Chapter 820 Give up curiosity!
Before he knew it, when he saw that the sky outside the pavilion finally turned pale, Li Chen finally couldn't help but feel relieved...

Damn, god damn it... finally it's dawn!
The two women, who were already a little sleepy, suddenly saw a ray of light in the sky above the forest, and they suddenly couldn't help being excited, they were ecstatic...

"Ah—it's dawn—it's finally dawn—"

"Oye—it's dawn—we're not afraid—"

However, suddenly seeing the two women excited, Li Chen was a little drowsy and couldn't pull himself together.

After staying up all night, I really feel a little exhausted.

But in order to strengthen his spirits, he couldn't help adding a handful of firewood to the fire...

Then, he couldn't help but lit a cigarette again.

Although it had begun to dawn, in this valley surrounded by jungle, he knew that there was no room for dozing off.

After waiting for a while, the surrounding jungle finally gradually became brighter and clearer, so he couldn't help getting up, and stood by the fire to stretch his muscles...

Seeing this, the two women couldn't help but stood up happily and started to move around.

Afterwards, he looked at the two women, and thought about the bleeding he saw last night, so Li Chen said: "Well... I'll solve my personal problems, you two don't follow."

While talking, he grabbed his own gun, turned around and walked towards the long corridor behind the pavilion...

After getting out of the pavilion, I realized that the rain and fog had disappeared, and the weather seemed to be a little bit stronger than yesterday, and it was no longer so gloomy.

Looking up at the sky again, it feels as if it is going to gradually clear up?
At this moment, the two women were also a little anxious, seeing Li Chen walking towards the back of the pavilion, the two of them took the opportunity to turn around and squat directly beside the pavilion.

Li Chen said he was going to solve his personal problems, but in fact he was still curious about the bleeding he saw last night...

After he walked to the position in the middle of the corridor last night, he found that the bleeding was gone!


Although it was broad daylight, he still felt his hairs stand on end.

This fucking...absolutely supernatural event.

But then, in a sudden outburst of irritation, he simply hissed at it.

Seeing that there was nothing abnormal about it, he frowned in wonder again, shit!

After a while, he looked at the right corner to the left in front of him, and he began to feel a little inexplicably curious...

I want to go there again to take a look at the hole under the stone wall.

But thinking about it, there is still some inexplicable timidity in my heart.

Then, after lighting a cigarette, he pondered for a while, and finally he gave up his curiosity.

After all, in the current situation... it is more important to cherish this life.

Quest or something... Forget it!

After thinking about it, he turned around and prepared to go back to the pavilion.


After a while, the three squatted by the fire in the pavilion to heat up the shark meat. When preparing breakfast, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help but suddenly said: "Uh? The sky seems to be clearing up? Can we... can we go back Where is the beach?"

Li Chen looked at the sky outside the pavilion again, and then said: "Let's have breakfast first. Let's talk after breakfast."

However, Quan Hye Kyo was still a little worried and said, "I don't know where the the tide receding?"


After a while, after breakfast, and another cigarette, Li Chen couldn't help but get up suddenly, Zhang Luo said: "Okay. Then what... Let's pack up and get ready to go out."

To be honest, he didn't want to stay in this broken valley for a long time.

I always feel suffocated, depressed, and even somewhat inexplicable suffocation here.

Mainly because the movable space here is too small.

If it weren't for this pavilion, I wouldn't have dared to stay in this valley last night.


After a while, when the three of them had just cleaned up, put on the rattan back pockets, and were about to go down the stone steps in front of the pavilion, the three of them were suddenly stunned: "???"

At the same time, the eyes of the three of them widened in shock...

I don't know when, two big tigers came, and they were standing at the bottom of the stone steps in front of the pavilion, watching them eagerly!
Just when the two big tigers were about to run up the stone steps with an 'ow' sound, suddenly, the gun in Li Chen's hand rang out decisively...

'Da da da da da...'

When this kind of tama is involved, it is impossible not to kill Guojue.

Immediately, the two women screamed "Ah", and the guns in their hands rang out...

'Da da da da da da...'

Then, with two sounds of 'poof, poof', the two big tigers finally fell to the bottom of the stone steps.

After a long cry, Li Chen was so depressed, he couldn't help but yelled: "Fuck! Damn it!"

The two women are also panting in depression right now...


After a while, around nine o'clock in the morning, the three of them finally emerged from the jungle on the west side of the beach.

It's just that they only stayed in that valley for one night, and when the three of them came out suddenly, they were a little dumbfounded, as if they had already been dumbfounded in that valley.

However, the scene in front of him is that the tide has finally receded, and this huge golden beach has returned to its original state.

It's just that the beach is still a little wet, and the water hasn't dried up yet.

When the three of them stepped on the wet sand and walked towards the south, they found that their thatched hut was still there.

Only that piece is still wet for the time being.

When he arrived in front of the thatched cottage, Li Chen opened the door curtain and took a look inside, only to see that the hay spread on the sand was all wet, with a burst of moisture...

As a result, it was somewhat indescribably depressing.

At this moment, the three of them seem to have returned from wandering and found that the house is also in a mess. The depressed state of mind cannot be described in words.

After standing in front of the thatched cottage for a while, Quan Huiqiao suddenly asked, "What should I do, Li Chen?"

Li Chen frowned, and then said: "Let's unload the equipment first. Then... go back to the jungle to get some dry firewood. Let's start with a fire first."

And Ito Chuanxiang looked at the still cloudy sky, and couldn't help worrying: "Will the tide rise again?"

Li Chen said: "Should not be?"

Then, he said again: "I guess it will clear up in the afternoon?"

Then, he couldn't help but analyze: "Yesterday... in that kind of weather, there were still fishing boats passing by here, so that means... there shouldn't be a tsunami or something like that? It's just an ordinary high tide. Because those fishermen The understanding of Dayang is much better than ours. After all, they seem to be in love with Dayang, and they have already been familiar with Dayang's temperament."


(End of this chapter)

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