Chapter 825 The world is unpredictable
After the group dealt with the old man, they each put searchlights on their heads, and then held a long gun in each other's arms. Under the call of the bearded man, they were ready to go to the hole under the stone wall...

Thinking about getting the treasure soon, these six people are so excited and excited!

When they were about to approach the entrance of the cave {d}, the six of them couldn't help firing into the cave...

'Da da da da da da...'

A burst of intense gunfire rang out, and bullets rained down, all flying towards the hole...

However, what no one expected was that there was a sudden 'swish' sound coming from inside the cave...

Countless iron arrows flew out of the cave as densely as a torrential rain...

When the pupils of the six people were dilated in horror, it was too late.

During that burst of 'purine', the six of them were shot through like a sieve by the iron arrow...

Before each of them was about to fall down, they all looked dumbfounded and unwilling to die...

But in the end, one by one, or one after another, they fell down in a 'puff puff'.

Immediately afterwards, there was another loud bang from the cave...

Then I saw a huge iron ball rolling out violently...

Crushed directly over the corpses of those six people...

The six people who were hit by iron arrows all over their bodies were crushed into meatloaf by the iron ball on the spot...

Those iron arrows were all bent.


And Li Chen, who was copying the pole ak47 and running to the right corner to the left, happened to witness the scene of the iron ball rolling out of the hole...


At this moment, Li Chen was completely shocked, dumbfounded, and stupid...

He was dumbfounded, and he could only open his mouth stupidly, forming a big 'O' shape.

The eyes are even more startled...

It wasn't until a while later that he came to his senses.

It's just that after he came to his senses, he was still a little stupid...

As for what treasure is hidden in that cave, he doesn't know?
At this moment, all he knew was that there was a price to be paid for treasure hunting!
How can there be so many things for nothing in this world?

After a while, take a look at the old man lying at the right angle, bloody and full of bullet marks, he can only express a burst of grief...

To be honest, he did his best.

But in the end, this result was also unexpected to him.

However, after waiting for a while, when he looked at the hole under the stone wall again, he was suddenly filled with all kinds of curiosity...

At this moment, he was thinking, what is hidden there! ?
It can make this group of people even die! ?

Think about it, this time, he suddenly got a little more courageous, and couldn't help but move cautiously towards the cave...

After reaching the position where the six people's corpses lay, he timidly stopped.

At the same time, he was watching to see if he could find a good searchlight from these six people?

He didn't dare to go any further and get close to the hole without a light.

It's just that after being crushed by that huge iron ball, the six dead people were crushed to pieces even the guns they had in hand.

However, the guy near the innermost side has a decent head towards the backer. It seems that the searchlight on his head is still good?
It's just that his lower body was crushed to the point where it was impossible to see.

After thinking about it, Li Chen turned around and squatted over, trying to remove the searchlight from that guy's head...

After taking off the searchlight, he tried it, and suddenly saw that it was still on, so he couldn't help but feel happy.

Afterwards, he squatted here, trying to use the searchlight to shine into the hole...

It's just that in that deep, pitch-black cave, there is only one beam of light shining in the middle...

The others are bottomless.

Surprised by such a situation, Li Chen felt uneasy again.

He was alone, he really didn't dare to break into that hole.

After thinking about it, he finally frowned, and had no choice but to light a cigarette...

After puffing on the smoke depressedly for a while, he calmed down a bit, and decided... to give up this curiosity!
After all, he thinks it's not worth it to be so stupid now that he can leave the island right now!

Wealth depends on fate, but Tamar's life is the most important!
So, he took the searchlight, but turned around, ready to go back.

At the right corner of the left turn, he looked at the old man again. In desperation, he had to light three cigarettes to show his respect and condolences.

After he was done, he was ready to leave the valley.


At this moment, the two women on the boat by the sea, saw that Li Chen hadn't come back yet, they were so anxious!

Especially just now, the two of them vaguely heard some movements coming from the valley, so they were naturally worried about Li Chen...

"What should I do, Sister Huiqiao? Li Chenjun...hasn't come back yet, what should I do?"

Suddenly hearing Ito Chuanxiang's question, Quan Hye Kyo felt even more anxious...

But thinking about what Li Chen explained, she didn't dare to get off the boat easily.

Thinking about it again, she had no choice but to say: "Wait a little longer!"


After waiting for a long time, Jeon Hye Kyo was ready to disembark.

However, Ito Chuanxiang hurriedly said: "Sister Huiqiao, have you forgotten what Li Chenjun explained?"

Unexpectedly, Quan Hye Kyo said: "I don't care what he confessed. If he can't leave the island, I won't leave the island either. Because... I'm already his wife!"

"???" Ito Chuanxiang was stunned.

Then, Quan Hye Kyo said again: "Instead of being a widow right now, it's better to accompany him to wander around in another world!"

With these sudden words, even Ito Kawaka was instantly moved to tears...

At this moment, she already deeply understood that the actress' feelings for Li Chenjun are real and sincere!

Fortunately, at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared from the jungle on the west side...

Then, Ito Chuanxiang yelled in surprise: "Look - look - Li Chenjun - it's Li Chenjun -"


That's right, Li Chen came out.

I saw him rushing back to Zhengnan in a hurry, not forgetting to take a tree branch and his homemade hatchet...

After that, he went over and took the two guns in the sand.

Only then did I rush towards the beach, ready to board the boat.

Suddenly, he seemed to have a bad premonition that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time!

Now here... seems to be a place of right and wrong?

Of course, he was also thinking in his heart, for the three of them, as long as they left the island and here, everything would be fine.

As for what will happen here next, it has nothing to do with the three of them.

Finally, after he boarded the ship, he immediately began to draw anchor...

Seeing this, the two women hurriedly followed him, hoping to be of some help...

(End of this chapter)

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