Chapter 808

Next, for the rest of the afternoon, the three of them worked together, using all the remaining crystal salt to marinate a small half of the shark meat, and then the two women squatted by the fire to smoke, while Li Chen I ran to collect firewood again.

As for the fresh water, there is still half a jug left, save a little, it is enough for three people to support for a while.

At least until tomorrow.

But, right now, it is imminent to solve the problem of fresh water for drinking.

Now, the three of them are on the beach directly south, according to Li Chen's strategy, they just need to live until a boat passes by.

As for looking for a source of fresh water today and delaying the opportunity to ask for help from outlying islands, Li Chen still regrets this matter.

After a while, the firewood was almost picked up, and it was already the afterglow, so he ran to the sandy field not far away to take out the buried bullets.

Then, he worked hard again, loading the bullets into the three guns respectively.

All in all, the firepower is still limited, and it cannot be wasted at will.

However, as long as they don't go into that valley to explore and find fresh water sources, then these guns are still enough for the three of them to defend themselves.

About the two women who have been squatting by the fire and busying themselves, smoking and roasting the salted shark meat.

Until dusk fell, the two women were still busy.


Seeing that it was twilight again, I saw that Li Chen was also a little bit helpless, holding a cigarette in his mouth, and facing the twilight, he walked towards the seashore with a little gloom...

It seems that I want to go to the beach alone for a while, thinking about it.

By the way, blow the sea breeze and breathe freely.

At the end of the day, it seems to be quite busy, but it seems that I still haven't figured it out.

Thinking about it, it's also quite depressing.


The two women squatting by the fire to smoke and grill shark meat looked at the back of the man in the twilight and by the sea. They didn't know what to say for a while.

Just thinking in my heart, that is the man who belongs to them.

Without this man, the two of them would completely become headless chickens.

After dozens of days of surviving on a deserted island, now, for this oriental beauty writer, she is deeply moved.

She is also reflecting more and more on how naive her initial thoughts were.

As a young woman in literature and art, she realized that some of her initial ideas were still too idealistic.

Because the real reality is not as beautiful as what she expressed in her words.

This kind of extrajudicial place ultimately embodies the law of the jungle.

Still need to be wild enough.

This point was most vividly reflected in the man from Huaguo.

She also learned a lot from him.

For Jeon Hye Kyo, this former H country actress is now completely in love with such a man.

Maybe this is an unbelievable thing for herself?
Although she has performed many emotional dramas in the play, she actually doesn't know what is the real definition of love?
She only knew that while conquering everything, this Chinese man also conquered her heart.


At this moment, Li Chen, who was standing in the twilight and by the sea, couldn't help lighting a cigarette again in a melancholy manner.

Now that I finally have spiritual food, it seems that my thoughts are getting more and more chaotic...

In the twilight, he was smoking a cigarette, staring blankly at the vast waters in front of him, and the scenes from the past kept flashing in his mind...

When the scene finally freezes on that shipwreck, he still only feels some inexplicable pain in his heart.

Damn it... God damn it!


After a while, Jeon Hye Kyo finally couldn't bear to come to his side...

When she turned her head to look at him, and suddenly saw his gloomy expression, she knew in her heart that he was thinking about those six women again.

Regarding this, Quan Hye Kyo was also puzzled, and kept thinking, in what way was she inferior to those six women?
Is it still a matter of national borders that do not resonate with each other?
Is there no common topic?

After thinking about it, the H country actress had no choice but to whisper in his ear: "Uh, Li Chen, dinner is ready."

Only then did Li Chen come to his senses, and hurriedly turned his head to look at her...

Then he asked, "Is the shark meat all smoked?"

"En." Quan Hye Kyo nodded hurriedly.

Seeing her like this, he didn't say anything more, but turned around, ready to walk towards the fire.

Seeing this, Quan Hye Kyo had no choice but to turn around and follow him.

But after a while, she still couldn't help asking: "By the way, what were you thinking about at the beach just now?"

Suddenly hearing her question, Li Chen said indifferently: "It's nothing. I just want to see if there are any ships passing by."

Hearing his answer like this, Quan Hye Kyo couldn't keep asking.


In the night, on this deserted island, the three had no choice but to sit silently in front of the fire.

After dinner, watching Li Chen light another cigarette, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help smiling and said, "Li Chen-jun, are we... getting closer to leaving the island?"

Li Chen could only frown and reply: "Maybe?"

But Quan Hye Kyo said with a frown: "Let's think about our fresh water problem."

Li Chen could only frowned again, thinking about it...

After finishing, he looked west, and then said: "By the way, shall we try to go west tomorrow?"

Immediately, he added: "Anyway, we have been walking west along the seaside, and we haven't left the seaside, have we?"

Ito Chuanxiang suddenly frowned: "Is there a source of fresh water at this seaside?"

Li Chen said: "It doesn't matter if there are Traveler's Bananas on the side? As long as there are Traveler's Bananas, our fresh water problem will not be a problem."


Finally chatting and chatting, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but turned her head to look at the vast waters in front of the island, and then saw her saying with some gloom: "It's so depressing! Why when I was at the beach, Haven’t those fishing boats passed by?”

Suddenly hearing what she said, Quan Hye Kyo also became depressed...

It seems that what Ito Chuanxiang said is really the same thing.

Then, Quan Hye Kyo said: "Wouldn't there be another fishing boat passing by when we didn't stay here?"

So, Ito Chuanxiang said: "Why don't we hide in the jungle tomorrow?"

Hearing the two women talking like this, Li Chen couldn't help but want to laugh...

It really feels like two childish little girls.

Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help asking: "Li Chenjun, what are you laughing at?"

Li Chen couldn't help smiling again, and then said: "It's nothing. Let's go to sleep quickly. Let's recharge our batteries."

And Quan Hye Kyo looked at him shyly like a daughter-in-law suddenly, and then said, "I'm going to have a pee."

Li Chen had no choice but to frown again: "Chuan Xiang will accompany you."

This time, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but said: "You two should go."


(End of this chapter)

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