Chapter 807 etc.

Hearing that Ito Chuanxiang was talking about the source of fresh water again, Li Chen could only frown sullenly...

Afterwards, he couldn't help turning his head to look at the col in the jungle behind him, and then looked in along the col...

Although I just came out of here, I always feel that I still don't understand some secrets that are not known here?
However, the only thing that is certain is that there must be a source of fresh water in it.

I just want to go in again, it seems that I still have to re-evaluate...

After a lot of deliberation, there was nothing to do in the end, Li Chen could only say: "Let's talk about the fresh water source later. Let's go out first. Go back to the beach first."

In fact, he was also pondering in his heart, if there is no pot, if there is a is really impossible, self-made distilled water will be a fart, so why bother with so much effort?

Now, isn't their purpose just to wait for passing boats by the sea?
Don't you just want to wait for an opportunity to leave the island?
Why does Nima have to go through all this trouble?

Afterwards, the two women looked at him as he was about to go out of the forest, so they had no choice but to follow.

It's just that the two women couldn't help whispering...

Ito Chuanxiang said in Quan Huiqiao's ear: "Uh, Sister Huiqiao, why do I always feel... there should be something hidden in this valley? Otherwise... how can I explain that pavilion? "

However, when Quan Hye Kyo listened, her beautiful eyes frown...

Afterwards, she also said in Ito Chuanxiang's ear with a correct understanding: "Don't think about those. It's useless to think about those. Have you forgotten what Li Chen Ouba said to us? We have one principle now: to live , outlying islands!"

Ito Chuanxiang said: "I know. I know our principles. But...if there is a treasure, wouldn't we be prosperous?"

Quan Hye Kyo had no choice but to say again: "So what if there is a treasure? We can't take it away."

Then, Quan Hye Kyo said again: "Li Chen Ouba and the others... didn't have everything before, even guns and cannons, and boats, but the result... In the end, in the ocean, they became nothing again."

However, Ito Chuanxiang said again: "Even if you can't take it away, it's not bad to satisfy our curiosity."


Right now, Li Chen didn't bother to care about the whispering between the two women.

He just walked ahead.

After a while, when he finally got out of the jungle and returned to the beach, he realized that this day was going to be over soon.

Unknowingly, the sun has moved westward.

According to the current position of the sun, it is almost three or four o'clock in the afternoon.

The source of fresh water has not been found, but this day will pass again, so I feel somewhat depressed.

Li Chen stopped in front of the jungle, couldn't help but lit a cigarette...

After the two women also came out, the three of them turned around together and walked towards the fire facing due south...

When they suddenly saw that the guns they put by the fire had disappeared, they had disappeared, and the two women felt strangely startled——

"Uh, Li Chenjun, our guns are missing!" Ito Chuanxiang trembled in a panic.

However, Li Chen replied calmly: "I saw it."

So, Jeon Hye Kyo hurriedly asked, "How could this happen?"

Li Chen said: "It's very simple, it proves that someone has been here."

"Then... where is the person?" Quan Hye Kyo asked again.

Li Chen had no choice but to reply: "It must have stolen our gun, and then slipped away."


Afterwards, I saw Li Chen quicken a few steps, and went forward to observe, the string of footprints left in the sand...

Those footprints looked messy, but the lines were still clear.

Obviously, he went straight to the position of the gun, then walked along the gun, and then slipped away immediately.

And it's not just the footprints of one person, but the footprints of several people.

As for their rattan back pockets, those objects, and their shark meat, those foods, there was no trace of any movement.

From this, Li Chen secretly judged that the other party only cares about guns and treats guns as treasures. It is very likely that there are fishermen passing by?
And from these footprints, he even judged that the fisherman's mentality of those little brats thinking, they are both fearful and thieves.

It can be seen that when Li Chen followed the set of footprints and walked towards the beach, the two women couldn't help but also followed...

Seeing that he has been quietly observing these footprints, the two women are also full of curiosity about it.

It wasn't until they walked all the way to the front of the shallow beach that Li Chen stopped, and then the two women hurriedly turned their heads to look at him...

Immediately, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help asking curiously: "Uh, Li Chenjun, did you see anything?"

Li Chen frowned with some regret and said: "I knew...we shouldn't be looking for any fresh water source today!"

Suddenly hearing this sentence, the two women seemed to realize something.

Then, Quan Huiqiao said: "You mean... If we didn't look for fresh water today, then we might have left the island by now, right?"

"En!" Li Chen nodded.

So, Ito Chuanxiang hurriedly asked: "Then what should we do now?"

Li Chen frowned gloomyly again, and then said: "Wait!"

Then, he said: "Try not to leave this beach again."

And Quan Hye Kyo said: "Then... how do we solve our fresh water? How can we do it without water?"

Li Chen had no choice but to frown and think about it, and then he said: "Okay. Let's go get something to eat first. I'm hungry."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked towards the fire.

Seeing this, the two women had no choice but to turn around and follow.

Back in front of the fire, and looking at the shark meat, Li Chen couldn't help saying: "We must marinate and smoke these shark meat as soon as possible, otherwise, it will deteriorate and go bad."

Suddenly hearing this, Quan Huiqiao hurriedly said: "The problem is...we don't have much crystal salt. We can't marinate so much shark meat either."

Li Chen also had no choice but to say: "It's okay. You can pickle as much as you can. At least let's talk about the next few days. Then... Let's think of a way."

The reason why he said that was because he was thinking in his heart, maybe if he was lucky, he would be able to wait for the passing fishing boat soon?
Then the probability of outlying islands... will increase!

Moreover, if they are really serious fishermen, if they ask for help, they should be able to take them out of this ocean?

Of course, he also knew in his heart that there were no absolutely good people in such an extrajudicial place.

Especially with such two women, and their looks are not bad, so if you ask for's hard to rule out that those animals won't have some misleading ideas...

(End of this chapter)

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