Chapter 815 Quick!There is a boat!

This time, although the two women are very honest, they don't seem to care about being embarrassed in front of him, but they were so scared that they peed their pants... Li Chen could only frown in distress...

Because he was thinking, this matter... we can't help, can we?

However, looking at the beautiful eyes of the two women frowning and frowning, Li Chen was thinking, taking advantage of this moment... there is still some dry firewood to be picked up in the jungle.

Because although the weather was sloppy this day, it didn't rain too much, it was just rainy and foggy all the time, so the jungle was still not drenched.

Now I want to pick up some dry firewood, but it's not a big problem.

It's just that Li Chen looked up at the pavilion and saw that it was tilted a little, but he still felt uneasy.

I don't know if it will fall?
However, after thinking about it in the end, he had no choice but to decide: "That's fine. Then let's go to the jungle to collect some dry firewood together."


Next, the three of them went back and forth, and went to the nearby jungle to collect a lot of dry firewood.

Now that there is a lighter, it is convenient to start a fire.As long as there is dry wood, anytime, anywhere.

After a while, the three of them lit a fire in the middle of the pavilion.

Suddenly there was a fire, but it finally felt much warmer.

Seeing that there was a fire, the two women frowned in embarrassment...

Then, Quan Huiqiao looked at Li Chen, and said, "Uh, Li avoid it for a while?"

Hearing what she said, Li Chen understood in his heart that these two women had to deal with their wet pants.

So, he lit a cigarette, got up, turned around, picked up his ak47, and wandered towards the long corridor behind the pavilion...


Frankly speaking, Li Chen was still full of curiosity about the hole under the stone wall.

Although even if there is a treasure, he may not be able to take it away, but he still feels...that there must be something in that cave?
Otherwise... all these signs... would be a bit unreasonable, wouldn't it?

Anyway, right now, he has nothing to do, so he wandered to the right corner on the left...

Waiting to look around, he suddenly saw that the big tiger that died on the corridor leading to the cave had disappeared, and he couldn't help being startled again: "???"

Because before... He obviously shot and killed the big tiger, didn't he?

After such a short time, it disappeared?

Especially when he took a closer look, he suddenly saw that the blood in the corridor was gone, which made him even more confused: "???"

Hold the grass...! ?

How, how could it be... like this! ?
Suddenly, the former Captain Li Chen couldn't help trembling in his heart...

Because this is too damn supernatural!

Then he glanced at the deep and dark hole under the stone wall, and his heart became even more awed and fearful...

Subconsciously, he has realized that this is not something he can explore.

This kind of supernatural and strange phenomenon, but he had never seen it before.

Although he grew up in the mountains, he heard many stories about ghosts or ghosts from the old man, but now this phenomenon... seems like he has never heard of it?

For a while, he couldn't solve the mystery.

Thinking about it later, he felt... It would be better to stay away from here.

At this moment, suddenly, he seemed to hear a faint sound of a motor...

The sound of the motor... seems to be coming from the ocean.

As a result, he couldn't help being a little excited: "???"

Afterwards, he stood at the left corner of the promenade, and looked out with his head vigorously...

Suddenly, he realized that standing here, he could actually see a little bit of the ocean.

Just at this time, under the cloudy sky, there were only a few fishing boats passing by the water area he could see...

Suddenly, he was so excited, he turned around and ran...


At this moment, in the pavilion, in front of the fire, two women are squatting there to bake their respective underpants and trousers. Then they suddenly saw Li Chen rushing back, and suddenly, the two women Blushing and shy...

"Ah? Li" Ito Chuanxiang reacted particularly fiercely.

Unexpectedly, Li Chen didn't even look at her happy together, he just hurriedly said: "Quick! Boat! There's a boat!"

"Ah...!?" Suddenly, Quan Hye Kyo panicked.

However, Ito Chuanxiang reacted quickly, and hurriedly said: "But... we two... haven't put on pants yet!"

Li Chen hurriedly said: "Then hurry up! Wear it! Hurry up!"

Ito Chuanxiang said with a blushing face: "Then you... turn your back! Don't look!"


After Li Chen turned around and carried his back, the two women didn't care so much anymore, so they had to put on their respective pants hastily and swiftly.

Ito Chuanxiang, who was still wearing a belt, hurriedly said: "We are done."

So, Li Chen said: "Quick! Run out!"

Quan Hye Kyo hurriedly said, "But... where are our things?"

Li Chen said: "Oh! Why do you need those things at this time? Hurry up, just grab the gun!"


Then, the three of them only took a gun each, and hurriedly ran out along the road that came in from the jungle, whistling and swishing...

Out there, on the beach, the tide isn't out, it's still submerged here on the edge of the jungle on the west side.

Wait for a while, when the three rushed out of the jungle in a hurry, and looked again, I saw that the fishing boats had gone east...

It is almost to the sea level of the eastward sea area, where the rainy weather link is.

For the three of them at this moment, it is already out of reach...

As a result, the three of them were so depressed!

"Fuck! Fuck!" Li Chen was particularly depressed.

Ito Chuanxiang was also extremely worried, and in desperation, she had no choice but to panic and shout at the fishing boats in the eastward sea area: "Hey——"

Seeing this, Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help shouting in surprise: "Holl—"

But Li Chen said: "It's useless. It's useless to shout out your throat. People can't hear you either."

Sure enough, soon, those fishing boats disappeared in the eastward sea...

In the end, not even a shadow could be seen, and the two women were even more anxious and worried...

"Hmph! It's really depressing!" Ito Chuanxiang said suddenly.

Quan Huiqiao said: "Hmph! It's all because of today's breaking sky! It's all about today's high tide! Huh, this breaking day! Breaking the tide! It's not ebbing now! Ah——I hate this tide—" —”

Seeing the two women like this, Li Chen didn't know what to say for a while?

It could only be that Yu Yu frowned tightly, and then he had no choice but to light a cigarette, cursing again in his heart, shit!
(End of this chapter)

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