Chapter 819 Don't scare me!

Hearing this from Li Chen, it seemed like a jackal, and the hearts of the two women finally settled down a little bit.

However, although the two women were appeased, the next thing... After he squatted down in front of the fire again, his face was inexplicably dark.

In order not to let the two women notice anything, he also lit a cigarette...

It's just that he knew in his heart that it was probably Tamar's haunting.

Feeling this deathly quiet valley again, and looking at the dark night all around, his heart also trembled inexplicably.

After a while, when Quan Hye Kyo handed over a piece of warmed wolf meat, he stretched out his hand to take it with a calm face, and then began to eat...

The two women saw him eating with a big appetite, and their hearts became much more stable.

In fact, at this moment, Li Chen was silently reciting some incantations to cure ghosts.

Although he is not good at learning, the Feng Shui master taught him a few words when he was in the mountains.

This spell, such as... There are people without shadows, shadows without people...

Of course, there are more than these two sentences, there are a lot of them.

As for whether it works or not, I don’t know?
In short, Li Chen was also afraid that the rattling sound would come again after a while.

Especially thinking about what he saw just now, the bleeding in the corridor, it was really frighteningly frightening.

Suddenly, Ito Chuanxiang, who was eating wolf meat, couldn't help sniffing his nose...

"Eh? You smell it, don't you...there is a faint smell of blood?"

Suddenly hearing this, Quan Huiqiao immediately trembled all over: "Hey, Chuanxiang, don't scare me!"

Li Chen's heart skipped a beat, and then he saw his eyes turn sharply, and said, "Where is the bloody smell coming from? Why didn't I smell it? Maybe it's a problem with your nose?"

Then, he said again: "It's late at night, don't scare yourself."

In fact, if there were any supernatural events happening this big night, would it really be possible to scare people stupid?
As for being scared to death, that's a bit of an exaggeration.

It's possible to scare a person stupidly or crazy...

Anyway, when he was a child, when he was in the mountains, Li Chen met a woman in their village, and said that she saw something at night, and then she became stupid, and then she has been crazy, good and bad.

After a while, I suddenly heard another rustling noise from the jungle beside the pavilion...

Suddenly seeing the two women trembling again, Li Chen hurriedly said: "It's okay. Don't be afraid. In this kind of valley, surrounded by jungle, there are occasional noises, which is normal."

As he said that, in order to dispel some fears, he changed the subject: "Oh, yes, big star, sing a song for us? We have never heard you, a big star, perform live!"

While talking, he still didn't forget to look at Quan Hye Kyo with a half-smile...

It's like the young couple are teasing their boredom.

Quan Hye Kyo gave him an annoyed look like a daughter-in-law: "What big star? Isn't she your wife?"

Li Chen couldn't help but smile: " can't delay your acting career, can you?"

Quan Hye Kyo gave him an annoyed look again: "Hmph! How could he be in the mood to sing in such a ghostly environment at night?"

Suddenly, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help volunteering: "I sing. I know a Chinese song. "I Only Care About You", how about it?"

Suddenly hearing what this beautiful writer said, Li Chen hurriedly said: "Yes. Sing."

However, before Ito Chuanxiang opened her voice, she did not forget to look at Li Chen with an inexplicable and shameful smile...

"Then... Li Chenjun, listen carefully."

"En!" Li Chen nodded hurriedly.

So, next, Ito Chuanxiang brewed another emotion, smiled shyly, but looked at Li Chen affectionately...

"If I didn't meet you
where will i be

how is your day

Should time be cherished


Suddenly seeing the affectionate look of this beautiful writer, Li Chen was really worried that Quan Hye Kyo would be jealous.

Therefore, as if he couldn't help making trouble, he also started humming...

"If I didn't meet you
where should i be
who is not living with

There is love as sweet as honey


This suddenly made Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help but burst out laughing...

Then, she looked at him in an angry and charming way, and asked, "Then who do you want to live with?"

Unexpectedly, this time, Li Chen pretended to look at Ito Chuanxiang, and then jokingly replied: "Let's live together, anyway, it's just the three of us?"

However, what I didn't expect was that Ito Chuanxiang hurriedly asked, "Miss Huiqiao, do you mind?"


Not to mention that Quan Hye Kyo almost vomited blood, even Li Chen almost vomited blood.

Quan Huiqiao didn't know how to answer these words.
In desperation, she had no choice but to look at Li Chen angrily, and then said to Ito Chuanxiang: "Just like him, do you think he can serve both women well?"

This actually made Ito Chuanxiang feel a little embarrassed...

In order to resolve the embarrassment, Li Chen said to Quan Huiqiao again: "Uh, big star, don't make trouble. We both sang just now. Now... you should sing a song too."

Then, he said again: "Anyway, you are also in the entertainment industry, aren't you?"

Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but suddenly said: "Yes, yes. Sister Huiqiao, we...have been so long, and really have never heard your singing."

So, next, Quan Hye Kyo looked at Li Chen with inexplicable warmth...

"Let my love be with you


After all, he is still a professional, and he really speaks crisply. This voice, coupled with that sincere emotion, really made Li Chen feel a warm love in an instant...

Even at this moment, I really want to kiss her.

Ito Chuanxiang was also very surprised, feeling that sister Huiqiao... really either didn't open her voice, or she was a blockbuster.

Sure enough, she is a powerful actress.


In this way, the originally difficult night finally entered the second half of the night.

Hold on for a while, and it will be dawn soon.

As a result, Li Chen was somewhat secretly grateful.

In order to persevere, he couldn't help but lit a cigarette again to cheer himself up.

Suddenly seeing that the two women could hardly stand it any longer, so he couldn't help humming with fascination...

"Keep your love in mind

The two women, who were about to doze off, suddenly heard him sing, and couldn't help but suddenly trembled, busy looking at him...

Suddenly, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but said in amazement: "Uh, Li Chenjun, you sing really well!"

Taking the opportunity, Li Chen joked like he was self-deprecating: "Is he an all-round homeboy?"


(End of this chapter)

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