Chapter 813 Another Missed Opportunity

This morning, the three of them were still discussing where to go in front of the thatched hut, and before they knew it, they saw that the waves had already rushed to the half-beach of this beach...

According to this trend, the tide will soon come to their thatched hut.

Especially looking at this gloomy sky, it is even more frustrating.

Worried about the submersion of the tide, the two women watched the tide advance little by little, and felt a little inexplicable trembling in their hearts...

"What should I do, Li Chenjun?" Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help asking again.

And Li Chen could only frown...

This damn thing... Thinking about it, there is nothing wrong with it, so he suddenly couldn't help but said: "Okay. That's it. Let's pack up quickly. Let's move the position first."

So, next, the three of them tidied up in a panic...

Put the food, water and so on into the three rattan back pockets.

After finishing the work, each of them panicked and put on the rattan back pockets, then hung up their own ak47, and then copied their respective tree branches, and they were ready to go to the jungle on the west side.

Because there is no way, and there is no commanding height on this beach, so I can only consider going in along the jungle on the west side, and then go in from the col in the jungle, and walk into the valley.

As for the valley, there is a temporary place to stay at the pavilion.


Fortunately, Li Chen's decision was still timely.

Because as soon as they arrived at the jungle on the west side, they saw that their thatched hut was half submerged by the tide.

Moreover, the tide is coming in wantonly, and it is almost here in the jungle on the west side.

Soon, even this jungle on the beach will be submerged by the tide...

Looking at this scene, the sea was raging wildly, and the sound of the waves was roaring, Li Chen could only frown again...

Grass, what the hell!
Oh my god...

There was nothing left to do, so he had no choice but to resolutely lead the two women into the jungle.

And the tide also followed behind them, flooding into the jungle on the beach...

This feeling of being driven away by the tide is really uncomfortable.

The three of them at this moment are really like the bereaved dogs on this island.


However, after the tide drove the three of them into the mountain pass in the jungle, they saw a few G country fishing boats heading east back in the ocean.

It's just that the three people who had already entered the valley at this moment didn't realize it.

I don't know what's going on outside?


Due to the high tide, the fishing boats from country G did not intend to stop at the island, but sailed directly from the waters facing south of the island...

Head east and sail back.

As for those fishermen, they are quite familiar with the ocean conditions here, so in their view, it is just a high tide and there will be no tsunami.

Generally speaking, their return flight will not be affected.


This is really Tamar's mistake.

It seems that they are close at hand, but they are far apart.

If it wasn't for the sudden high tide, then the three of them would have had the chance to ask for help from the outlying island, right?

It is said that opportunity is like a bird flying in the sky. If you see it, you will see it. If you don’t see it, it will also fly by.

Just like the few fishing boats from G country at this moment, they also went east.


After a while, when the three of them arrived at the pavilion in the valley, they didn't dare to go any further.

And looking at the pavilion that was obviously tilted, the three of them didn't dare to approach the bottom of the pavilion easily for the time being.

I can only temporarily stand on the stone steps in front of the pavilion.

Because in the valley, it is a little bright here for the time being, and there is no shelter from firewood and trees.

I just wanted to sit on the stone steps for a while... but I saw that the stone steps were already wet from the rain and fog, and I couldn't go down to my ass.

As for the weather at the moment, it is still the same, under the hazy sky, there is still the melancholy drizzle and fog...

It's raining, but it doesn't look like rain, but if you stand in the field for a long time, your clothes will be soaked slowly.

This kind of ghost weather is the most annoying.

When Li Chen lit a cigarette in a moody manner, and looked up at Potian, he had no choice but to curse in a moody manner: "Fuck, that's a thief!"

Quan Huiqiao frowned, then looked at Li Chen, and couldn't help saying: "What should I do, Li Chen? Your clothes are all wet, it's so cold!"

Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help shivering, and then said: "My clothes are also wet. It's so cold."

Seeing the two women like this, Li Chen had no choice but to turn around and look at the pavilion above...

Although it has tilted a bit, the pavilion can still shelter from the rain.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but say, "I'll go up and have a look first."

While speaking, he couldn't help but take a step towards the pavilion above.

As for the pavilion that exists here, it is still incredible for the three of them...

It always feels like it came out of nowhere.

But it also has a sense of age, and the historic sites are obvious.

At this moment, the two women saw that Li Chen was about to go up to the pavilion above, so they couldn't help but take a step up...

After all, the rain and fog can't resist, and I want to avoid the rain.

After Li Chen took the lead to board the pavilion, he couldn't help but suddenly felt a bright light in front of him——


Hold the is a long corridor behind the pavilion! ?

That's right, passing through this pavilion is a long corridor made of huge stones...

As for where this promenade leads, I don't know?

It's just that... a lot of weeds have grown out of the gaps between the paved stones...

This is obviously from a long time ago.

After the two women also climbed up, they suddenly saw that scene, and suddenly, the two women were also instantly shocked——

"Ah!? there a hole in the sky!?" Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help being surprised.

Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help asking: "Li Chen, what's the situation here!?"

Li Chen could only frown, then took a few steps forward, and went up to take a closer look...

Because I don't know if there are organs under those stones?
After taking a closer look, he couldn't help but go down the stone steps behind the pavilion, towards the long corridor...

The two women were also very curious, and couldn't help following Li Chen's pace.

It's just that as soon as we got to the right corner of the corridor, there was a tiger's howl...

This frightened Li Chen to tremble all over——

Because he didn't understand what's going on for a while?
Thinking about it, there was nothing wrong with it, so he had to put down the branch in his hand, and then put the gun in his hand in a panic.

Seeing this, the two women also raised their guns in panic.

Immediately, Ito Chuanxiang asked: "Li Chenjun, where did the roar of the tiger just now come from?"

Li Chen replied in a daze: "It was too sudden. I didn't figure it out?"

Look again, this long corridor can only go to the right, so Li Chen held a gun and carefully explored the way ahead...

(End of this chapter)

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