Chapter 802
At this moment, the four pirate ships on the south coast seemed to be in trouble for a while.

For this group of pirates, it is obvious that they have reached a difficult situation.

I don't know how to make a decision?

Now, with this large group of them, it is not true that they have entered the jungle, or they have not entered the jungle?

How about getting in... and don't know the danger, if the whole army is wiped out, wouldn't it be even more stupid?
Why don't you get in... After the dozen or so companions entered the jungle, they haven't come out yet!

For them now, it was a realistic problem: either support their companions, or abandon the dozen or so companions, and then retreat.

This kind of fighting continues, in fact, there is no benefit for them pirates.

You know, they belong to thieves after all, and everything is still headed by profit.

Although these wild places in the middle of the ocean are the places where they run rampant, but when they encounter an unfavorable battle situation, their strategy is still to slip away.

Now, that dark, strong, bald guy is their leader and their decision maker.

With his temper, he wanted to go into the jungle and kill the guy who said he was his grandfather!
However, the brothers around him were all persuading and warning.

Obviously, many of them are his confidantes, brothers who were born and died.

Therefore, he had to listen to their words, and then ponder them.


As for this moment, in the jungle.

Li Chen was not in a hurry.

Because for the three of them, the jungle is the best place for them to kill the enemy.

After all, they have few people and relatively weak firepower, so they are only suitable for hiding in the jungle to fight ambushes.

Besides, Li Chen is not that stupid.

He will not take the initiative to attack it.

Although he was wondering whether he could take the opportunity to snatch the pirate ship, at this moment, he was still clear-headed.

Not so hot.

As long as they rushed back to the beach, the three of them would surely die.

It sounded like there was no movement outside the jungle, and no large troops rushed into the jungle. Therefore, he suddenly looked a little bored and lit another cigarette...

Then I saw him with a cigarette in his mouth, and he went to pick up all the guns in a calm manner, packed them up, and put them together.

Seeing this, the two women waited to react, and then helped to clean up and place the guns together.

But, after seeing Li Chen searching those dead pirates, the two of them didn't have the guts anymore, and saw their beautiful eyes frowning...

I can only admire Li Chen's courage and courage.

For Li Chen, he gained a lot.

Although they are all half-packs of cigarettes, there are at least a dozen half-packs of cigarettes, right?

Then there are ten zippo lighters.

Almost thousands of dollars were also collected.

Seeing that these pirates had US dollars in their pockets, the two women were a little confused?

However, Li Chen didn't want to study too much about it.

Regardless of whether it is US dollars or something, in short, it all belongs to them now.

Li Chen proposed to share these dollars equally, but you must know, how could two women dare to ask for such money?

Besides, just these two women, if they really go back, they won't be the ones who are short of money.

As an actress who has settled in Seoul, country H, is Jeon Hye Kyo still short of this little money?

As for Ito Chuanxiang, the beauty writer of Oriental best-selling books, she is naturally not short of the money.

Therefore, the two women said tactfully that it would be fine if all the money was under Li Chen's control.

Seeing the two women like this, Li Chen was not polite, and stuffed thousands of dollars into his trouser pocket.

Next, when he squatted down and was about to put those half-packs of cigarettes into several cigarette boxes, suddenly, he finally heard something...

There was a rustling sound of firewood and vine thorns, very slightly.

Obviously, someone has broken into the jungle...

As a result, the two women panicked and were startled vigilantly——

And when Li Chen heard his voice, he already reached out to touch the gun...

Immediately, he panicked and whispered: "Quick! Take the gun! Find a place to hide!"


At this moment, there were indeed six or seven pirates, armed with long guns, who had already entered the jungle.

However, they are also cautious, and their steps are very light...

Especially their respective eyes, looking around vigilantly all the time...

After continuing to move forward for a certain distance, they suddenly felt that the forest was quiet, and they felt a little inexplicable dread and fear.

Immediately, the six or seven pirates stopped in tacit understanding, and then looked at each other...

The mutual meaning is, should we continue to go in, or start to retreat?

As for this moment, outside the jungle, on the beach next to it.

There are also more than a dozen pirates holding long guns, waiting for movement?

However, the dozen or so pirates were just emboldening the six or seven companions who had already entered the jungle.

If there is bad movement in the jungle, they will probably start to evacuate immediately.

In short, this group of pirates will never be wiped out here.


As for Li Chen and the other three, at this moment, they are guarding at the mouth of the canyon in the jungle.

Each is holding a pole AK47, and the cat is behind the big trees on both sides of the canyon mouth.

Li Chen, who was leaning against the big tree, did not forget to weave a straw circle temporarily and put it on his head.

After it was over, I saw him crawling cautiously towards the side of the firewood and vine thorns...

Afterwards, he looked up cautiously, and suddenly saw another six or seven pirates approaching cautiously, so he raised his gun and took aim...

'clatter! '

Suddenly there was a gunshot, and the pirate in the middle was immediately headshot and fell to the ground!

The pirates on both sides were startled timidly: "???"

It seems that two or three pirates were scared to pee immediately.

The two women suddenly saw Li Chen firing, so they immediately responded, each holding an AK47, and started firing indiscriminately...

One of the pirates suddenly saw a bullet flying past his ear with a 'swish' sound, and he was so startled that he urinated immediately, turned around in panic, and ran away with an 'ahh'...

This is really scaring the shit out of me.


At this moment, outside the jungle, the dozen or so pirates were surprised to hear the sudden sound of fierce firefights in the jungle, and they couldn't help but startled suddenly: "???"

Immediately, they looked at each other, as if they were asking, should they rush in or not?
Just at this moment, a buddy ran away like hell...

While yelling in a panic, it means: Run!The opponent's firepower is fierce!They are all dead!
Seeing this, the dozen or so pirates were stunned for a moment, and then turned around in a panic, and rushed back to the seaside with that buddy...

It's just that the black and strong bald guy on the boat looked at him, annoyed and confused...

This feeling of defeat is naturally uncomfortable!
(End of this chapter)

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