Chapter 816 Believe in Miracles

Afterwards, the three of them had to stand for a long time at the tide water on the edge of the jungle on the west side, staring at the sea to the east in a gloomy and melancholy way...

At this moment, in each other's hearts, apart from being depressed, they are still depressed.

What a great opportunity to leave the island, but I just missed it!

It wasn't until Li Chen couldn't help lighting a cigarette again that Quan Hye Kyo turned her head to look at him, and then saw her frowning her beautiful eyes, and asked, "Next... what shall we do, Li Chen?" Chen?"

Li Chen didn't answer immediately, he just took a deep breath of the cigarette, and then exhaled with the smoke: "Huh—"

After it was over, seeing that the tide hadn't receded, he had no choice but to turn around and said, "Okay. Let's go. Let's go back to the pavilion."



On this day, Huaguo Yanjing.Inside a small box of a restaurant.

I saw that Tan Jixia was meeting last year's Captain Liu here...

When talking about Li Chen, Captain Liu could only sigh again.

Suddenly hearing that Captain Liu had been discharged from the army and changed jobs, Tan Jixia couldn't help being stunned: "You...are retired and changed jobs!?"

Captain Liu said with an indescribable smile: "Okay. Let's not talk about my affairs. My affairs... there is nothing to talk about. You have also been a soldier, and you know...the iron-clad soldiers."

Then, Captain Liu changed the subject: "I'm sorry, big sister! Regarding Li Chen's matter... I can't help you now, so..."

Speaking of this, I suddenly saw that Tan Jixia's expression was not very good, so Captain Liu said: "Don't be too sad, sister. We are all soldiers. Some things... just take it lightly. Besides ...That kid has nine lives, so maybe... where is the cat now... Maybe we can't find it for a while? Maybe someday...he suddenly came back?"

Hearing this suddenly, Tan Jixia couldn't help but startled a little excitedly: "You also believe...he is not dead yet?"

Captain Liu said: "This kind of thing... can't be said?"

Afterwards, looking at Tan Jixia again, Captain Liu couldn't help but said: "Let me tell you a story. But, this story... the specific location and mission, I am inconvenient to reveal more. I think you know it too. Yes, there are a lot of things that are kept secret. Let’s say one time, when I went to a certain border to perform a special mission, after that kid Li Chen went deep into the tiger’s den, we all thought he must be dead, but... Guess what? No Thinking that the boy came to disguise himself as a woman, we were all taken aback for a while, and we said where was a beautiful woman, but the boy took off his wig, which really made us excited, crying and laughing No? And... that mission was quite successful, the boy was very good! He was the only one who played around with that group of guys, and was finally wiped out by us in one fell swoop! So... I say that boy has nine lives !"

Hearing such a story suddenly, Tan Jixia couldn't help smiling happily...

Then, she couldn't help asking curiously: "Uh, by the way, Captain Liu, just like him...a man disguised as a woman...could he be a beautiful woman?"

Captain Liu couldn't help laughing, and then said: "You should know, we are soldiers...that's a group of old men, they don't see a woman for a year or so, of course they don't even see a woman. I think she's pretty."

Hearing what Captain Liu said, Tan Jixia couldn't help but laugh again...

Then, she asked curiously: "By the way, he is so good, why did he leave the army and change his career?"

Suddenly mentioning this matter, Captain Liu is also depressed...

After frowning, he said: "It's a long story. But... In the final analysis, it's because of the woman. I don't know how the boy met a girl from the hair salon at that time? Actually, I know that the relationship between the boy and the girl from the hair salon There is nothing in the room, it is pure. But... the army, the soldiers, you know, the style is a problem, so..."

But Tan Jixia couldn't help being startled in surprise: "He...before...knowing the girl from the hair salon?"

Captain Liu said: "Big sister, don't think too much. It's not as dirty as you think. Only Li Chen... I know him best. Now I dare not say it, but at that time... he was so pure The relationship between him and that little hair salon girl...was just talking about ideals. Actually...that girl was quite pure at the time. As for her profession...I won't comment on it. But I still understand, after all Not everyone is rich, and there are still many people who... are forced by life. But we can only do our duty well, and others...we also...have more than we want but not enough energy."

Then, Captain Liu said: "Actually, that little girl from the hair salon at that time also had ideals. She also wanted to be a singer. I remember...that girl...sang "Today Is Your Birthday"... she sang very well, It's like the original song. It's a pity... not everyone can become famous. Some people are destined to be buried. That girl... rushed to Guangzhu to participate in some talent show. Unfortunately, the car she was riding on the way A bus was involved in a serious car accident, so gone! And that kid Li also because of this girl, he has a problem with his style, understand?"

After hearing such a story again, Tan Jixia couldn't help but froze in a daze——

Because, she suddenly remembered, on the first island, on her birthday, because when the second child sang "Today is your birthday" with the cute girl, the captain listened, listened, and suddenly Inexplicably weeping...

So... here... is such a story!
Thinking, pondering...Suddenly, I saw that Tan Jixia was also inexplicably crying...

This made Captain Liu startled: "Hey, big sister, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying all of a sudden?"

Tan Jixia cried and cried, and then couldn't help sobbing: "No. I just think... our captain is too kind. You said...a person like him...should be rewarded! Why is he... ...he just didn't come back?"

Suddenly hearing the meaning, this Captain Liu said: "Okay, big sister, don't cry. Didn't I just say that? He has nine lives, so... Maybe there is a miracle?"

Then, Captain Liu said again: "We still have to believe in miracles! Just like you, isn't it a miracle that you can finally come back alive from the ocean? At that time, the six of you girls... didn't all make a sensation when you came back. Have you destroyed the whole country? So... believe in miracles! As long as you believe, there will definitely be!"


(End of this chapter)

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