The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 814 Do you still want to explore the mystery?

Chapter 814 Do you still want to explore the mystery?
Walk along the stone-paved promenade for a certain distance, and there is a right angle to the left in front of you.

Before, the place where you turned right was also a right angle.

That is to say, the stone-paved promenade presents a 'Z' shape.

After seeing Li Chen slowly stop at the right corner in front of him, the two women following him also became vigilant...

But at this moment, Li Chen stood at the right angle to the left, looked forward, and was stunned for a while: "???"

Ahead is a natural stone wall...

The entire stone wall surface is like being cut by a knife.

Below the stone wall is a deep cave {d}.

The mouth of the hole {d} is arched.

Looking at the deep and dark hole {d} suddenly, I feel like there is a gloomy cold wind blowing out of it...

Easy, Li Chen didn't dare to get close to it.

After all, there are no searchlights.

The situation in this unknown cave, who dares to approach it easily?

Moreover, the roar of the tiger just now probably came from this cave?
After the two women had also come to Li Chen's side, they followed his gaze and looked forward, suddenly, the two women also felt panicked and startled: "???"

Immediately, Ito Chuanxiang was the first to say in a trembling voice: "Li Chenjun...just now...that tiger's howl came from this cave, right?"

Afterwards, the three of them had no choice but to stand at a right angle at a right angle, stupidly, but not forgetting to be vigilant, looking at the deep and dark hole {d} from afar.

After a while, Quan Hye Kyo still couldn't help but asked curiously: "Uh, Li Chen, there in this cave?"

And Li Chen was also thinking about this question.

He has also been making various conjectures and analysis.

First of all, from the perspective of the pavilion, everything here is far from that simple.

And judging from the 'Z'-shaped corridor made of stone blocks, the cave...should be a little particular about it?
After waiting for a while, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but whisper in Li Chen's ear: "Li Chen-jun, why don't we... let's go and have a look?"

In fact, why would Li Chen not have such curious thoughts?

It's just that such a hasty past, nine times out of ten will be tricked?

Suddenly, Li Chen said with a dark face: "Go back."

"???" The two women were a little confused.

Immediately, Jeon Hye Kyo asked, "Where are you going back?"

The reason for asking this is because there is no way to go back to the seaside right now.

Li Chen said: "Go back to the pavilion."

However, Ito Chuanxiang said: "Go over and have a look?"

And Li Chen didn't want to explain too much.

Because he knew that in Tamar's situation, curiosity probably killed the cat.

Therefore, he directly prepared to turn around and walk back.

It can be seen, but the two women are still looking at the opening of the hole curiously.

At this moment, suddenly, only to be shocked, there was a tiger's howl in that cave...

Suddenly, the two women were startled in panic——


In the next second, the two women screamed in unison.

Accompanied by the exclamation of these two women, there was a "欻欻" movement in the cave...

Suddenly, I was surprised to see a big tiger rushing out of the cave with a "boom"...


The screams of the two women startled again.

Fortunately, Li Chen reacted quickly, turned around, picked up the ak47 at hand in one go, and fired at once...

'Da da da……'

Following the sound of gunfire, the big tiger fell to the stone-paved corridor with a bang.

But then, what Li Chen didn't expect was that, with a sudden 'swish' sound, a hidden weapon like an iron rake flew out of the hole...

In an instant, Li Chen's eyes widened in shock, and he hurriedly yelled: "Squat—quick—"

Fortunately, the two women reacted quickly this time, and hurriedly followed Li Chen to squat down.

While the three of them squatted down, they only heard a sudden 'whoosh' sound above their heads...

The iron rake-like hidden weapon flew over their heads...

The two women suddenly felt numbness in the top of their heads, and at the same time they felt timid all over. At the same time, there was a sound of 'blow', and the two women's faces turned pale and they peed in fright.

At this moment, Li Chen also felt that the top of his head was crackling and numb, and at the same time, he felt a chill on his back...

This damn... is really dangerous!
If the reaction was delayed by one-tenth of a second, then it would have definitely died just now!

After reacting, Li Chen, who was squatting, turned around in a panic, and said to the two women: "Get out!"

Until the three of them squatted down and carefully retreated to the middle of the corridor, they turned their heads and saw the hidden weapon like an iron rake, which had penetrated deeply into the eucalyptus tree beside it...


All three trembled in fear.

At the same time, the eyes of the three of them were round in shock.

After staying for a while, I realized that the two women who had already urinated in shock had blushed embarrassingly again...

Looking at the two women squatting, their bodies were still trembling weakly, Li Chen said, "Do you still want to go to that cave to explore the secrets?"

The two women were stunned for a moment, and then their heads shook like rattles in panic...

Seeing this, Li Chen couldn't help but secretly smiled.

Looking at the two women again, Li Chen said: "Then retreat to the pavilion."


Afterwards, when the three of them retreated to the pavilion, on the way, Li Chen realized that the legs of the two women were still trembling involuntarily...

At the same time, he was also surprised that both women peed their pants.

However, he didn't joke about anything.

He also understood the situation just now.

After all, as far as he was concerned, he was almost scared to pee just now.

Only when she retreated to the pavilion, Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help asking: "How could this be?"

Li Chen said: "I don't know either? But, from the beginning, I had a vague premonition that curiosity killed the cat."

Hearing what he said, Ito Chuanxiang became even more embarrassingly red...

It felt like being slapped in the face.

Because she was the most curious just now.

But, next, Li Chen was still pondering, there should be something in that cave...?
Otherwise, it would be impossible to have many traps.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but light a cigarette...

At this time, Quan Hye Kyo looked at Li Chen with some shame, and couldn't help but said bluntly: "Li Chen, I just... peed, what should I do?"

Obviously, as she was already his wife, she didn't care what he laughed at her anymore.

Seeing this, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but blushed and said, "I just... also peed."


(End of this chapter)

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