Chapter 801 I'm Your Grandpa

When Li Chen suddenly saw that Li Chen was attacking those pirates with a 'da da da' shot, the two women were stunned and dazed again——


The two women were completely dumbfounded. While their eyes were stunned, their mouths also opened into an 'O' shape...

At this moment, the two women don't know what kind of mood they are in at this moment?

Just looking at the heroic back of that Huaguo man in the silent jungle, the two of them realized that they seemed to be completely safe.

But what kind of experience that Huaguo man had, it seems that it is still a mystery in their hearts.

In such a polar environment, they were chased and killed by more than a dozen pirates with spears in their arms. In the end, what the two of them witnessed was the existence of this Huaguo man who was like a god of war!

In the end, it was a domineering Jedi counterattack!

More than ten pirates, in the end, none survived.

And at this moment, I saw that man from the Hua country, still not forgetting to spit out a mouthful of phlegm: "Fuck, what the hell!"

"???" The two women were startled again.

Afterwards, I suddenly saw that man from the Hua Kingdom finally couldn't help but let out a long cry: "Huh——"

It was as if everything had finally come to an end.

Next, he squatted down, and suddenly searched one of the dead pirates...

After searching for half a pack of cigarettes, he opened the cigarette case depressedly, took out a cigarette, and put it to his mouth.

Then, he found another zippo lighter, with a 'click' sound, it was lit, and the cigarette was lit...

In the eyes of the two women, the appearance of the Hua country man suddenly lighting a cigarette is simply too manly, really handsome!
Completely, a veritable lone hero!

It seemed that he was used to it, but he was a little tired of the smell of gunpowder.


After a long time, the two women came to their senses in a daze.

After taking another look, it was confirmed that they were safe, and then the two women took a bold step, walked out from the mountain pass, and walked towards Li Chen in the jungle...

Li Chen, who was squatting there smoking a cigarette, suddenly heard the sound of footsteps behind him, so he turned his head and looked back at the two women.

Seeing that the two of them were approaching, he picked up an ak47 from the ground and threw it at Jeon Hye Kyo...

His movements are handsome and done in one go, but Quan Hye Kyo, who has never seen such a scene, was stunned for a while: "???"

When she realized it, the gun was almost thrown into her arms, so she panicked and hugged the gun in a panic.

Like a recruit who just enlisted in the army, while holding the gun in a daze and panic, he was almost knocked to the ground by the gun.

Fortunately, she squatted in panic and stabilized.

Seeing it suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help laughing inexplicably.

Immediately, he picked up another ak47 and threw it towards Ito Chuanxiang.

After the scene with Jeon Hye Kyo just now, Ito Chuanxiang immediately learned some experience, so she caught the gun with a little quick reaction.

Then, while crushing the cigarette butt in his hand on the ground, Li Chen looked at the two of them with a half-smile, and said, "You know how to shoot?"

"???" The two women were in a daze again.

Frankly speaking, the two of them had never touched such a hot weapon.

Seeing that they were like this, Li Chen could only smile and say: "It's simple. Then, just pull the trigger. And then... Just aim the gun at the enemy. It's okay if you don't aim correctly, just take it for a while." Just use 'da da' to sweep randomly, and there will always be a bullet that will sweep the enemy."

He spoke lightly, but the two women were still in a daze for a while.

At this moment, the walkie-talkie that fell in the jungle rang again...

Suddenly hearing that chatter, the two women were frightened again——

It wasn't until they realized that it was a walkie-talkie that the two women calmed down a little.

Although he couldn't understand the language of these pirates, Li Chen still turned around with great interest, then bent down and picked up the walkie-talkie from the ground...

After thinking for a while, he said to him: "Go to Nima!"Don't speak bird language!Kind of speak Chinese!

Right now, by the sea, on the pirate ship near the farthest edge.

The black and strong bald guy holding the walkie-talkie was suddenly dumbfounded: "???"

The pirates around him were all dumbfounded: "???"

It seems that I don't understand, who is talking to the other party?

Then I saw them looking at each other stupidly...

Then, the bald guy with the dark and strong was asking, meaning: What language is this?

And those guys around him were also confused: "???"

Next, some said it was Korean, some said it seemed to be Japanese, some said it was Thai, and only one guy said maybe it was Chinese?
But guess what, no one can understand?
In the end, in desperation, the black and strong bald guy got angry and switched to speaking in awkward English: Fuck! Who, are, you?


At this moment, in the jungle, Li Chen replied in awkward English with great enjoyment: I'm, your, grandfather!


When the black and strong bald guy heard that the other party said it was his grandfather, he suddenly flew into a rage!

However, the pirates around him couldn't help but startled: "???"

It seems that they have all realized that their dozen or so friends must have encountered an accident in the jungle?
Otherwise, it is impossible for the walkie-talkie to fall into the hands of the other party.


As for this moment, Li Chen in the jungle also knew that the four pirate ships by the sea hadn't left yet.

They also have a large group of pirates waiting by the sea.

It was only then that the two women realized that the danger was still not completely lifted.

By the sea, there are fellow pirates.

After realizing something, Quan Hye Kyo suddenly said worriedly: "What should I do, Li Chen? They... seem to have quite a few people?"

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen said: "What are you afraid of? Now that we have so many guns, why are we afraid of something? As long as the rest of their troops dare to barge in, we can just shoot!"

Immediately, he didn't forget to add: "It's just right, let you two women practice marksmanship too?"

Hearing what he said suddenly, the two women were stunned for a moment, and then they suddenly felt a shock——

Immediately, Ito Chuanxiang said: "Yes! Sister Huiqiao, we are not afraid of them now! We also have such guns and ammunition now, are we really afraid of them?"

Then, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but said: "Sister Huiqiao, I found out that the more we are afraid, the more we will be beaten! So... we can no longer be afraid! Besides, there is Li Chenjun, what are we afraid of?"


(End of this chapter)

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