Chapter 806 Hurry up, put on a gun

Hearing what Ito Chuanxiang said, Li Chen looked at the pavilion again, and he was also a little startled: "???"

Because in terms of architectural style, it really looks a bit like the ancient buildings of Huaguo?
But here, in this ocean, this island is really far away from Huaguo.

So this place does not belong to the territory of Huaguo at all.

Moreover, he had studied the simple map before, all the way to the east is country G.

So based on the neighboring countries, this place belongs to country G, right?

The architectural style of Country G is naturally very different from that of Hua Country.

After thinking about it, he couldn't figure it out for a while?

On the contrary, Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help but answered positively: "Okay, let's hurry up and find a source of fresh water."

Then, she did not forget to add: "Didn't we come here to find fresh water?"

Hearing what Quan Huiqiao said suddenly, Li Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't help but said: "Forget it. Don't study this. We don't know much about archaeology."

However, Ito Chuanxiang said: "But... for treasure hunting, we need to find clues based on its architectural characteristics."

Li Chen said: "Now the source of fresh water has not been found, so what treasure are you looking for?"

Then, he said again: "Besides, who knows if there is any treasure?"


In front of the stone steps along the pavilion, there is obviously a trace of a small ancient road, which should lead all the way to the depths of the valley...

Just now, they also explored here along the imprint of this small ancient road.

It's just that this road has long been deserted and overgrown with firewood and vine thorns.

Moreover, towering trees have already grown in some sections of the road.

Judging from this point, everything in the valley should be unknown to future generations?
If someone already knows everything here, someone must have come to archaeology or explore the secrets?

Then in this valley, this small ancient road should have been leveled long ago?


Afterwards, thinking that their purpose was to come here to find a source of fresh water, Li Chen resolutely turned around and continued on his way...

Then, he waved the hatchet at hand again.

I saw him waving a hatchet in front of him, cutting off those firewood and vine thorns on the small ancient road.

Originally he wanted to use fire, but the firewood and thorns here are too lush.

Surrounded by this jungle, how dare you burn it easily?

Wouldn't it be a foolish comparison to get caught in the fire in the end?


However, the three of them continued to walk hard along the small ancient road for more than a mile. Suddenly, there was a shocking sound, and there was a rumbling sound in the valley...

That movement obviously seemed to have countless prehistoric beasts rushing out.

Surprisingly, the movement was wrong, so Li Chen panicked and yelled: "Quick! Put on the gun! Hurry up!"

Just when the three of them changed their guns in panic, sure enough, they suddenly saw a group of big tigers rushing out...

There must be six or seven big tigers rushing forward.

Seeing that the formation was not right, Li Chen had no choice but to cut his gun decisively...

'Da da da da da...'

Following such a burst of gunfire erupting in the valley, three or four big tigers fell down very quickly.

The remaining three big tigers were taken aback in panic, braked quickly, stopped and continued to rush forward.

However, at this time, the gunshots in the hands of the two women also rang out...

'Da da da da da da...'

This time, the two women were really decisive.

Immediately, the remaining three big tigers also fell down instantly.

In the blink of an eye, it was the scene of the blood-stained valley...

It's just that after the ceasefire, Li Chen felt a little uneasy when he saw such a scene...

I feel... I can't go any further into the depths of the valley.

Suddenly, the two women also froze in fear——

"What should I do?" Quan Hye Kyo asked suddenly.

Then, she hurriedly said: "Li Chen, I feel... I can't go in anymore?"

Li Chen was stunned again after listening, and then he was busy checking, how many bullets are there in the gun?
When he suddenly saw that there were only two bullets left in the gun, he became even more inexplicably afraid...

Then he asked, "Do you still have bullets in your guns?"

Ito Chuanxiang was stunned, and hurriedly asked: "What do you think?"

Li Chen also had no choice but to reach out his hand directly: "Then, give it to me, and I'll help you take a look."

Next, he checked the bullets in the guns for both women.

Ito Chuanxiang still has three bullets in her gun.

Jeon Hye Kyo still has five bullets in her gun.

Adding up the three of them, there were still ten bullets in total.

If another six or seven big tigers sprang out, their firepower would be enough.

And the marksmanship of the two women is not very accurate.

Thinking about it, there was no way, so Li Chen had no choice but to say decisively: "Withdraw!"

However, Ito Chuanxiang hurriedly asked: "Then what about our water...?"

Li Chen said: "Let's go out first."

Quan Huiqiao hurriedly said: "There is still half a pot of water. Save it, it's enough for us to hold on for a while."


Next, when retreating, Li Chen deliberately asked the two women to go forward, and he cut off the rear.

It's just that walking back all the way, he always felt that... this there something strange?
Spirit beast guards?

Could it be... is there really any treasure in the valley?
Afterwards, he pondered carefully, how did he alarm the group of spirit beasts just now?
It seems that he swung his knife as if he had hacked a mechanism next to the small ancient road?
Thinking about it carefully, it suddenly flashed in his mind, there seems to be half a dried bamboo stake beside the small ancient road?
His machete did cut the half of the dry bamboo stake...

The more he thought about it, the more he thought about it, the more inexplicably uneasy he became...

This valley... can't be easily broken into!
Because it has Tamar's agency.

What's more, there are firewood and vine thorns all over the inside, and if you want to get in, you have to cut those firewood and vine thorns, so who knows what mechanism you will encounter?

If there is a mechanism like Wanjian Piercing the Heart, then it's really a fucking idiot.

Afterwards, after finally coming out of the mountain pass in the jungle, Li Chen let out a long sigh of relief: "Huh—"

And Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help asking: "Li Chen-jun, why do I this valley weird?"

Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help but frowned, and then she said, "I always feel eerie! It seems that there are some ghosts and ghosts in the valley?"

After Li Chen frowned again, he said, "Okay. I'm not going to study this anymore. We just want to find a source of fresh water. So... we don't have to go into this valley."

Then, he said: "Don't forget our current situation. We just want to leave the island. We are just trying to survive on a deserted island."

Hearing what he said, Ito Chuanxiang asked: "But... Li Chenjun, if we don't go into the valley, where are we going to find the source of fresh water?"

(End of this chapter)

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