Chapter 738 It's Really So Cold
Hearing what Nina said, Li Chen had no choice but to frown again, and took a puff of cigarette gloomily...

In fact, he really didn't understand the winter climate in this kind of ocean.

If it is a subtropical climate, then the duration of the coldest weather in winter will not be too long.

It's just here that he really doesn't understand.

After Yuyu took another puff of his cigarette, he could only frown again...

At this moment, he was thinking, probably...he will spend the next year here?
This feeling is like... No matter how powerful he is, he will not be able to leave this island.

This feeling of being trapped here is really uncomfortable!

The most annoying thing is that the sky has been gloomy and gloomy for the past few days, with occasional light rain, and the cold wind blowing directly, it's really fucking cold.

Although it wasn't snowing, the coldness was really biting.

Of course, the main reason is that the clothes are too thin.

After all, it's just a summer dress.

As long as you step out of this cabin, you will be shivering with cold.

However, at this moment, Nina, who was lying on the bed, looked at him who was squatting in front of the bed and smoking a cigarette, but she couldn't help feeling some longing...

"Li Chen..."

Nina suddenly smiled and let out a soft cry.

Hearing this sound suddenly, Li Chen was stunned for a moment, then raised his head to look at her...

The two of them now are more or less like a young couple.

What is revealed in each other's a kind of tenderness of a young couple.

Nina looked at him sincerely, and couldn't help but say, "Why don't you stay and be the patriarch here?"

Then, she said with longing: "We can slowly develop the tribe."

Hearing what Nina said suddenly, Li Chen frowned even more...

Obviously, it is impossible for him to stay.

On this broken island, he wanted to leave a long time ago, how could he consider staying?
In desperation, he looked at Nina again, and he said, "Don't worry, Nina. I said I would take you out of here, and I will definitely take you away."

After Nina smiled happily, she said, "But the question is... how do we... leave?"

Then, she said: "Without a boat, we cannot do without."

Speaking of which, he looked at Nina again, and he took the opportunity to ask: "By the way, Nina, how did your boat... come from?"

Nina was stunned for a moment, and then said: " left over from our tribe. As for how it came here...I don't know?"

"Is that the only boat?" Li Chen asked again.

"Yes." Nina nodded.

Then, next, Li Chen had no choice but to be speechless.

Because he didn't know what to say anymore?

After a while, after thinking about it again, he suddenly got up resolutely, ready to turn around and walk out of the house...

Nina looked at it and hurriedly asked, "Li Chen, where are you... going?"

Li Chen glanced back at her, and then replied: "Go out and have a look."

"It's... cold outside!" Nina hurriedly said.

Li Chen also had no choice but to say: "It's nothing. Just for a while."

As he spoke, he resolutely walked out...

It's just that as soon as he came out, in the green field outside the cabin, a gust of cold wind blew, and he was immediately shivering from the cold...

In desperation, he had no choice but to turn around and rush towards the back of the house in a panic, preparing to pee for a while, and then immediately went back to the cabin.

Because it was too damn cold.


Now, the cabin opposite.

Jeon Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang were also squatting in the grass behind the house to relieve themselves.

The two of them were also shivering from the cold, with their upper teeth knocking their lower teeth...

After the urination, the two got up together, and they were ready to rush back to the cabin immediately.

"Oh, it's really cold!" Ito Chuanxiang said shivering uncontrollably.

And Quan Hye Kyo said: "I don't know... When will we leave this broken island?"

"Li Chenjun can't do anything, I think...we can't do anything either."

While talking, the two of them rushed back to the cabin immediately...

By the way, Ito Chuanxiang hurriedly added a handful of firewood to the kang under the bed.

After he was done, he jumped into bed immediately.

After jumping onto the bed, Quan Hye Kyo said gloomily, "Oh! What the hell! How can it be so cold here?"


After a while, after Li Chen finished his work, he immediately turned around and ran back to the cabin.

Nina watched him come back shivering from the cold, but she couldn't help laughing...

Especially seeing him rushing to bed in a hurry, Nina wanted to laugh even more...

Besides being depressed, Li Chen was still depressed.

Afterwards, no matter what, he had no choice but to lie on the bed obediently, not wanting to go anywhere.

Because there is still a bed warmed by the kang.

Nina couldn't help but turned towards him, then looked at him with a half-smile...

"Li Chen, what's wrong with you...?"

Hearing Nina's question suddenly, Li Chen gave her a gloomy look, and then didn't say anything immediately.

It's just that he was thinking, some things, even if he told Nina, she might not understand?
Although she is already his woman, after all, she is just a girl who grew up on this island, so she may not understand some of his thoughts?
After a while, he looked at Nina again, and he could only ask curiously: "By the way, Nina, don't you yearn for the outside world at all?"

Nina smiled suddenly: "Of course I want to."

So, Li Chen said: "Since you yearn for it, why do you want me to stay?"

Nina suddenly frowned in contradiction...

After a while, she said: "Because yearning is useless. We still have no way to leave this island."

Seeing her like this, Li Chen could only say: "There will be a way."

Nina couldn't help asking, "Snatch the pirate ship and leave?"

Li Chen was taken aback for a moment, then looked at her, and then asked, "Is it not possible?"

Nina couldn't help but frowned again, thinking about it...

Then, she said: "Maybe... it will have to wait until... next year's spring?"

Then, Nina said: "Because only at that time of the year, they will become active."

Li Chen couldn't help being taken aback, and then hurriedly asked, "Will a pirate ship pass by here by then?"

"Maybe." Nina replied uncertainly, "But... our manpower... I'm afraid we can't snatch it?"

Then, Nina said again: "Because...they...usually come and go with three or four pirate ships. Also, they have guns, and are a man, and the other three of us are women, so ..."

Hearing Nina's worried words suddenly, Li Chen also frowned...

In fact, he is well aware of the risks involved in robbing the pirate ship.

However, in such a situation, maybe he can only fight desperately?

(End of this chapter)

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