Chapter 502 Have You Already Collided?

After a while, when Tan Jixia and Su Qianer came to the cockpit again, the bright moon that had just appeared in the sky suddenly disappeared, and immediately entered the darkness before dawn.

The faint navigation lights can only illuminate a piece of sea ahead.

Su Qian'er, who came to the side of the steering wheel, glanced at the captain Li Chen very distressed, and then said: "How about...let me take the helm for a while?"

Hearing the second child suddenly say this, Li Chen turned his head to look at her, and then said: "That's fine. I'll leave it to you now."

To be honest, after this night, he was a little exhausted.

After handing over the steering wheel to the second child, he just stood aside and couldn't help lighting a cigarette...

Still a little worried, he looked at the sea ahead and felt that there were signs of calm, so he turned around and prepared to get out of the cockpit.

It's just that Tan Jixia on the other side turned her head to look, she was still a little worried for no reason, so she hurriedly asked: "Uh, damn, where are you going?"

Li Chen turned his head and looked at this northern girl inexplicably, and then said: "I'm going to pee. Do you want to go together?"

Suddenly hearing what he said, Qin Xiaowan, who was standing next to Tan Jixia, couldn't help laughing...

Tan Jixia blushed suddenly, and said angrily, "Who wants to be with you?"


Afterwards, after their captain Li Chen ran to pee for a while, he stopped by to take a look in the cabin.

Seeing Mengmeizi, Qionger, and foreign girl Lina all wearing life jackets lying asleep in the cabin, he could only express a moment of speechlessness...

Damn, these three girls...

We can only accept it!

Afterwards, he went out of the cabin again and went to the deck outside to have a look...

When he saw Xiao Cao standing at the stern leaning on the railing in a daze, he asked, "Are you all right, Xiao Cao?"

Xiao Cao just woke up like a dream, and hurriedly turned his head to look: "Team, captain..."

And Li Chen asked again: "Are you okay?"

Xiao Cao smiled embarrassingly: "It's okay, I just... vomited."

Hearing what Xiao Cao said, did Li Chen laugh or not?

Afterwards, he said: "Then go into the cabin and stay for a while."

Suddenly hearing this, Xiao Cao hurriedly asked, "Are you all right?"

Li Chen could only reply uncertainly: "It should be all right?"

Afterwards, he turned around to take a look again, and saw the wild dog Heizi lying on the deck and fell asleep, so he turned around and entered the cabin again.


After waiting for a while, Tan Jixia and the three women watched Captain Li Chen return to the cockpit, and they felt a little relieved.

Because the three of them are really worried about what will happen next.

After standing next to the second child, Li Chen couldn't help lighting a cigarette again...

After waiting for half an hour, I suddenly saw that it was dawn...

Finally, I can vaguely see the outline of the boundless ocean.

As the sky gradually brightened, and the few of them looked forward again, they suddenly felt a little dazed——

Because ahead, facing each other, two huge black shadows appeared...

Of course, it should be two small islands that are separated.

Between the two islands is a strait.

If you go straight ahead, you will cross the strait ahead.

However, the scene that suddenly appeared was truly spectacular...

It seems to remind them all of a line of poetry... The apes on both sides of the strait can't help but cry...

It's just that I don't know if I will encounter any danger when crossing the strait ahead?
"What should we do, captain?" Su Qian'er, who was at the helm, asked suddenly.

At this time, Li Chen, the captain, also frowned...

After looking at the three of them, he asked, "Can you still stand it?"

Immediately, he added: "If you can still stand it, let's continue. Let's hurry up the voyage, right? If you can't stand it, then stop at the island in front of you to rest for a while."

Suddenly hearing what the captain said, Tan Jixia and Qin Xiaowan turned their heads to look at Su Qianer...

Su Qian'er, who was at the helm, said, "I'm okay. I can hold on."

Hearing what Su Qian'er said, Tan Jixia said, "Then continue."

Immediately, Qin Xiaowan also said: "Let's continue. I really don't want to go to any island anymore. I'm already scared."

Then, Qin Xiaowan said again: "Anyway, it's dawn now, isn't it?"

Then, Tan Jixia asked: "How many days is this our survival life?"

Su Qian'er immediately replied: "It's dawn again now, it's already the 61st day. Today is September 9st."

"Ah?" Qin Xiaowan was taken aback in panic, "Today is...September 9st?"

"Yes." Su Qian'er replied.

At this moment, their Captain Li Chen is also frowning at the side...

After a while, he couldn't help lighting a cigarette again...

At this moment, he is thinking that his mortgage payment has been cut off, and it has been officially 2 months.

Because the bank deducts money on the 1st of every month.

Under the current circumstances, it is obviously impossible to rush back to the country.

Thinking of this, he also felt an inexplicable irritability in his heart, and then he couldn't help but say: "Then let's continue."

However, Su Qianer slowed down according to the situation.

After all, don't you know what's going on in the strait ahead?
After a while, when they were about to enter the position of the mouth of the strait, all of them stared at the front intently...

As if still worried about something.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the bottom of the bow suddenly made a 'tom' sound...

With the sound of 'tom', the ship trembled violently.

"Have you already hit it!?" Tan Jixia asked in panic.


After Li Chen was stunned for a moment, he turned around in a panic and said, "Leave the steering wheel to me!"

But it seemed that it was too late, because at this moment, I heard a rattling sound coming from the bottom of the ship...

Although their Captain Li Chen had already slowed down in an instant, the inertia of the ship's forward movement was still there.

At this moment, the wild dog Heizi had already rushed into the cockpit...

As soon as this beast came in, he didn't care, he just grabbed his master Li Chen's trousers, and pulled him to go out...

Li Chen's heart trembled again, and immediately, his first reaction was: "Quick! Get ready to disembark!"

Tan Jixia waited until the hearts of the three women trembled, then turned around and ran out of the cockpit...

"Hey—Miao Keke—Liu Caiqiong—Lena—wake up—"

When she arrived in the cabin, Tan Jixia screamed in panic.

Xiao Cao, who was dozing off in the cabin, woke up in a panic and asked, "What's wrong!?"

"Get off the boat!" Su Qian'er immediately replied.

"Ah!?" Xiao Cao was still a little dumbfounded.

At this moment, Li Chen was surprised at the bottom hatch when he heard that the bottom cabin was already flooded with water, and then he panicked and shouted again: "Quick—get off the boat——"

(End of this chapter)

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