it would be too strenuous to get all of them into the bilge, so I had no choice but to give up.

Anyway, sleeping on the boat was a hundred times better than taking a nap by the fire.

Therefore, he turned around to get the cigarette and lighter, and couldn't help but walked out of the cabin...

As for the bottom of my heart... I'm still reminiscing about that fierce kiss with the cute girl...

(End of this chapter)

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