The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 823 That's right, we Chinese people

Chapter 823 That's right, we Chinese people
Soon, when the ship moored at the front of the shallows, three more guys came out of the cabin...

After Li Chen took a rough look, he saw a total of eight guys on the boat.

Among them was a silver-haired old guy with a pair of reading glasses on the bridge of his nose, looking... very pedantic.

Should be an expert in archaeology or treasure hunting.

The other seven were all strong men, all in their thirties to forties.

It could be seen that the seven people paid more attention to the old guy.

After the old guy glanced at a man and two women squatting by the sea, he said something to those seven people...

But Li Chen and the three of them couldn't understand what they were talking about.

But seeing the old guy's kind face, he should be trying to persuade the seven people not to kill the three of them?
At the moment, the seven people are busy with various tasks, carrying various equipment, backpacks, long guns, and headlamps, etc.

Judging from that posture, it should be certain that... this group of people should be the treasure hunting team.

Soon, seven strong men with all kinds of equipment on their backs jumped off the boat and jumped into the shallows...

It's just that the shirtless guy, with the long gun in his hand, was still pointing at Li Chen and the three of them, and had been staring at them all the time.

As for the six people, they did not forget to turn around and help the old guy down...

Then, the eight people walked along the shallows, dripping water, and approached the seaside...

The shirtless guy stepped forward first, and looked at Li Chen and the three of them with a half-smile.

"%^*&..." The shirtless guy suddenly said with a half-smile, showing a mouthful of white teeth, which formed a stark contrast with his dark skin.

"???" Li Chen and the three were stunned.

I really don't know what that guy is talking about.
Soon, those people also came to Li Chen and the three of them...

Unexpectedly, as soon as the old guy stepped forward, he looked at Li Chen and the three of them kindly, and suddenly pulled out a mouthful of Chinese: "Are you... from Huaguo?"

Suddenly seeing this foreign old man speak Chinese, Li Chen was so excited...

Immediately, he nodded hurriedly: "Yes. That's right. We... are from Huaguo."

Then, the old man said: "Can you tell me why you are here?"

So, Li Chen said: "Air crash. We are survivors. We have been waiting for rescue."

"Oh!" The old man suddenly looked happy, "It's exactly what I guessed!"

Next, the old man looked at Li Chen kindly again, and said: "But... you are very lucky! Because you met us! From now on, you don't have to worry, we will take you out of here!"

After saying these few words, the old man turned around and said something to the seven people...

Then, one of the bearded guys was negotiating with the old man...

It seems that the opinions of each other are somewhat at odds.

Li Chen also noticed that the bearded man was looking at the three of them worriedly...

However, Li Chen also noticed that the old man must have been speaking well for the three of them?

In the end, the bearded guy gestured to the shirtless guy with his eyes, probably meaning that he was here to guard the three of Li Chen?
Then, sure enough, the old man turned around again and said to Li Chen: "Young man, listen to me, as long as you are obedient, you will be fine for a while, understand?"

When he said this, the old man's eyes obviously had hints...

Looking at the old man's eyes, Li Chen seemed to realize something.

Sure enough, those guys were whispering something to each other, as if they were dissatisfied with the old man.

Although Li Chen squatted here pretending to be a grandson, his eyes were full of work.

He even felt... Once the treasure is in his hands, the old man's life might be lost?

After a while, the group of them negotiated with each other, and finally, the shirtless guy stayed.

Staying by the sea, holding a spear, guarding Li Chen and the three of them.

At this moment, Li Chen secretly thought, the opportunity has come!

However, when he noticed...that group of people...was still somewhat threatening the old man, he was also worried for the old man in his heart.

In other words... the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring.

So at this moment, Li Chen thought a lot...

Moreover, he also understood in his heart that this group of people should have come for the hole they found?

It is in the valley, at the pavilion, at the rear corridor, at the hole under the stone wall.

The old man seemed to be a little familiar with this place, and led them to wait, and then went directly to the jungle on the west side...


After a while, when those people got into the jungle on the west side, the shirtless guy by the sea seemed a little dishonest.

I saw that his eyes had been staring at the two women inexplicably and wretchedly.

And holding a long gun in his hand, he was more or less showing off his might.

As for the two women, they have always been timid.

Suddenly, this shirtless guy picked Quan Hye Kyo's jaw with the muzzle of a gun...

Quan Hye Kyo, who was so frightened that her face turned pale, had nothing to do, she could only slightly lift her face...

It's just that Li Chen on the side looked at it, feeling annoyed in his heart, thinking that she was my woman!
Damn, court death!

Sure enough, Ito Chuanxiang accidentally noticed that Li Chen started to move...

When the shirtless guy aimed his gun at Quan Hye Kyo's chest, Li Chen, who was already on fire, suddenly gritted his teeth with a dark face...

Suddenly, he stood up with a huff, and the homemade knife in his hand went straight to the neck of the shirtless guy and wiped it...

'Shuh! '

It was such a slight sound, and there was no warning, before the shirtless guy could react, the gun in his hand began to fall...

When he came to his senses, he just hiccupped for a while before he was completely speechless.

Next, I saw him staring at Li Chen in a dazed, unrepentant, and subconscious way...

Then, I saw that his whole body began to topple over, about to fall into the sand...

Seeing what happened, Li Chensheng was afraid that there would be too much noise, so he put his arm around in a panic, grabbed the shirtless guy, and then gently put him down by the sea...

The whole thing seemed to be in an instant.

The two women are still completely dumbfounded at the moment: "???"

Especially looking at Li Chen again, even the two women felt that he was really terrifying!
It seemed like he was pretending to be a grandson, but just inadvertently, he wiped the opponent's neck with a knife.

This man... is really unfathomable!

(End of this chapter)

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