The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 817 Still Don't Understand

Chapter 817 Still Don't Understand
About this moment, in the middle of the ocean, on that island.

I saw that the tide still hadn't receded, and it was still submerged on the edge of the jungle on the west side of the island's south-facing beach...

The sky is still so gloomy.

Throughout the day, there has been no heavy rain, and it has always been such a gray rain and fog.

This kind of weather is actually the most depressing.


As for Li Chen and the other three, they still stayed in the valley, at the pavilion.

As for what time it is, the three of them don't quite know.

I just feel... this day is a bit gloomy.

Especially this day, it has been so cloudy, the rain and fog have not dispersed, it still feels like morning.

But before he knew it, twilight was already quietly falling.

Fortunately, there is a fire here, otherwise, the three of them would be even more depressed.

After waiting for a while, Li Chen couldn't help but lit another cigarette...

Then I saw him puffing on his cigarette depressedly, and couldn't help looking at the sky outside the pavilion with a frown...

It felt as if twilight was falling, and the two women suddenly became inexplicably flustered.

Because if they really want to spend the night in this valley, the two women are still a little inexplicably timid.

After all, this valley is too quiet!

It's really dead quiet!
What's more, this pavilion is also surrounded by jungle.

I always feel that as long as it gets dark, there will be some ferocious beasts rushing out of the jungle at any time...

Coupled with such a heart-wrenching broken weather, the heart trembled even more.

The two women huddled by the fire could not help but look worriedly at the long corridor behind the pavilion...

It seems that he is also worried that at night, ferocious beasts will come out of the cave and come to the pavilion along the corridor.

In short, this feeling is really a bit besieged.

After a while, the two women looked at Li Chen again, and Quan Huiqiao couldn't help but said, "What should I do, Li Chen? It's getting dark."

Hearing this suddenly, Li Chen frowned, not knowing how to answer for a while?

It's just that he was thinking, tonight he can only spend one night in the pavilion.

Afterwards, Ito Chuanxiang also said with a trembling heart: "Li Chenjun, night...will it be too dangerous?"

Li Chen frowned again, and finally couldn't help but said: "With a gun, what are you afraid of?"

Quan Hye Kyo said: "But... what if... dozed off?"

While talking, she still didn't forget to look timidly around the already dark forest...

Seeing this, Li Chen also understood what the two women were worried about, so he said, "Then let's keep talking."

Quan Hye Kyo suddenly gave him an annoyed look, and then curled her lips in dissatisfaction: "Hmph! You're so bored, you've been silent, and you've said we've been talking?"

Seeing her like that suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help but smile: "The key is that I don't know what to say?"

So, Ito Chuanxiang suddenly looked at Li Chen very curiously, and said: "Right, Li Chen-jun, let's talk about your past? Let us... get to know you in a comprehensive way?"

But Li Chen looked at Quan Huiqiao and said: "My past, Hye Kyo knows all about it."

However, Quan Hye Kyo hurriedly said: "But I don't know much, okay?"

Li Chen said: "Don't you all know that I am from a big mountain village in Huaguo?"

Quan Hye Kyo hurriedly said: "But I are not that simple."

Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but said: "Yes. You are so powerful, we always are still not simple."

Li Chen could only frown: "But I'm really not that complicated. The only experience is that I was a soldier for a few years, and then it's nothing. After retiring from the army, I'm just like everyone else, doing ordinary jobs .”

Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but startled: "You have been a soldier!?"

"En." Li Chen nodded.


After we talked about it, everything seemed less scary.

The two women are also becoming more and more curious about Li Chen.

Especially thinking about the jungle with the pirates, I feel that he is not ordinary.

But he just said that he was a soldier. It seems that all these, for the two women, have found the answer.

At the same time, the two women also added a bit of affection and admiration for him.

Although the national borders are different, some things are still understandable. For example...women have an inexplicable affection and admiration for men who have been soldiers.

Of course, this seemed to be the first time since the three of them had chatted and understood each other so seriously.

At the same time, Li Chen was also full of curiosity about the two women...

Taking the opportunity, he couldn't help but said, "By the way, let's talk about you two too?"

Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but hurriedly said: "Miss Hui Qiao is your wife, you don't know her yet?"

Li Chen looked at Quan Huiqiao with a half-smile, and then said: "I only know that she is an actress. Others... I don't know either?"

Quan Huiqiao couldn't help giving him a white look like a daughter-in-law: "Hmph—then how else do you want to know?"

Thinking about it, she gave him his life for the first time, and he still said he didn't understand?
If you think about it with your brain, you know that before this, she was of course a blank slate in terms of feelings.

Seeing that he was still looking at her like that, there was nothing wrong with it, Quan Hye Kyo could only curl her lips gloomily, and said, "I am also from a village in Busan, country H. Before I became a star, I was not like everyone else. Ordinary. I have been studying since I was a child. Elementary school, junior high school, high school, university. Then... the year I graduated from college, I participated in an audition, and then I became famous for no reason. Then... I also became everyone's eyes I'm already a star. Actually... why is a star not a star? Isn't that a job?"

However, after looking at Li Chen again, Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help but said honestly: "Of course, I had a relationship once during college. But nothing happened between me and him. After that, he went to the army as a soldier." After that, I lost contact with him. After that, he retired and I became famous, so he was embarrassed to contact me again, thinking that he was not good enough for me.”

After hearing this suddenly, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but joked: "Li Chenjun, are you jealous?"

After looking at Quan Hye Kyo again, Li Chen also said, "A little bit."

Then, he added: "Suddenly I feel sore in my heart."

However, Quan Hye Kyo said: "Why are you so sour? I'm not sour yet! Just you... hmph... don't talk about it! Once you talk about it, it's all your sad thing!"

Then, Quan Hye Kyo also added: "Anyway, Chuanxiang knows too!"

Hearing this, Ito Chuanxiang hurriedly smiled like a peacemaker: "Okay, let's not talk about it. It's all Li Chenjun's past. Besides...he doesn't want to do that either."

And Quan Hye Kyo said: "Then let's talk about you now."

(End of this chapter)

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