The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 501 Can't stand it anymore?

Chapter 501 Can't stand it anymore?

Suddenly hearing Tan Jixia asking if she had any regrets, it seemed that it was really at a critical moment, so Su Qianer also felt a little inexplicably panicked...

Maybe Lena Babe was right, and maybe it was a really bad night?

However, afterward, Su Qian'er said that she looked at Tan Jixia calmly, and she did not forget to show a smile...

Suddenly, Su Qian'er said: "Perhaps the only regret... is that I can't continue with you?"

In fact, she really wanted to say in her heart that she couldn't continue with Captain Li Chen.

Because she always felt...the story with Captain Li Chen shouldn't end so hastily, right?

Just like at this moment, she has been guarding Captain Li Chen's backpack tightly.

Although she doesn't talk much, she is actually a little emotional.

Moreover, she has always agreed with what Captain Li Chen said about God's will.

Although she is a young lady who grew up in a greenhouse, she never cries easily.

Moreover, the more adversity she faces, the more tenacious she is.

Maybe it's because she hasn't been rebellious since she was a child?
So this time, she wants to completely rebel against fate!

At this moment, in the ocean, big waves are still churning.

The boat has been pitching and bouncing...

It's like those off-road enthusiasts pursuing the excitement of off-road.

It's like climbing one hill after another.

Thrilling, exciting, sour...

But at any time there is risk, despair, death...

For the eight of them and one dog, this is definitely the first time they have experienced such a risk!

In the dark night, at the stern of the boat, Xiao Cao first squatted there, holding on to the railing tightly with both hands.

Later, he couldn't squat anymore, so he had no choice but to sit on the edge of the deck, holding the guardrail tightly with both hands...

After a series of violent bumps, in the end, Xiao Cao couldn't hold back, and just sat there and vomited.

This is definitely a life and death experience!

inside the cockpit.

Suddenly, Qin Xiaowan simply sat down.

Li Chen, the captain who was still steering the helm steadily, couldn't help turning his head to take a look, and then hurriedly asked, "What's wrong? Can't stand it anymore?"

Qin Xiaowan first covered her mouth tightly with her hands, trying to suppress the need to vomit.

Afterwards, she showed incomparable strength and said, "It's all right! I'm all right!"

It's just that there is another big wave 'wow' sweeping towards you...

As the captain, Li Chen can only hold the steering wheel firmly, and the rest can only be left to fate.

After another violent back and forth, he turned his head to look at Qin Xiaowan who was sitting beside him, and asked, "Do you still have many regrets?"

Qin Xiaowan said: "No! I have no regrets!"

Then, she said again: "I have already told you that my life is yours!"

Hearing what this girl said suddenly, Li Chen was inexplicably moved...

Next, Qin Xiaowan said: "I still have something to say. Although I am no longer a clean woman, but... if you don't mind, I will cooperate with you as long as you want."

This actually made Li Chen a little embarrassed, and hurriedly said: "Fuck. Why are you talking about this at a time like this?"

Just as the voice was falling, another big wave swept over...

Unexpectedly, suddenly, Li Chen became more and more excited: "Come on! Make it more violent! The waves are not high enough! Not enough waves!"


After a while, in the cabin.

Mengmeizi and Qiong'er also staggered and ran to the bathroom to vomit for a while.

As for the foreign girl Lina, she was already lying in the cabin with a pale complexion.

Like next, let the ship do whatever it likes.

She was wearing a lifejacket anyway.

After a while, the cute girl and Qiong'er also followed Lina's example and simply lay on their backs in the cabin.

Only Tan Jixia and Su Qian'er were still sitting steadily.

After a while, Su Qian'er turned her head to look at Tan Jixia, and couldn't help but said, "Sister Jixia, tell me if you have any regrets?"

At this moment, Tan Jixia's heart is still heavy...

After waiting for a long time, Tan Jixia said: "I don't have any regrets anymore. I just hope you are all right."

Then, she added: "The most important thing is to hope that Captain Li Chen is okay. Good people should be rewarded."


However, no one expected that after the ship passed through the big wave area, in the middle of the night, a bright moon suddenly hung in the sky.

This actually made their captain Li Chen a little puzzled...

"Hold the grass! My god, what do you mean?"

Qin Xiaowan got up suddenly, looked at the sea ahead, and couldn't help being excited: "It's all right!?"

"Huh..." Li Chen let out a long cry.

Afterwards, he couldn't help but lit a cigarette and took two puffs...

After a long sigh followed by the smoke, he calmly said: "It should be all right?"


Suddenly, Xiao Cao at the stern couldn't help shouting in surprise: "Moonlight—there's moonlight—"

Following this startled cry, Xiao Cao suddenly got up very excitedly...


At this moment, in the cabin.

"Uh, sister Jixia, seems to be all right? The boat doesn't seem to be shaking anymore?"

Unexpectedly, Tan Jixia suddenly let out a 'wow', covered her mouth with her hands in panic, then got up and hurriedly ran towards the bathroom...

When we got to the bathroom, the girl vomited for a while.

Su Qian'er was stunned: "???"

As for Mengmeizi, Qiong'er, and the foreign girl Lina, they had already fallen asleep in the cabin.

After a while, Su Qian'er had no choice but to come to the door of the bathroom and asked, "Are you all right, Miss Jixia?"

At this moment, Tan Jixia replied with some embarrassment: "It's okay."

Said it was all right, but actually spit out tears.

Su Qian'er couldn't help laughing...

After a while, she finally vomited almost, Tan Jixia seemed to be exhausted, and hurriedly washed her face.

Then, she had no choice but to come out pretending to be strong, and asked Su Qian'er, "Are you going to throw up too?"

Su Qian'er smiled instead: "No. I want to urinate."

Tan Jixia: "..."

Apart from being speechless, she really never thought that the little girl who grew up in this greenhouse would be so powerful!
It was nothing at all.

Tan Jixia was still a little skeptical and didn't quite believe it.

However, after seeing this little girl enter the bathroom, sure enough, there was a burst of sarcasm soon after.

Tan Jixia was stunned again: "???"

Hmph, but that damned little girl keeps saying that I urinate profusely, so it doesn't mean that his dick also urinates profusely, okay?
After a while, when Su Qian'er came out, she still didn't forget to smile, and then asked: "It should be dawn soon, right?"

"I don't know?" Tan Jixia replied, " should be soon, right?"

"Then can we take off our life jackets?" Su Qian'er asked again.

Tan Jixia said vigilantly: "Don't take it off for now. Just ask Captain Li Chen."


(End of this chapter)

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