The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 809 The Misunderstood Adorable Girl

Chapter 809 The Misunderstood Adorable Girl

Tonight, Huaguo Yanjing.

On the last subway from the airport to the city.

I saw two stewardesses who had just landed from a domestic flight on the subway.

The startled appearance of the two stewardesses caught the attention of many men in the carriage...

Some even look wretched.

But for the cute girl Miao Keke, she really enjoys the eyes of some animals.

She even couldn't help laughing and said in Tan Jixia's ear: "Uh, sister Jixia, tell me... do you look more at you, or at me?"

Tan Jixia always rolls her eyes every time she encounters such a boring question...

Then, she whispered in Miao Keke's ear: "Everyone is looking at you. You are young and beautiful. I am a divorced woman, how can anyone look at me?"

However, the cute girl said: "Oh, don't be like this, sister Jixia. Be happy. Besides, there are obviously many animals staring at your chest, okay?"

Tan Jixia was very disgusted, and said: "Are you bored?"

Seeing that Tan Jixia is like this, there is no way out, and the cute girl said: "Then if I say... I saw the captain last night, are you still bored?"

Suddenly hearing this, Tan Jixia really believed it was true and was startled: "Really!?"

However, unexpectedly, the cute girl said with a smile: "It's really true. But it's just... in a dream."

Suddenly hearing what she said, Tan Jixia became angry again: "Are you sick?"

Then, she said angrily again: "Do you think this is funny?"

The cute girl was very puzzled: "What happened to me?"

Tan Jixia said: "You're fine. You're fine. Is this the head office?"

Suddenly, the cute girl also became a little angry: "Do you think that you are just thinking about the captain with your sad face all day long? Don't engage in that kind of formalism, okay?"

Tan Jixia said: "I didn't say I was thinking about the captain. I'm in a bad mood, that's my personal business."

Cute girl: "..."

It seems that besides being speechless, she doesn't know what to say?

In desperation, she could only curl her lips gloomily, hmph, what's wrong with her?

Doesn't she insist on calling the captain's hometown every day as a daughter-in-law?

In fact, she looks like a heartless cute girl, but she really has a heart.

Because she really insisted on calling the captain's hometown every day, chatting and chatting with his parents.

After a while, when I got out of the subway in the urban area, I suddenly saw the cute girl taking out her mobile phone to make a call, and Tan Jixia who was standing beside her was startled again with some distaste...

Because this little girl often calls secretly, which man should she be dating?

However, this time, when she took a sneak peek and saw that the number this little girl dialed was actually the landline number of the captain's hometown, she couldn't help being startled secretly: "???"

"Hey, Dad, it's so late, did it disturb your sleep?" The cute girl on the side was talking on the phone.

On the other end of the phone, Li Chen's father was very happy: "Nothing. I didn't bother you. Didn't I tell you that I'm getting old and sleep lightly at night. I can't sleep either. I thought you girl wouldn't come today It's on the phone."

Immediately afterwards, Li Chen's father did not forget to ask, "By the way, did you get off the plane safely? Did you land safely?"


At this moment, Tan Jixia, who was on the side, was watching Mengmeizi happily chatting with the captain's father on the phone. Only then did she realize that she had been misunderstanding Mengmeizi all along.

At the same time, the more she listened to this cute girl saying some warm words, the more Tan Jixia wanted to cry for no reason.

Finally, on the phone, Li Chen's father did not forget to ask: "By the way, Xiao Ke, Chen'er... is he back?"


Wait a while, watching the cute girl hang up the phone, but Tan Jixia is looking at her with tears in her eyes...

" have been calling the captain's hometown?"

The cute girl curled her lips and said, "Huh! Then you think your daughter-in-law is so easy to be?"

Then, the cute girl said again: "His son hasn't come back, so I have to take care of his second elder for his son, right?"

Then, the cute girl couldn't help but said: "These two elders are amazing! I sent money to them, but they returned it again! It's really depressing!"

Listening to the cute girl talking and talking, Tan Jixia's eyes were hazy for a while...

After a while, she finally couldn't help summoning up the courage to apologize: "I'm sorry, Keke! I've always misunderstood you!"

The cute girl said: "It's okay. If you misunderstand, you will misunderstand. personality is like this, and it is normal to be misunderstood by you."

Hearing these words suddenly, Tan Jixia looked at her with inexplicable worry...

Then, she said: "Then you continue to be a daughter-in-law like this... It's not a solution! In fact, we all know what's going on in our hearts, little girl will marry sooner or later!"

The cute girl curled her lips and said, "Huh! Why are you thinking so much now? Just let the old one be happy!"



At this moment in the evening, the small mountain village in Qingchuan County—Jizhuo Village.

Li family.

"There's Ke Ke, there's Qian'er, there's Wan'er, there's Qiong'er, there's Xia'er, oh yes, there's also a foreign girl... Lina, right?"

The old couple couldn't sleep at night, so they talked about these things on the bed...

Hearing Li Chen's mother counting names one by one, his father said: "Okay, I'm still asleep."

His mother hurriedly said, "What are you sleeping on? I have to count for Chen'er, how many girls does he know?"

As he was talking, his mother couldn't help saying: "Uh, old ghost, tell me... In the words of their young people, isn't our son the prettiest kid in Jizhu Village?"

His father said: "Is that necessary? Don't even think about it. Whose son is he? He is my son, Li Dakui, isn't he?"

His mother hurriedly said: "Look at you! Then I...wasn't I a flower in the next village? I was tricked into your Li family by you old ghost, okay?"

His father couldn't help laughing: "That's not because you thought I was the strongest in the whole town! I can work hard! I can carry a rice thresher by myself! Back then, I was also the strongest in the whole town! The most powerful boy in the village, okay?"

Hearing this, his mother said, "It's all about strength and fart? You know what about computers now? What about... 3G, 4G, 5G... Do you know what it is?"

His father said: "Why do I need to know these things? Why is 5G useful? It can't speed up my cattle and pear fields, can it?"

"You're just a dead old ghost who doesn't understand anything! Forget it, I won't tell you! Let's wait for my family Chen'er to come back! Let's see who this child will marry in the end?"


(End of this chapter)

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