The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 737 A glimmer of hope is always burning!

Chapter 737 There is always a glimmer of hope burning!
At this moment in the morning, Yanjing Airport, in a lounge of the flight crew.

Due to heavy snow and weather, the scheduled flight cannot take off temporarily, so the crew can only wait in the lounge for the time being.

At this moment, I saw Tan Jixia, dressed in a stewardess uniform, standing gracefully in front of the window of the lounge...

At this moment, she is staring at the snow scene outside the window...

As for what she was thinking at the moment, no one knew?

It's just that some male colleagues looked at the slim figure in front of the window, and they really had some inexplicable chicken jelly.

Especially, vaguely, sniffing that faint fragrance, I feel a little chilled.

It's just that her cold expression of rejecting people thousands of miles away made those male colleagues have no courage to strike up a conversation.

After a while, when the cute girl with a pair of extremely beautiful long legs approached Tan Jixia on her high-heeled shoes, the male colleagues were stunned again——

Next, a pair of admiring and wretched eyes focused on the cute girl again...

At this moment, the cute girl Miao Keke, who also wore a stewardess uniform, was also extremely stunning.

An absolute urban beauty!
After the cute girl got close to Tan Jixia, she turned her head to look at her, and couldn't help asking, "What are you thinking about?"

Tan Jixia listened, and continued to be dazed, then slowly turned her head and looked at the cute girl beside her...

Seeing the heartless look of the cute girl who is always full of energy, Tan Jixia also said: "Aren't you chatting with that handsome captain?"

Unexpectedly, the cute girl suddenly curled her lips gloomily: "Handsome is not something to eat. Besides, he is still not as handsome as the captain."

This made Tan Jixia stunned for a moment——

Because, originally, she thought that with the passage of time, the various behaviors and performances of this cute girl made her feel that she had already forgotten that Captain Li Chen. The thoughts of a cute girl.

It seems... this cute girl seems a little heartless, but Captain Li Chen still left a deep imprint on her heart...

After looking at the cute girl again, Tan Jixia couldn't help but suddenly said: "I thought...with a handsome captain, you, little girl, will forget about the captain?"

The cute girl said: "How is it possible? Do you think I can't walk if I really see a handsome guy?"

Hearing what the cute girl said, Tan Jixia had no choice but to look at her thoughtfully...

After a while, Tan Jixia asked, "Do you really think of yourself as the daughter-in-law of the Li family?"

The cute girl said: "What do you mean? I said I want to marry him, so of course I will marry him!"

Seeing that the cute girl is like this, Tan Jixia also said: "The question you really believe that he can come back?"

The cute girl said: "If he doesn't return, I won't marry."

Hearing what the cute girl said again, Tan Jixia was stunned again...

Afterwards, Tan Jixia couldn't help but said, "Maybe he really won't come back?"

Hearing this sentence suddenly, the cute girl suddenly burst into tears...

In fact, she also knew in her heart that the dead man surnamed Li might not come back, and she was just holding a little fantasy, a little faith, that's all.

Suddenly, the cute girl choked with tears and said, "Stop talking, sister Jixia!"

Tan Jixia suddenly burst into tears...

After a while, she said with tears in her eyes: "Actually... I don't want to talk about it anymore. It's just... when we continue to deceive ourselves like this, when will we be big?"

The cute girl said: "There is always a glimmer of hope burning in my heart, isn't it good?"



Today, that island in the ocean.

In the canyon, just south, halfway up the mountain.

Unable to withstand the cold of winter, the four of them had no choice but to come back here for the winter.

In the two cabins, under the beds, there are kangs that can be used to make fire.

It is similar to the kang head in the northeast of Huaguo.

Due to the gloomy weather on this day, it is extraordinarily cold and biting.

In the small wooden house opposite, Quan Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang stayed on the bed, and it felt like they couldn't get out of bed...

Because only the bed is warm, as soon as you get out of bed, you will be shivering in the thin clothes.

The two women were lying on the bed, looking at each other, looking a little bored...

Suddenly, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but frowned: "Sister Huiqiao, I want to pee, how about you?"

Suddenly hearing this, Quan Hye Kyo also frowned beautifully: "I want to too.'s so cold outside."

However, at this moment, vaguely, Nina's voice of "uh" or "uh" came from the cabin opposite.

This made Jeon Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanka's beautiful eyes frown...

"Oh, my God...Ya Butterfly...Don't be like this, okay?" Ito Chuanxiang said in a low voice, expressing that she couldn't bear it.

Jeon Hye Kyo even frowned beautifully...

After a while, nothing happened, and Ito Chuanxiang had no choice but to say: "Li Chenjun's health is really good!"

Looking at Quan Huiqiao again, she couldn't help asking: "Sister Huiqiao, from last night to now, the two of many times is this?"

It's okay if you don't ask, but when she asked, Quan Hye Kyo frowned again...

After a while, she could only reply: "I don't know either?"


But you must know that in the cabin opposite, Li Chen and Nina can only stay on the bed, so if they don't make a fuss, it will be so boring.

Although I am tired of staying here, there is really nothing to do in this winter.

After all, the clothes on each other are really too thin.

For Li Chen, it feels like wasting his time here...

How long will this day last, he doesn't know?
I only know that if this continues, the whole person will be useless.

After a while, I saw Li Chen getting out of bed inexplicably upset and irritable, then squatting on the bed, reaching out to take a burning firewood from the kang under the bed, and couldn't help lighting a cigarette...

As for Nina who was still lying on the bed, looking at him shyly...

Suddenly seeing something wrong with his expression, she couldn't help asking: "Li Chen... what's the matter with you?"

Li Chen frowned, took another puff of his cigarette, then looked at her, and asked, "Winter long will it last?"

Nina frowned, thought about it, and then said, "The coldest time...maybe...will last more than ten days?"

Then, she said: "After more than ten days, it will gradually become warmer. Then we can look for food."

Immediately afterwards, she said again: "But, sometimes... not necessarily? I remember... one year, the coldest weather lasted for more than a month."


(End of this chapter)

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