Chapter 826 Sarah Hei Has It!

Afterwards, when Li Chen finally drove the boat away from the island, facing the bright sun, and headed for the ocean, the two women standing at the bow of the boat suddenly felt a sense of relief...

It's like all the nightmares are over.

All the haze is gone.

Next, facing the rising sun, hope, and all the happy things...

Especially facing the wind, looking at the boundless ocean scenery in front of me, I suddenly feel a sense of letting me swim freely...

That kind of carefree mood is incisively and vividly at this moment...

"Ah—we can finally go home—"

The beautiful writers in Dongyang couldn't help shouting at Dayang.

However, Quan Hye Kyo suddenly turned around with some inexplicable sense of loss, and went to look at the island...

She watched intently as she was gradually moving away from the island, however, she cried out of inexplicable excitement...

Like all of's not easy!

Finally say goodbye to that nightmare!
At the same time, she was secretly praying in her heart, hoping that everything will be fine in the future...!


At this moment, in the cockpit, Li Chen, who was at the helm, felt that his fate was finally under his control again. As a result, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh...

Next, he couldn't help but habitually lit a cigarette.

Along with the smoke, he exhaled in another gloom: "Huh—"

But, in fact, in his heart, he was not too excited at the moment.

On the contrary, he is more composed and calm...

And, involuntarily, the figures of those six women appeared in his mind...

Suddenly, he was thinking, now he can only go back alone!
The more he thought about it, the heavier his heart became...

It was like his own soul, still staying in the ocean.

Especially... when the figure of Nina appeared in his mind again, he became even more depressed...


After a while, the two women finally couldn't help but entered the cabin, ready to go to the cockpit.

It seems that wherever the Hua country man is, the two of them are willing to stay there.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Li Chen couldn't help turning his head to take a look...

Seeing that the two women came in, he couldn't help but said: "You two go find something to eat."

Suddenly hearing this, Ito Chuanxiang couldn't help being overjoyed: "I'll go. I know where the canned luncheon meat is."

Then, the beautiful oriental writer couldn't help but said excitedly: "Oh, by the way, there's still whiskey on board, do you want some too?"

Suddenly seeing the happy look of that beautiful writer, Li Chen couldn't help but glance at her again, and then said: "Then let's have a little."


Next, Ito Chuanxiang went to get some food and drink, and Quan Hye Kyo couldn't help but came to Li Chen's side...

After standing beside him, looking at the vast waters ahead, and then turning to look at him, Quan Hye Kyo suddenly couldn't help but said, "I hope... from now on... everything will be fine for us!"

Hearing her suddenly say such a sentence, Li Chen couldn't help turning his head to look at her again...

Suddenly seeing that the H country actress was obviously a little more calm and worried now, Li Chen felt a little inexplicably happy...

Because it feels... the H country actress has finally been sharpened.


In fact, in Jeon Hye Kyo's heart, she still hasn't forgotten the shipwreck last year.

In fact, she did not forget the six women.

Nina was not forgotten either.

And Nina's brothers and sisters...

All of this, in her heart, has never been forgotten!

Therefore, she knew very well that all this was hard-won!
Suddenly, I saw her standing beside Li Chen, inexplicably crying again...

After a while, when Li Chen turned his head and saw her inexplicably crying beside him, he felt distressed and stunned: "???"

"What's the matter, Hye Kyo?" Li Chen suddenly asked with concern.

Quan Hye Kyo cried and shook her head: "No. Nothing."

But then, she couldn't help but turned her head and looked at Li Chen with tears in her eyes...

"Li Chen..."

Hearing her soft call suddenly, Li Chen couldn't help turning his head to look at her...

"Tell me." Li Chen said.

Quan Huiqiao suddenly choked up and said: "Actually... I want to thank sisters Jixia and Qian'er! And... I want to thank Nina! I also want to thank Nina's brothers and sisters!"

Hearing her words suddenly, Li Chen felt an inexplicable heaviness in his heart...

Afterwards, Quan Hye Kyo choked up again and said, "Li Chen... next... we two...don't be separated again, okay?"

Immediately, she did not forget to add: "Otherwise... I'm sorry for them!"

Hearing this H country actress suddenly say this again, Li Chen's eyes flickered with inexplicable tears...

However, at this moment, he could see for real... that this H country actress is actually very affectionate and righteous!
Because in her heart, she has never forgotten everything about the past!
Li Chen suddenly smiled happily: "By the way, how do you say I love you in Korean?"

Suddenly hearing what he said, Quan Hye Kyo was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help but look at him with inexplicable excitement...

"Li Chen... what did you just... say?"

Seeing her excited look suddenly, Li Chen gave a playful smile: "Sarahei!"

He suddenly heard him say "I love you" in Korean, and suddenly, Jeon Hye Kyo was so excited again...

She suddenly turned around, put her arms around Li Chen's neck, and couldn't help kissing him passionately...

And Ito Chuanxiang, who was coming in with food and drink, suddenly saw Li Chenjun sizzling when Huiqiao was kissing, she couldn't help but startled in embarrassment: "???"

Immediately, the beautiful writer said, "I'm sorry, I'll go look for a wine glass again?"

Suddenly seeing Ito Chuanxiang's embarrassing look, Quan Hye Kyo realized that she was a little shy.

And Li Chen couldn't help but smile inexplicably...

Seeing his smile, Quan Hye Kyo looked at him angrily like a daughter-in-law, and said, "Hmph! I hate you!"

After Li Chen couldn't help smiling again, he hurriedly said to Ito Chuanxiang: "Forget it, forget it, there is no need to look for a wine glass. Just blow on the bottle."

So, Ito Chuanxiang said: "It's okay, you two continue."

Li Chen said: "What are you going on? Take the helm."


At this moment, Li Chen suddenly saw a large ship appearing in the eastward sea from afar...

"???" Suddenly, he was a little confused.

When the two women also suddenly saw the big ship that suddenly appeared in the eastward sea area, they were also stunned: "???"

Immediately, Quan Huiqiao panicked and said with some vigilance: "Li Chen, what's the situation with that ship...?"

And at this moment, Li Chen was also in a daze, and didn't know what was going on?
He just realized... This kind of encounter in the ocean is always a little bit bad...

(End of this chapter)

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