Chapter 818

Seeing that the topic suddenly turned to her again, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but look at Li Chenjun and Sister Huiqiao with a shy smile...

As for this moment, Li Chen is also looking at this beautiful oriental writer with some curiosity.

However, after a while, the beautiful writer said lightly: "I'm actually not complicated. I used to... I studied medicine. But... I don't like it. Later... I became enthusiastic about it." Write, and then... I became a best-selling author."

However, afterward, she hurriedly added: "By the way, my first book... is based on stories about obstetrics and gynecology. I found that... it seems that both men and women are more interested in obstetrics and gynecology. So... my first book became an instant hit."

Hearing what this beautiful writer said, Li Chen couldn't help being a little surprised: "Obstetrics!? Are you a doctor in obstetrics!?"

Ito Chuanxiang said with a shy smile: "That's right. But... I don't like this job very much. Although I face a new life every day, I also face another painful life every day... that is the mother. Regardless What kind of beautiful woman, as soon as she arrives in the delivery room... that is... oh, I don't know how to describe it? Anyway... that picture... is quite embarrassing. So much so that I... am afraid of falling in love, afraid of getting married, I'm even more afraid of having children, so... that's why I'm still single."

Then, she said: "So then I chose to escape. I escaped this career. Then I started a new self, a new life, and a new career."

After hearing this again, Jeon Hye Kyo suddenly looked at her curiously, and then asked: "Then... our desert island survival is also facing the confrontation or choice between life and death every day, then you... ..."

Ito Chuanxiang just smiled: "It's different. We are... to survive. We must live. So we are now competing with nature. Of course... I still want to thank Li Chenjun!"

It was just that after hearing this kind of new life exploration, Li Chen frowned and said that he was not too cold, and then couldn't help but lit a cigarette...

Because in his view, this so-called exploration of life is nothing more than a spare time for these literary and artistic guys.

Survival on a real deserted island does not allow for more exploration.

If there are tigers coming again at this moment, then there is only one truth that they believe in: just shoot!
Because the tigers don't die, they will also become food in the mouth of the big tiger.

Afterwards, Li Chen suddenly stopped talking, so Quan Huiqiao couldn't help stretching out her hand and shaking it in front of his eyes...

"Uh, Li Chen, why are you distracted again?"

And at this moment, Ito Chuanxiang realized that it was completely dark at this moment.

The entire valley was pitch black and deadly still.

Suddenly, she couldn't help but said in a trembling voice: "Uh, Li Chenjun, here... the night here is so dark!"

But Li Chen couldn't help adding a handful of firewood to the fire, and then said: "Without moonlight, the night will naturally be pitch black."

As he said that, he changed the topic: "Okay. Let's prepare some hot food to eat. Let's prepare dinner."


And then, when the three of them were squatting in front of the fire to heat up the smoked wolf meat, suddenly, there was a shocking sound, and there was a sudden "click, click, click" from the corridor behind the pavilion. ' like footsteps...

As a result, the two women couldn't help trembling in panic: "???"

When the two women had subconsciously shrunk their bodies in front of the fire, trembling and trying to boldly turn their heads to take a look, they trembled even more——

Because I looked at the past, the night was pitch black, and I couldn't see anything.

I don't know what it is?
It just if it's on that corridor?
As far as this moment is concerned, Li Chen is also a little trembling...

Even the scalp is numb for a while.

Because I don't know if it is haunted, or is there some ferocious beast coming?
Subconsciously, he reached out to touch the gun, and then stared at the back of the pavilion...

Next, the three of them were staring at the dark place...

However, the sound of 'slapping' seems to have suddenly disappeared again, isn't it?
This made the two women tremble even more...

After a while, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help trembling and asked in a low voice: "Li Chenjun, what is it?"

Li Chen was also dumbfounded, he could only frown and said: "I don't know?"

Quan Hye Kyo trembled even more, and said, "Isn't it haunted?"

Li Chen said: "Where the hell is that? Don't scare yourself."

Thinking about it, he suddenly thought, anyway, there are a lot of zippo lighters now, so he couldn't help lighting a zippo lighter...

Then, with a whoosh, he directly threw the zippo lighter that was already on fire...

It's just that the sloppy thing is that the flames whirred in the air for a while, but they didn't illuminate anything.

Finally, with a sound of 'Dang', after the zippo lighter fell on the corridor, the flame was extinguished immediately.


Li Chen is depressed, idiot!

The more so, the more flustered the two women became.

Next, no way, once Li Chen got annoyed, he didn't care so much, he just fired a few shots in that direction...

It's just that the gunshot rang out, and suddenly there was a sharp 'oh'...

With such a sound, the two women suddenly trembled, and then peed on each other's pants.

At this moment, Li Chen also suddenly felt a crackling and numbness on the top of his head...

Because it seems... is it really a supernatural event?

Is it really a bit like the ghost in the legend?
After thinking about it again, there was no way out, so Li Chen decided to tie a torch temporarily.

After temporarily tying up a torch, I saw him lighting the torch and holding a gun, so he couldn't help but rushed to the long corridor behind the pavilion...

Shocked to see this, the two women couldn't help panicking, an inexplicable worry.

When Li Chen lit the torch and walked to the middle of the 'Z'-shaped corridor, he was surprised to see that the middle of the corridor was inexplicably dripping with bright red blood...


Suddenly, Li Chenke's scalp tensed again, like a clanking sound.

At the same time, I also felt a chill down my back...

Hold the grass...! ?

It's fucking haunted! ?
Thinking about it, he was afraid that the two women would faint when they saw this scene, so he fired two shots into the night sky indiscriminately.

After finishing the work, he held the torch and turned back to the pavilion.

When the two women saw that he had come back, they both asked unanimously: "What is it?"

Li Chen pretended to be calm and said: "No. It's nothing. It's just like a jackal, but I scared it away."

(End of this chapter)

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