Chapter 822 Ah!Boat!
The next day, the weather in the ocean completely cleared.

In the warm morning sun, on the beach directly south of that island, the three people in front of the fire could not sit still.

Suddenly, after Li Chen lit a cigarette, he couldn't help getting up with a cigarette in his mouth...

The two women watched and couldn't help standing up...

It's just that the three of them turned around and looked at the vast ocean in front of the island, somewhat helpless.

In the vast ocean under the bright sun, except for the dazzling sparkle, there is all kinds of silence...

Even if there are a few seagulls passing by occasionally, it is so silent.

After frowning gloomyly, Li Chen couldn't help but walk towards the seaside with a bit of gloom.

The two women watched and had no choice but to follow.

When they got to the beach, after the three of them stopped walking, they frowned again...

Then, Quan Hye Kyo, who was standing next to Li Chen, couldn't help turning her head to look at him...

"Today... will there still be fishing boats passing by here?"

Hearing her question suddenly, Li Chen could only frown...

He also knew in his heart that now the H country actress could only rely on him more.

After all, she was already his woman.

However, just facing such a question, he couldn't give her a definite answer.

After a while, Ito Chuanxiang turned her head to look at him, and said, "Li Chenjun, those fishing boats...couldn't all have returned yesterday, right?"

She also seemed to understand that in this kind of ocean, fishing boats would not come often.

After waiting for a while, after flicking the cigarette butt in his hand into the ocean, and then turning his head to look at the two women, Li Chen said: "Wait. You can only wait."

Then, he said: "Although it is not difficult to make rafts or bamboo rafts, it is impossible to sail in this kind of ocean."

At this moment, as soon as he finished speaking, he heard a faint movement from the east sea area...

Listen carefully again, it seems to be the sound of a motor?
After that, the three of them couldn't help but feel a little happy...

"Listen—it seems that a ship is coming—" Ito Chuanxiang was the first to be excited.

Immediately, all three of them turned towards the eastward sea area excitedly, and looked at the eastward sea level with overjoyed for a while...

After a while, suddenly, I finally saw a prow of a ship appearing from the east towards the junction of the sea and the sky...

"Ah—ship—" Ito Chuanxiang was the first to jump in surprise again.

"Yeah—Li Chenjun—Sister Huiqiao—we finally have hope—"

Involuntarily, Quan Hye Kyo became very excited...

However, after the joy, Li Chen frowned inexplicably...

After thinking about it, he suddenly turned around and rushed towards their thatched hut...

The two women were surprised to see this, but they were a little puzzled: "???"

After the two of them looked at each other blankly, Quan Huiqiao suddenly turned around and yelled loudly at him: "Hey, Li Chen, what are you doing?"

Li Chen didn't say anything, but hurriedly picked up all three of their guns...

Next, I saw him digging various holes in the beach, and hurriedly buried the three guns in three places on the beach.

Don't forget to mark it so that you can find it at any time.

After seeing his actions in surprise, the two women were puzzled for a while: "???"

Afterwards, after he returned to the seaside, Jeon Hye Kyo hurriedly asked, "Why did you hide all our guns? Buried in the sand?"

Only then did Li Chen inexplicably whiten her with his eyes, and then said: "Stupid, you? We are asking for help now, and let them see that we have guns. How can we be sincere?"

Hearing what he said, the two women seemed to have come to a realization...

Think about it too, let people see that they have guns, people will naturally be vigilant that they will kill them at any time.

Therefore, what should be hidden still has to be hidden.

However, immediately, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help worrying: "Then what if...they want to kill us, what should we do?"

Li Chen said: "Let's play it by ear later. The gun is not buried deep, and you can grab it out of the sand with your hand, understand?"

Then, he said again: "Remember, we are just asking for help now. If we should pretend to be a grandson, we must pretend to be a grandson. Do you understand what I mean?"


After a while, when the boat got closer and closer, it became clear that it was a fishing boat.

Just a single fishing boat.

Moreover, it seems that the destination of the fishing boat is very clear, as if it came to this island?
It's just... Li Chen still finds it strange that there is only such a single fishing boat in such an ocean?
Or was the fishing boat that returned yesterday... in distress in the ocean?

Then such a fishing boat survived and came to this island to escape?

However, the two women do not seem to be aware of some potential dangers.

The two of them just stood by the seaside overjoyed...

And at this moment, Li Chen could only stand beside the two of them.

After a while, when the fishing boat got closer and closer to the island, Li Chen couldn't help but secretly startled: "???"

Feeling maybe a bit of a bad dish?

Damn... there are four or five strong men standing on the bow of the boat!

At this moment, the four or five strong men on the bow looked at the three people standing by the sea, they were both surprised and inexplicably happy...

Of course, they were more concerned about the two women by the sea.

Looking at the two women's good looks, the animals couldn't help showing a wretched smile...

Suddenly, a shirtless guy turned around and grabbed a long gun...

Immediately, the guns were aimed at the three people at the beach, and then they started threatening and yelling...


Although he couldn't understand the guy's language, but seeing what he was doing, Li Chen had no choice but to put his hands on his head in a panic, and then hurriedly pretended to be a grandson and squatted down by the sea.

When the two women saw the situation, their hearts trembled, but they had no choice but to imitate Li Chen, put their hands on their heads, and squatted down next to Li Chen.


The guys on the boat suddenly saw that the three people on the beach were quite honest, so they relaxed their vigilance a little bit.

But the guns were still aimed at the three of them.

Soon, the guys on the boat were about to break down...

It's going to be moored in front of the beach, at the front of the shallows.


Li Chen by the sea, although he pretended to be a grandson and squatted there motionless, his eyes could see everything.

This guy has a lot of equipment on board.

Kind of like a gang that came to the island to hunt for treasure?
Not like a fisherman?
Compared with the pirates, this group of guys is relatively gentle and not so reckless...

(End of this chapter)

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